Chapter 9: Happy Last Day of School mom!

Twins. Two. sweet mother of Lord and all that is sweet and sugary. "If it helps" the doctor continued, "Twins are usually a family trait.

The father might have a twin sibling" I began to rack my brain for anybody that was a twin, I was so caught up that I didn't even notice how Olivia‟s face pale considerably and he gazes focusing on me. Seven months pregnant, wow. I thought back over the past five or so months thinking about how everything had changed.

Never in a million years did I think that I would be pregnant a year ago. Now it was my last day of school. I decided that I got pregnant at the wrong time, not just the whole being „seventeen‟ thing, but because we had only a few months left of final year, when I had to leave now to have a baby, well two babies. I had asked if they were girls or boys or one of each and I am proud to say that I am going to be the proud mamma of two little girls.

I walked into the school cafeteria to find that there were balloons tied to my group‟s chairs and presents stacked on the table. Most people were looking at the table and my idiot friends like they were… well, idiots.

They were certainly grinning like idiots. As I walked towards them they held up a huge poster that read "Happy Last Day of School mom!" I laughed at them. A few months ago I would have run crying, but now everyone knew I was pregnant and I loved being pregnant. I knew for others it wouldn't be so easy but for me it was.

Shannon and Olivia ran towards me with their arms wide open, both of them pulling me in for a huge hug, or well as huge as I could get with my stomach almost being its continent. "What the hell are you guys doing" I laughed hugging them back. "We are giving you a fair well from school party" Shannon replied. "It makes sense for it to be at school we thought" Olivia replied backing Shannon up.

The three of us walked the short distance to the table of friends and gifts, a smile permanently plastered on my face. I still couldn't believe what they had done; well if somebody didn't know I was pregnant they surely did now. I was pulled to sit next to Olivia.

She had been amazing for the last few months. She had helped out more than I would have thought possible.

The next hour was taken up by food, cake, presents, and friends. It was the perfect last lunch as a high school student. I bludged my way through my last class which was AP history, I never had to do another high school assignment. It was a great feeling. Not the feeling that I should be feeling but hell, it was a definite upside.

By the time I got home, it finally hit me. I was never going to go back to high school. Hell, this day is getting weirder and weirder because I swear that I think I am going to miss it. I wouldn't see my friend‟s every day and I wasn't going to tease and piss off teachers regularly.

Like I usually did when I got home, I went straight to the twins‟ future room. I had been fixing it up little by little, now with all my free time, I cannot wait to finish it. I smiled hugely and went to work. "Amelia? Can you come here please?"

called my mom. I put down my book feeling slightly annoyed. My back was hurting bad and had been all day. It was nice to lie down. I was getting to the good part too…