Adam welcomed June to his house ,serving her a glass of wine ." Sorry, i don't drink ",She said waving off the offer. "Wow! you are quite surprising, didn't think you would change your mind ",he said peering into her eyes as he drops the wine and offers her a glass of water . She took the glass of water and looked away ,not wanting to be noticed. " Let's get straight to the point, What's the contract about?", She asked looking serious ."Relax, why are you in a haste . Anyway , since you asked ,we can begin discussing the terms and conditions. The contract is simple ,Be my woman for a year and i will pay triple the price ", He said.
" But why me of all women?" She asked herself .What she was about to do was completely contrary to her principles. "Dad,Mom , Forgive me for what am about to do,!" She said within herself . " Ok ! I'll do it , only if my terms are included in the contract ", She stated . " What are your terms ?", He asked her. "My terms are simple . Firsrly ,No Abrigdement of personal privacy. Secondly, I am free to go anywhere I want to go and thirdly, No sex and sexual harassment of the weaker partner",She stated. Adam gave a wild laughter .
She looked at him confused. "Why are you laughing? Are my terms funny?", She asked him looking annoyed. " No! Am sorry for that but your last term was indeed funny .What if we had sex out of coincidence and you know that we are not children anything could happen btw us and am a man .I can simply stay away from sex for a year !", He said looking serious. "Come on! you won't die simply because you didn't have sex for a year
.If you are not okay with my terms i might as well take my leave",She said as she stood up to leave ." Okay , i accept your terms , he said " But you haven't heard my terms yet ", he added. "What are they, i hope it's fair enough ", She smirked.
" Firstly, You won't go out without my permission .Secondly ,you will leave in this house with me .Thirdly , You are not allowed to have a male accomplice of any sort even lover . Lastly, you would appear as my fiancee`at work and you would do anything i ask you to do. You will stay in the guest house",He noted . " Your terms sounds reasonable except for the part were am not allowed to have a lover .Is it not a contract? why should we be concerned if one of us have a lover? If i want a lover, I'll have one ",She pointed out .
" Miss June ,This contract has it that you will also accompany me to any social event i wish to attend. If you have a lover am afraid this won't appear convincing to those who might know about it", He said. "Ok fine! I won't have a lover as well as you ",She concluded.
"You can count on that ",He said giving off a sinister smile. "What's the price for all this",She asked."Twenty million,if that's not enough i would double it, depending on your performance ", He said with pride. "Twen-Twenty million! Such huge amount of money,I could better my life with that "She thought, looking quiet on the outside."You're not saying anything ",He noticed her silence. "Um...Well! the price is good, I'll try my best",She said .
"Yes indeed ,it depends on your performance . It's getting late , you may take your leave but remember to come back tomorrow by 5:00pm to sign the contract .I'll ask my lawyer to add your terms to the contract. Then once the contract is signed, you will begin your work", He concluded. "Ok ,good enough ",She said as she stood up to leave....