Scientific Calculator

As Aatrox and his father headed toward the principal's office, the students around them kept looking at him. Some girls even waved towards him to get his attention, while some guys were clenching their fists in envy, wishing they had the same attention like him. Alex was grinning from ear to ear as if he was the one receiving the attention.

"So you are Mr. Gray? Nice to meet you, I'm Director Nikolas Anderson." A tall black man with a sympathetic smile rose from his chair to greet them.

"Hello Mr. Anderson, call me Alex, this is my son Benjamin." Alex said as he smiled and shook the headmaster's hand.

"Hi Benjamin, I heard about your story, your father told me that you are interested in taking the test to skip your grade. I'll let you know, the test is harder than the schools' end of year tests, so the test is not abused. Your luck will greatly influence the result since as long as a question on what you've revised comes up, you would do relatively well. The score you'll have to reach on each test to pass will be 7/10, are you okay with that? "he asked seriously.

"I'm fine, sir. I believe what I studied will be enough to pass the test," said Aatrox confidently. Every word he read was stored in his memory, even more so now that he rose his cultivation to the Knight rank, his memory became even more potent.

Alex had a doubtful smile on his face, he did not know if his son could pass the test, after all, he had only studied two days, but if the doubt he had in his mind were true, he would be more than happy for his son to pass.

Principal Nikolas set the test papers on the table, then he handed Aatrox a pen and a calculator.

"There will be 7 tests measuring your basic knowledge of each subject. You will have 6 hours to complete the 7 tests. Don't worry about the order, as long as you reach 7/10 on each test you will pass." Said the director.

"I'll be back in the afternoon to pick you up if anything happens you can call me with your cell phone, good luck." Alex said as he left.

Aatrox started reading through the questions in the tests. After skimming through them there were none that surprised him. After making sure there were no trick questions, Aatrox began to answer the questions at an abnormal speed. Aatrox planned to write only a little faster than a normal person, but he forgot all about it when he got engrossed in the questions. Aatrox ended up writing non-stop for 3 hours, he placed his pen on the desk keeping his usual stoic expression.

Seeing how confident Aatrox was acting before the test, Nikolas started taking the boy seriously, however seeing that he wasn't even thinking before answering the questions, all his credibility was gone. He thought the boy didn't understand any of the questions, so he just answered them randomly. But since he had promised that he would give the boy 6 hours, he would not stop him before the time was over. After observing Aatrox for some time, Nikolas began to realize that all of the answers used the maximum space available for the question. If he was just writing random answers, then he wouldn't fill in all the space for the question since doing so on so many questions on this test was very difficult.

Nikolas stopped to read an answer of one of the questions and was impressed. His answer was completely perfect. When he realized this, his eyes opened in shock. 'Maybe these questions are too easy for him? But didn't his father say that he was in a coma for three years? How could he possibly be able to answer the questions?' At this point, Nikolas quickly got on the Internet and took some college-level questions and printed them out. Seeing that Aatrox had finished answering his questions and was looking at him, Nikolas put those questions in front of the boy and collected the tests that Aatrox had already completed.

"These questions are for extra points. You can choose not to do them if you don't want to." Nikolas said as he carried the completed test papers to his desk.

"I also have nothing to do, I might as well complete these questions." Aatrox said while reading the questions of the new test papers.

The director began to mark the test papers. After a few questions, cold sweat began to drip from his forehead. These questions measure only the basic knowledge of each subject, but the boy's answers in front of him were anything but basic. Each answer contained a depth that made Nikolas stop to ponder over after reading the boy's answer.

When he finished correcting the tests, Nikolas relaxed. Aatrox had scored full marks on all the test papers. Looking at the boy still trying to answer college questions, Nikolas was waiting in anticipation, not everyone can solve college questions like that in high school.

When Nikolas was about to comfort the boy by saying that he didn't need to answer all the questions, the boy placed his pen down and looked towards him. "You finished?" Nikolas asked.

"Yes, Director." Aatrox responded.

When Nikolas took Aatrox's questions and went to mark them, his cold sweat intensified. When he printed the questions, the printer printed incorrectly and instead of printing 0.56, the ink smudged and looked like 0.55. This small printer error significantly increased the difficulty of the question. On the test paper, there were no empty spaces, it was completely filled with calculations. Even the space left after solving the other questions was used to arrive at the outcome of the question.

Looking at this, Nikolas was unable to solve the question as it was to difficult. Asking Aatrox for a minute, Nikolas left his office and went to the teachers' room. There he found the math teacher and handed him the test paper and asked him to check if the answer was correct.

The teacher was surprised by the question, but after 5 minutes of getting nowhere, he gave up trying to solve the question and got his scientific calculator. The result that came out surprised them.