2) Living with your choices

I don't know what I was expecting when I died, never really put much thought into it. I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that I didn't think it would start with a floating blue box reading

*Character Creation*

I mean who thinks that? My first response was to try and speak or maybe look around, but that's when I noticed I had no feeling of self. I mean I had thought, just no body, no spirit to shift, nothing. I knew I should have panicked, but it was like my feelings where on mute or their volume was lowered. I decided to do the only thing that came to mind, interact with the blue box. With nothing to move, my only option was to think at the box.

*Choose Realm Option*

- TV series

- Manwa

- Manga

- Comic

- Movie

- Book

- ...

Being an avide book reader and movie watcher I narrowed my choices to those two. I do not watch TV much unless it's "West World" or "Game of Thrones", but I know enough to not want to be there, and there did not seem to be any back option so I didn't risk it. Out of Movies and Books I enjoyed books more, but chose Movies, because so much of any story was not shown.

*Choose a Movie Realm*

- Avengers

- Star Trek

- Harry Potter

- Lord of the Rings

- Star Wars

- Hancock

- Twilight

- Resident Evil

- ...

In the selection I ruled out a few because there were too close to my past life and decided to spice it up a bit. I didn't want to live in too peaceful of a realm, but definitely didn't want to live in hard mode, so I narrowed it down to being around normal wizards (Harry Potter) or a space wizard (Star Wars). I decided to choose Star Wars, because SCIENCE. No seriously, I could not tolerate being anywhere near the insufferable prat, Ron Weasley, without shanking him and disappearing his body.

*Choose Race*

- Human

- Zabrak

- Cyborg

- Chiss

- Cathar

- Jawa

- Togruta

- ...

I know being human should be my first choice, but come on, I lived as one already, why not change it up? I know I said I wanted to not be human, but I quickly eliminated any race that wasn't near human or I could not currently pronounce. I settled for Chiss, because it was a race not in the movies and I had enough of being office worker b. As for the next option? Obviously I chose male, it's what I was born and identify as, while I briefly thought of being female, I quickly remembered the monthly visit and knew I wasn't strong enough.

*Choices confirmed, random background automatically generated, good luck and may the force be with you*