
"Square your shoulder and straighten your back. That right, your arms do not swing too much. Walk with confident. Do it elegantly. Just look at Emperor, that is how you do a catwalk."

As Shana doing her training Emperor follow her and show the purrfect catwalk to her. At Jack's Model Agency, Emperor always following Jack everywhere if it not with Shana. It has become an unofficial mascot at the company. Everyone loves the mighty Emperor that manage to stay in the company despite how scare their boss towards the cat.

Shana has been expose to the model world. She has learned many things and understand the opportunity that Emperor has given to her.

"Depend on yourself. Shana today is your first runaway. Do your best."

"Hmmm. Do your best. Make sure you remember how to walk purrfectly. If you can do perfectly like in the practice I am sure many opportunities will be open to you."

"Thank you, Emperor."

"Hummm...humm. Good that you know, who is the one that said I do nothing to help you."

The fashion show ended beautifully and with the superb promotion from the company Shana manage to attract the attention of a few designers.

Seven months in the modelling industry is short but during this time wherever she has jobs, she will take the opportunity to get know many designers and sometimes she will give an opinion regarding the dress and showcase her talent. This makes those designer who knew her pay attention to her and know that she interested in designing. Many models that change their career to be a designer. They have been toiling every day with dresses just like a designer; so that they can present the best of the dress.

Today is a big day where Shana will go to an audition for a reality show called The Perfect Model. This show is very famous and many participants from all over the world wish to enter this show. This show is organized by a famous company called This Season that is the number one fashion magazine in the world and collaborate with Colorful Play a famous clothes brand. Besides that, Twinkle the uprising jewellery brand and Aden the shoe expert are joining in as a few sponsors in this show.

This show has been running for five seasons and this season is the sixth times it being held. Three out of five of the winners in this show has joined the ranking of the world top supermodel.

So, because of this many want to try their luck and realise their ambition to reach the top of the modelling world.

"Give me your hand, this bracelet is made from my beautiful fur and it is a protection charm. Always remember to be careful and do the best. You have five-month before my distraction ended."

"I will win this and rise. Don't worry."

"Good. Then if want me you can call Jack, I will be staying with him."

"With boss? Haish. You know that he is afraid of you, I am impressed that he did not throw you out yet."

"Well it is fun with Jack, he always play tag with me whenever he saw me."

Shana just mentally lid candle to her boss.

All the contestants are placed inside a room. There are a variety of attire being placed in there. First stage of the audition is to choose any of those attire and how would they model it.

"How much did you think the dress you wear right now, mmm Cristina?"

"About one thousand."

"Good guess, but why when you wear it looks like cheap clothes? I think you did not understand what the designer wants to express. The way you dress, the accessory you wear are not suitable. The door is on the left. Thank you."

Without a chance to retort Christina was lead to the door. The next contestant is been called and the audition continues until it is Shana turn. She dressed in a sportswear attire looking very fresh and healthy.

" What makes you choose this outfit?"

"This attire is the best to describe me. I am enthusiastic and an adventure person."

"What do you think about a model should do?"

"A model is someone that showcase the clothes and accessory in the best way."

"Do you think that you show the best of this attire?"

"Yes, I am."

"The attire is fit you perfectly and you know how to combine accessory that would not hinder movement during exercise. You understand what this attire represent and manage to showcase its charm. Thank you, the second audition is through the right door. Good luck."

Entering the right door all Shana sees is only a long corridor for about seven meters and a door at the end of the corridor. Still wearing the sportswear attire from before Shana walk confidently, she feels like the long corridor is just like a runaway stage. It lifts her spirit and dispel her fears and uncertainty before facing anything behind the door at the end of the corridor.

"Confident, good posture and fearless. Designers, what do you think about contestant number fifty? Any chance for her?"

"Nah, not yet. I make my choice after saw their photoshoot photo."

None of the contestants know the long corridor is one of the tests they have to face. Inside a room, ten designers are watching from the monitor and assessing the contestant. Behind the door is where the contestant takes their photoshoot photo using the clothes that they choose in earlier audition.

"Okay, turn right and show an arrogant face. Good, next please."

"That is not a sad face it is a constipated face. God, go back and learn to be sad. Next!"

"Rio sure is hard toward those contestant."

"Didn't you know the producer trick him to take this job, that is why he is making hell for those contestants."

Shana watch the photo shoot and try to think positively regarding the photographer mood. He is the boss in this section. Then, she heard the calling for the next contestant before going to the photoshoot corner.

"Okay girl, take cheetah as inspiration and pose. Pose, again and one more. Lovely, little cheetah is here. Great, one more."

That is Rio, a straightforward person. If he likes something then he likes it if not, scram from my face. He probably the most hated and loved in this industry. His skill in taking photograph are the best and any model who capture his eyes are the most famous and successful model by now. He is not stingy with praise and would recommend the person with the condition he likes that person.

After the photo shoot is finished all the contestant wait in the waiting room. After that, the producer along with the ten designers enter the room.

"Hello! how it is going? The number of contestants chosen is only thirty. They are chosen from these ten designers. Each of them can only choose three models to participate in this show.'

"Okay, the models that I choose are Ricky, Mia and Lana."

Those who are chosen can cry the tears of joy but for those who are not chosen their luck are not here yet. Shana was relieved when she was chosen by the last designer.

"Alright, all the chosen contestant is here. You probably wondering why are you being chosen by these designers. Well, these designers are apart of the winner prizes, the top three winners in this competition will have the opportunity to be model for any of their fashion show for two years."

The next day Shana, move into the dormitory provided by the show organizer. It is a big villa near the seaside. Her determination to win this competition is soaring high.

"The Perfect Model for this year will be me."