The learning curve


It's official I am going to be the youngest Padawan in recent history. I was summoned to the Jedi Council today and they told me Sifo-Dyas has selected me as a Padawan and asked if I was willing to take him as my master. I was confused, because they had not held this year's youngling challenge yet. I was going to finally get to join the older younglings in the challenges. I agreed of course, thinking to myself finally I might be able to get out of this temple of brainwashed drones.

I should probably mention that I'm now 5 cycles old, and I've made great progress ever sense my gamer body unlocked. It was like learning new abilities and training old ones went from hard mode to easy mode. I unlocked a percentage for my abilities and when I reached 100% it would level up and put new knowledge into my brain as if I knew all along. I no longer needed to listen to my instructor to improve my forms, though I had a hard time learning new forms or powers without an instructor. The more time I practiced with an instructor the faster my percentage increased.

I've reach level 40/50 (Master) on the 5th and 6th form and I've reach level 50 (Grandmaster/Max) on forms 1 through 4. I got stuck on the 5th and 6th forms due to a lack of good instructors on these forms seeing as the ones best at these forms are either dead or do not seem to care to teach, because their time is to valuable to be wasted on snot nose kids. I'm talking about you Mace Windu. I still make progress when practicing but it barely moves 1 percent a week so I moved on. I didn't get much help with Form 4 Ataru, but it is such a fun form to use that I ground through it.

I also tried my hand at learning form 7 hoping to bring it back with my cheat like ability, but was disappointed.

*Congratulations you have learned the lost Lightsaber Form 7 Juyo*

Due to this form being lost it will remain locked until you either unlock it through a skill book or find an instructor.

I've also completed my youngling classes a couple months ago, which unlocked the abilities Splicing and Piloting. With my new learning ability I was able to get these abilities to level fast due to the classes being taught by Virtual Intelligence or V.I. which means I could move at my own speed. I do not know why only the specialist classes are learned through V.I., think it must have something to do with their brainwashing goals.

When it comes to the force I've made great progress with my force sense during duals. I've also learned force push and pull, which I promptly renamed force telekinesis, because it always made more sense to me. I've been using it almost continuously sense I learned it. I would keep items floating around me or would try writing with it or more. With the devotion I put towards this new ability I was able to get it to level 50 (Max) in the last 2 years, though I still have the habit of grabbing the things I need through the force without even looking at it, which gets me strange looks when I'm doing it in public places.