
With the final two council members having arrived, introductions began in earnest. I learned that the three small people were dwarves, and that was what they preferred to be called. The two fairy-like creatures were known as sprites or nymphs, the tree-man was a dryad and the ghost was an in-the-flesh banshee-- well, as in the flesh as any ghost could be. The council members discussed commencing the meeting and decided that because of the level of importance of this meeting that they should continue with their formal practices and so Esmerelda called the meeting to order. Ann, the girl dwarf, who was actually over 100 years old would be acting as the secretary and pulled out a beautiful notebook and pen with which to take notes. The notebook shone like it was enchanted with pixie dust, and at that moment, I was certain it probably was.

The councilors proceeded to introduce themselves in order of their ranks, and try as I might I couldn't remember everyone's names. I asked Ann if she could give me a copy of her notes after the meeting and I promised myself to diligently try to learn all of their names and as much as I could about each of them in my spare time. I giggled inside my head that this was not the kind of studying I had been expecting to do when I arrived in Ireland. I returned my attention to the council members, who had gotten the formalities over with and were now looking on at me in awe.

Having so much attention on me was bringing the crimson back to my cheeks but I forced myself to smile and try to look at each of them in their eyes. Thankfully, because several of the council members were smaller in stature, the small living room was not overcrowded. Esmerelda turned to speak to all of them, I was seated in an overstuffed chair, while the rest were perched on various pieces of furniture, making themselves comfortable.

"Let's try not to overwhelm the poor dear, now, she's very new to everything about our world. I'm sure our appearances have startled her a bit-- you've got to admit we're a motley looking bunch," she laughed cheerily which broke the serious tone of the room and the tension that had become palpable, just a bit.

I cleared my throat and started to speak, "I have only been in Ireland a few days and I must admit it's all been a bit overwhelming. I had always been aware of a spiritual connection but I was definitely not expecting all of this," I said as I looked around at them.

"Yes, well, it is what it is, and we've got to get your prepared for your position. We shall not announce your arrival to the Fae world at large until you've had time for proper training and such," spoke the dryad tersely.

"No sense mucking about in this little townhouse, we'll bring you off to Leap Castle immediately to commence your studies," said the Banshee with a hint of irritation rising to the surface.

"Oh, no, but I'm, I'm here to study, it's the only reason I'm in Ireland, to begin with, I can't just leave my courses and everything I'm meant to do behind," I responded warily. It was becoming clear that in spite of the overall pleasantness in the room there was much that hadn't yet been agreed on and tension was noticeable.

At that, Sergei stepped into the conversation, "Erin has only just learned about her importance in our society, and in fact, has only just learned of our society at all. We must give her time to acclimate, and to choose if she wants to take on these tasks we're asking of her."

"She has no choice," the Banshee hissed, "this is her destiny, whether she likes it or not."

"Destiny or not, we will not take away her free will. I've asked you here so that you all can protect her. No one will be told of the return of the heir until she is ready, and chooses to make that known," Sergei responded sternly. I was so grateful that he had my back just now. If I hadn't run into Sergei first, who knows what would be happening to me right now. I could have walked right into the people who were hunting me.

"Look, I'm not trying to be difficult but I do want to complete my studies here in Galway and I'll also do anything I can to help with everything happening in your world. Just give me some time to get used to everything and we can move forward from there," I said as calmly as I could while feeling slightly attacked.

Esmerelda spoke up, "She's clearly the level-headed woman we need for this endeavor. There's no use in pushing her into her role before she's ready to accept it. It is in all of our best interest to support her in her studies, ensure her safety and instruct her on her position in the meantime."

With that, the council members ceased their arguing and allowed Esmerelda to make the decision for now. It was decided that during any of her off time from classes, she would be studying with members of the council, learning about the Fae society and going through everything from etiquette classes to strategy and history where it pertains to the protection and leadership of the Fae Folk. It was a daunting prospect but I had always sensed that I had some greater purpose in life, and it had just fallen right into my lap--or I fell into it, I wasn't entirely sure. I was optimistic about the new adventure that I was beginning, even if it did give me underlying anxiety.

The council members began to discuss the best way to protect me and the home I was living in. For now, I was to keep my special nature to myself, Sergei and I would decide when to bring it up to my roommates. We felt the fewer people that knew, the safer I was in general. We didn't know who belonged to the Dark Triad and we wanted to keep as much as possible a secret.

The dryad and two nymphs set about establishing wards around the little house and instructed me on how to ensure that they remained intact. I was given a code word, that if I muttered, would summon all of the dwarves and nymphs to my side immediately. The banshee would maintain a constant presence with me, she was the easiest to conceal and most humans could not sense her presence. I was a little bit leery about being shadowed by a ghost, but in order to protect my safety, I was willing to be uncomfortable.

With the important issues settled, the council agreed to meet every fortnight at the home to assess my progress and plan our next moves. The dwarves and sprites stayed behind to finish establishing their wards, but everyone besides the banshee left after our planning session was completed. With the home as close to normal as it would be for the forseeable future I attempted to relax. Sergei and I were going to have lunch in the townhouse and after that, he was going to accompany me to the university so I could get my ID card without falling into a paranormal pitfall. I was relieved that my life was getting somewhat back to normal--as normal as it could get when discovering you were the heir and protector of a paranormal world you didn't know existed until the day before.