Knight trial 2

Xev's men deactivated Maul's stolen shuttle, causing it to crash on Dazkel's moon. I am able to join the bounty hunters sent after Maul and his crew without any trouble, but I had to catch a ride with one of Xev's hunters. I wish I didn't, but it's easier to catch Maul and his crew if I'm part of the hunting group and not a third party.

The Bounty hunters and I are split between three groups. We plan to surround the crashed shuttle from three sides to prevent Maul and his team's. escape.

Surrounding and preventing Maul's team from escaping was easy, mainly do to the fact they didn't try to leave, but oru task of killing him and his crew were severely hampered when Maul and the Padawan left the shuttle lightsabers out and deflecting the shot back at the bounty hunters.

Twelve against six seems like good odds until you factor in the Sith and Jedi apprentices. I stay back during the initial assault, to take stock of how this was going to play out. No need to have to expose myself and my abilities until necessary. The direction of my group's approach put us against a cyborg rat man, and a blue alien in a cowboy hat. We lost only one in our group before I put a rifle shot through the cyborg' s photoreceptor killing him instantly.

Seeing that my group was now 3 against one I decided to even things up by sneaking around to the side of the shuttle being defended by the two apprentices. Upon reaching this side I was in time to watch Maul turn on the Padawan after he defeated the last bounty hunter in this section. I was a little surprised when the Padawan was able to wound Maul, but decided to step in before she got herself killed.

I fired on Maul when he was about to kill her, while flying in on my jetpack and deflecting his next swing with my own lightsaber. As pleasing as it was to see the surprise in madman's eyes as I deflected his blow, I didn't know if I could defeat him and his crew while protecting my charge. I used a force push on Maul knocking him back into the shuttle's exit ramp then reached out and pulled the surrounding cliffside onto myself and the Padawan. As the rocks fell I shielded us from them and cloaking our life and force presents from Maul faking our deaths.

It was just seconds after I cloaked our presents when I felt Maul's anger through the force due to me denying him the pleaser of killing a member of the Jedi Order. We only had to wait about thirty minutes before Maul and his crew left, but I was disappointed when I felt through the force as he took one bounty hunter' s shuttles only after bombing the other two.

After they left I used the force to free us from the debris and headed for the downed shuttles seeing what I could do about getting one fixed up and off this moon.

"Hey, who are you? Why did you save me? And why do you have a lightsaber?" Padawan

I looked over at the female blue Twi'lek confused. Then realised my error, I took my helmet off and introduced myself.

"I am Lash Zume. I was sent by the Jedi Council to investigate the rumor of a Padawan for auction." LZ.

"LIES!! The council would never send a Mandalorian, especially one who stole a lightsaber" Padawan.

"First the lightsaber is not stolen, second I am a Jedi not a Mandalorian, Third I'm disguised as a bounty hunter to prevent a hostile encounter with people rumored to be willing to sell a Padawan, and Fourth you need to find peace your being controlled by your emotions."LZ.

The Padawan looked embarrassed at my rebuke. Hoping to eliviate the awkward moment I decide to ask my own questions.

"What is your name? I do not remember meeting you, and how did you get captured in the first place?"LZ.

"Eldra Kaitis, I was on a diplomatic mission when our shuttle was shot down. My master was killed in the crash and I was knocked unconscious."EK.

"Well Eldra, we need to look at the two bombed shuttles, and the crashed shuttle to see what we will need to do to get off this moon and back to my ship."LZ.

The original crashed shuttle is in much better shape than the two bombed shuttles. Well sort of, the crashed shuttle is damaged mainly on the outside, while the two bombed one's are damaged internally. Even with my Mechu-Deru it is going to take longer than I would like to be able to safely travel back to Xev's station.

I check my system notifications I ignored while on the mission and notice the year turned at some point on the way to the Drazkel system. The year is now GR968, and I'm 16 years old in this life. I gained 7 levels from defeating the cyborg rat. I decide I'm going to save six of my ability bonuses and use the seventh on Mechu-Deru, seeing as I'm going to be using it a whole lot if I'm going to build a passable shuttle out of these three broken crafts.

Now that the notifications are out of the way, time to loot this battlefield.


Three weeks, three fricken weeks, that is how long it has taken me to make a space worthy shuttle to get Eldra and myself back to Xev's station, so I can get my ship and report to the council my encounter with Maul.

"Hey Eldra, wake up, it's time we leave this moon and head back to civilization." LZ.

"I wasn't sleeping, I was meditating." EK.

"Sure, and you drool while you meditate too." LZ.

I chuckle as Eldra wipes her mouth with her sleeve. It is so easy to tease this girl, even though she is older than I am in this life. I start up the make-shift space shuttle and plot a course for Xev's station.

Xev's station does not answer our hales, so we are forced to land without permission. Our first greeting to the station after our three week exile is the strong smell of decay. It seems Maul has left no witnesses to his visit to the Drazkel system. Searching the ship a bit we find Xev dead in the station's control room. I look on her person for her personal data pad.

"What are you doing?" EK.

"I'm searching for proof the individuals who tried to kill you." LZ.

"Then why are you checking a dead body and not the computer?" EK.

"I'm looking for her personal data pad, because she is the leader of her cartel and it will have all the cartels information and the video evidence we need. Two birds, one stone. Ah here we go. Now to bypass the security... and done, now what kind of goodies do you have for me... oh an R6 model astromech droid, that will come in handy." LZ.

"What are you doing now? What was that about an R6 droid?" EK.

"They are the new model droid that was released a couple years back, and I'm repurposing it to my ship so I will not need to leave it behind again. Now lets head out. I've gotten what we need and I'm ready to head out." LZ.

On the walk to my ship I make sure to download the ships security video footage to my own data pad just in case, before looking through Xev's cartel credits and adding them to my accounts. Never know when you will need them.