82 - Preparation


Try to not Sing, challenge. The Swordsman cried!? Ft. Swordsman, Jackson and Black Kimmy.



[Bibibi: Awwwn... my beautiful Swordsman looks beautiful until he cries.]

[Macuel: Naomi I love you! ]

[ShiroBanana: Swordsman, you can cry all you want on my shoulder, I'll comfort you forever!]


[OppaSaranghae: Shut the fuck up, don't talk like that about my Swordsman Oppa.]

[Pukka: Does anyone know if Swordsman's gonna post any videos today as well?]

[Bibibi: I don't know... everybody posted, but he hasn't posted anything yet... maybe he hasn't recorded for his channel? ;-;]

[YUKIIIIIIII: Let's go to his Instagram and ask him to post!]

[YANDERECHAN: Come on sisters!]



When Aatrox saw he was the main topic even in Naomi's comments he was surprised. But before he could have any other thoughts, his cell phone started receiving thousands of notifications.

When he was looking to see what those notifications were, he saw that they were from people asking him to post a video too. Seeing this, Aatrox remembered the video he had been rendering on his computer and he quickly went into his room and uploaded the video.

After a few minutes of receiving thousands of mentions, they all suddenly stopped. When he looked at the computer screen, the video had been sent.

Out of curiosity, Aatrox pressed F5 on the page. From 0 views it rose to 412, he pressed again and it rose to 1,870 views, again and it rose to 3,858 views. That was in just a few seconds.

Aatrox was amazed at how fast the views were growing. He went to look at the number of subscribers he had on YouTube and got another surprise. His channel, which didn't even have 10,000 subscribers the last time he saw it, now had 99,503 subscribers. All of this came from the hype his friends created an the 2nd Episode that was released.

Aatrox had never heard of a channel that has grown as fast as his.


The next day, when Aatrox was driving to school, some people saw him through the window and raised their eyebrows in amazement. It looked like they were a little surprised to see him. They weren't fans, but they recognized him from the videos.

Aatrox had been reading and answering the comments until late at night. The vast majority of the comments were positive toward the videos and wondering when the next one would be. These comments made Aatrox happy and he felt that there was an increase in the amount of energy he could absorb from the environment.

He got out of the car with the guitar cover on his back as he headed towards his classroom to see how the performances would be organized today. "Good morning." He said when he approached Violet and Carter while they were talking.

"Good morning, Ben, ready for the presentation?" Carter said.

"If he can bear the pressure of so many people watching his videos, a few dozen students watching him shouldn't be a problem." Violet said as he stared at him.

"I think it's okay, we just do what we practice, and everything will work out." Aatrox said in a quiet tone.

They kept talking while Riley and Thomaz arrived. The group was talking about how they would introduce themselves while the rest of the room did the same.

Suddenly the teacher arrived and warned the class. "Good morning guys, today we're going to have the performances of the songs you made. The presentations will be in the auditorium of the school, the order of the groups will be decided randomly when we get there. Let's go get ready."

"Professor, are any other classes going to attend?" A student asked curious.

"The director said that these presentations could help the other classes to remember the contents, so he organized for all the other classes that are taking classes now to be able to watch." The teacher said with a smile on his face as he looked at Aatrox.

Some students, hearing this news, began to despair. They were already nervous about having to introduce themselves to their own class that had only 40 students, now knowing that they would have to introduce themselves to more than 100 people made some people despair.

Aatrox looked at Annie to see how she was and noticed that she didn't seem nervous, she was probably even more excited, since she liked to introduce herself to other people, to introduce herself to more people had become even more fun for her.

He turned around and looked at Greg. He thought Greg would be as carefree as Annie, too, but when he looked at his friend, Aatrox had to hold his laugh. Greg was sitting in the chair holding his head with both hands while whispering something like he was desperate.

Aatrox didn't expect Greg to react like that, since he's always composed and calm. But apparently, the informant boy has some kind of crowd phobia.

As the groups headed toward the auditorium, Aatrox was watching as the students of the other classes walked toward the auditorium.

Due to the sudden increase in popularity on social media the night before, all the way to the auditorium some students in his class were talking about him, some students in other classrooms were pointing at him, and some were commenting on the videos. Aatrox stopped caring when he heard that these people didn't say anything relevant.

When they arrived in the auditorium the students were surprised that it was a little crowded. The auditorium was large, so with the majority of the students who studied there in the morning, there were not many vacant places.

Aatrox and Annie were not surprised, as during the Episode 2 recording this place was even fuller. For them it was just another normal day, but for the other students, it was very stressful, since they knew that if they were nervous, the whole school would be there and laugh at them.