Lougetown (3)


Lex strolled around out on the streets, he had finished his first objective and now moved to his second

Lex stood infront of a small arms shop, and went inside.

Inside,the shop was well lit but dusty, the shop was deserted,one could find anything from swords to pistols to armour...

In front of the counter stood a man, he was a short man with black hair that goes to the sides of his head. He has tan skin and wears a blue shirt. His nose is red.The crest-like piece of hair on his forehead shifts between arcing up to arcing down

His name, 'Ipponmatsu'

Ipponmatsu was delighted to see a customer but when he saw a kid enter he scoffed and went back to his paper.

Lex went near him and asked,"Yo! I want a sword"

Ipponmatsu pointed at a barrel at the end of the store ,"Swords start at 50000 belly".

Lex walked over to the barrel and started rummaging through it and found the sword

The sword moderately curved katana with a white edge and a distinct blue hamon that has the appearance of flames,and it's sheath of the sword is deep red and continues the design of the hilt

This sword was the cursed "Sandai Kitetsu"

Lex walked towards Ipponmatsu and placed the sword on his desk,"I'll buy this one"

Seeing the sword Ipponmatsu face turned grey,"Kid I'm sorry I can't sell you this sword".

Lex expected this,"100000 belly"

Ipponmatsu didn't expect this, nonetheless he declined,"Kid for my own conscience I can't sell you this sword you can buy anything else"

Lex raised 3 fingers and said," 300000 belly, and I know this is the cursed Sandai Kitetsu"

Ipponmatsu was frozen,"If you know that it's a cursed sword then why are you buying it and willing to paycsoo much? You shouldn't take this lightly if you weild this sword you will die!".

Lex started laughing hysterically,"Old man are you senile? There is no way I'm going to risk my life for a sword. I'm buying it for my future subordinate".

Ipponmatsu seemed a little relived,"I'm gald you aren't that stupid, but I still can't sell it to you now that I know that someone else can also get injured".

Lex was getting irritated by now,"450000 belly my final offer"

Ipponmatsu was dumbstruck by the money Lex qouted but still nodded his head and Lex became furious,he started screaming at him and both started arguing.

Just then a fat women wearing a cap came out from behind Ipponmatsu she was his wife Ipponume, she came screaming,"You cheapskate husband why are you screaming at customer?".

Just as Ipponmatsu was about to answer his wife*Bang* a gunshot was heard and Ipponume fell backward on the ground

Ipponmatsu couldn't register what happened he took a few seconds and looked down at his wife who was clutching her shoulder and screaming in pain.

He jumped and grabbed her and then looked up at Lex who was holding a pistol in front of his wife's face and was smiling pervertedly

Ipponmatsu was angry and afraid at the same time,"You Mother** why did you shoot at my honey? You want to die?"

Lex was laughing,"If you had decently sold me the sword nothing would have happened, this is your falut and FYI you can't beat me so don't try anything heroic I can lodge a bullet in your beloved in a sec".

As Lex said that he let some of his aura out which put

Ipponmatsu under some pressure.

"Now since you've angered me I'll be buying the sword at 20000 belly and one more thing be a good dog and fetch me the family heirloom you keep behind in your shop, the sword,"Yubashiri".

Ipponmatsu was dumbstruck he couldn't understand how Lex knew about his heirloom no words came out of his mouth, that when Lex punched the counter breaking it and spoke," Don't try to test my patience when I said go fetch I demand you go get it or else...."

Lex clocked his pistol aiming at his wife

Ipponmatsu gulped and put down his wailing wife, went to the back of the store and brought back Yubashiri.

Lex extended his hand and collected the two Swords,"Yep these are the Swords here is 100000 belly for both swords, if you had just cooperated everything would've gone smoothly without anyone getting hurt and you could've made more money*sigh* Alas you are too stubborn, goodbye..."

Lex took the swords and went his way,he didn't mind killing both of them but he wanted to see how the cannon would change after what he did,"Let's see how good you are Zoro without your swords".

Lex finished all his work and came to the docks,he saw his crew lazing about, he jumped and landed on the deck and at the top of his voice screamed," We are leaving in an hour if someone is not here by then you are going to be standard here".

Lex saw that his crew listened kneely and left to his cabin.

*Lougetown Marine Base*

Smoker was sitting in his office and listening to a subordinate who was surveying Lex from afar,"What he shot a civilian!!?"

"Yes captain, he shot her and stole two Swords and they've left Lougetown" the subordinate replied

Smoker dismissed his subordinates and started thinking,"Damn that shitty kid,he had the gall to shoot in my city...But what's more infuriating is the order from HQ, they want me to stay put and they are even cautious to put a bounty on his head.... what is this kid's background?"

Smoker laid back looked out his window towards staring at the sea puffing his cigar