After splitting up with the church girls, Yuya, Yugo, Issei, Saji, Koneko, and Kiba decided to think of something that could bring out the Stray Priest.
Apparently, Kiba already had a plan, which is to dress up as priests. "Seriously?" Yugo asked looking over the robes he was given. "This is your plan?"
The Gremory Knight nodded. "Yes, Freed was after Priests, so this might draw him out," He reasoned wearing the same robe.
"So, who is this Freed?" Yuya asked noticing the tone they were using while addressing him. "Do you know him?"
Issei scowled, his eyes showing hatred as he spoke in a venom coated voice. "He's a lunatic who used to work with a few Rogue Fallen Angels," from his tone, it was obvious that he had something personal with him.
The two brothers nodded and they all walked around town until they reached an abandoned building where the two brothers started sniffing.
"Someone's here," Yugo suddenly said causing them to stop. "And they reek of blood," he added.
"And holy energy," Yuya added looking around. Koneko herself seemed to sniff around before her body tensed.
Suddenly, a figure jumped from the top of the building and landed in front of them. It was a man in an exorcist uniform with a trench coat, white hair, and a deranged look on his face.
"Would you look at that!" the person yelled giving them a look of someone belonging in the loony pin. "What do we have here? A bunch of filthy Devils dressed like priests!?"
"Freed," Issei growled glaring at the Stray Priest.
"Well, Well, Well, If it isn't the shitty Devils and little mid-" his last comment was cut off by a stomp on the ground hard enough for it to shake, courtesy of Koneko, who added an angry glare that made Freed rethink his words. "O-oops, I mean, little lady," his maniacal smile returned. "I was out hunting priests and look at what I found. Is it Holloween already."
"Wow, he is a lunatic," Yugo confirmed as he, Yuya, and the Devils abandoned the priest robes.
"Not to mention ugly," Yuya added earning a chuckle from his brother and actually put a smile on the Devils' faces.
It was then that the deranged priest noticed the two brothers. "Oh, goodie, more shitty-" he stopped as his eyes narrowed at them. "Hey, wait a minute, you ain't shitty Devils!?"
"Wow, and here I thought he honestly didn't have a brain," Yugo said almost sounding serious.
Freed just laughed like a lunatic. "Well, it doesn't matter, because I have a surprise for you!" he said opening his coat and revealing a few holy swords, ones that gave off a familiar aura.
"So those are Excalibur, huh," Yuya noted more as a fact than a question.
Kiba created a sword and immediately went to engage the Stray Priest, who pulled out one of the swords and blocked the attack.
"Boosted Gear! [Boost!]" Issei called out as he began charging his sacred gear.
Freed and Kiba exchange a few clashes between blades. And, surprisingly, Freed was not only keeping up with the Knight's speed but also overwhelming him.
"Some people call this Excalibur Rapidly," Freed said as he clashed with Kiba again. "But I call it the Super Fast sword!"
"That's supposed to be speed?" Yugo asked before smirking. "That's adorable," he scoffed. Between his brothers, Yugo was the fastest, and to him, Kiba and Freed might as well be standing still.
"We got to help Kiba," Issei said looking at the current sword fight. "If only there was a way to stop Freed from moving."
Saji seemed to perk up at that. "If that's what you want, then I got what you need!" he said as he raised his arm summoning his Sacred Gear.
In Saji's arm appeared a chameleon shaped gauntlet with purple eyes and golden lines going through it. The chameleon's legs wrapped around his arm, holding it in its place.
"You've got a Sacred Gear?!" Issei yelled surprised that his fellow Pawn had the same artifact.
Just as Saji was going to activate his Sacred Gear, Yugo put a hand on his shoulder. "Let me handle this," he said and walked forward not waiting for a reply.
As soon as Kiba and Freed finished clashing swords again, Yugo appeared between them catching them both off guard and causing them to jump back slightly on instincts.
"The f*ck are you!?" Freed yelled still holding up his sword. But, before Yugo says anything, he started yelling, "You know what!? It doesn't matter! I'll chop you to pieces!" he dashed at the blue-haired teen.
Yugo, for the most part, didn't look worried, and in fact, looked a little bored. The Devils were confused and slightly concerned while Yuya didn't as much as bat an eye.
The deranged priest started swinging his sword at Yugo, only for him to dodge with ease. It kept on like that for a few seconds before Freed started getting annoyed. "Stop moving!" he yelled.
"Sure," Yugo replied as he suddenly stood still.
The Devils all looked at him in disbelief while Freed laughed. "You dumbass!" he said coming in with another swing.
However, just as the sword was about to touch him, Yugo suddenly vanished and appeared behind Freed, who suddenly got a large cut across his chest.
"F*CK!" Freed yelled in surprise as he immediately held the wound in his chest.
Kiba, Issei, Saji, and Koneko then noticed something new on Yugo. The blue-haired teen had a pair of gauntlets on his arms. They were similar to Issei's Boosted Gear, but with a few notable differences.
Unlike Issei's Sacred Gear, they were black in the forearms, with blue and white futuristic-engine-like scales at the side, and neither gauntlets had a gem at the back of the hand. However, they also had a fan-like blade made of green crystals coming from the side and bending back to reach above the elbow.
"What kind of Sacred Gear is that!?" Freed demanded rather than asked. He was rather pissed that an ally of Devils managed to wound him.
Yugo didn't answer but simply turned around with a taunting smirk. "Why should I tell you?" he asked in a rather smug tone.
The deranged priest grit his teeth. "Fine! It doesn't matter since you're dying!" he said as he tried to cut down the blue-haired teen, despite the obvious superiority that was previously displayed.
Yugo simply raised his arm and blocked Freed's sword with the blade on his gauntlet. Before the white-haired priest can react to that, he was kicked in the chest by Yugo, sending him away, crashing into a tree.
While Issei, Saji, and Koneko were impressed, Kiba was clenching his fists hard. "Dammit… I need to get over there, but his sword is a problem," he complained feeling rather useless.
Saji smirked. "Like I said, Leave it to me," he then raised his Sacred Gear and the chameleon opened its mouth before shooting a purple glowing line that attached itself to Freed's leg.
"Such a pain," Freed growled while spitting some blood. He swung his sword at the line but was absolutely surprised when it wasn't cut. "What!? Is this another one of those dragon Sacred Gears?!" he asked surprising the Red Emperor that his fellow Pawn did not only have a Sacred Gear but a dragon one as well.
"[Boost!] alright! I'm fully charged," Issei exclaimed gaining the attention of Koneko. The White-haired girl suddenly grabbed the Red Emperor and lifted him up in the air. "H-Hey!"
The Rook paid his cries no mind. "Issei… help Kiba," she simply said before throwing him towards their fellow Peerage member.
"Kiba!" Issei cried out as the Gremory Knight noticed him. The Red Emperor then raised his Boosted Gear. "[Transfer!]"
Feeling the power that was given to him by Issei, Kiba looked at his hand. "This power… I will make use of it," he said as he saw Freed stand up again. "Sword Birth!"
Blades erupted from the ground and started surrounding the deranged priest, who immediately started using his sword in order to block and defend himself. While receiving a few cuts, he managed to avoid fatal wounds.
"Hey, what gives?" Yugo asked rather irritated that his fight was interrupted.
"This is my fight just as it is yours," Kiba replied as he kept his eyes on the deranged priest.
Yuya and Yugo suddenly picked up another scent that was covered in blood and holy energy. Before either of them can say anything, someone spoke. "Sword Birth, huh? Depending on the wielder's imagination, it could be invincible."
They all looked to see a chubby man wearing the clothes of a Father. He was wearing glasses in, had a short mustache, and somewhat messy hair that was Grey from aging.
"Is that you, old man Valper?" Freed asked introducing the man.
Kiba's eyes widen as he not only recognized the man but also remembered him from the days of the Holy Sword project. Hatred filled him as he tightly clenched his sword.
"Freed, what are you doing?" Valper asked disappointed. Almost like he was bored with the fight.
"This damn lizard tongue got me and I can't cut it off!" the deranged priest yelled motioning to Saji's Sacred Gear.
Valper wasn't disturbed in the slightest of the situation or the fact that they were outnumbered and simply replied. "You're still not using the Holy energy I gave you properly. Simply channel your energy to the sword and use it."
"That's it?" Freed asked, rather surprised that it was that simple. After doing what the man told him, he swung his sword and managed to cut off the Absorption Line.
Saji cursed what was left of his line returned to him and vanished into his Sacred Gear. The deranged priest jumped towards Valper after freeing himself from the Sacred Gear.
"We're leaving now," Valper said dismissing the Devils and The brothers as if they were nothing. "Our boss is in a hurry. Let's go."
"Who the hell said you're leaving?" Yugo asked rather annoyed that the old man was looking down on them.
Using his speed, the blue-haired teen vanished and appeared in front of Freed again with his hand raised. "Shit!" the priest yelled finding no time to react and ending up with another cut on his chest as Yugo swung down his bladed gauntlet, creating an X-shaped wound.
Valper was caught off guard, not believing that they were capable of such a thing, and was even more surprised when Yugo appeared in front of him.
"You're Valper, right?" Yugo asked as he cracked his knuckles. "I heard about what you did. Now, I'm not much of a sadist as Yuri, but I have to admit that beating you up will be enjoyable," he said smirking at the now frightening old man.
Yuya simply looked on. He was rather bored really, but he knew that joining in would make this a one-sided slaughter, so he just stayed in place. He was also wondering why Yugo would compare himself to Yuri since as far as he and his brothers know, no one was as much of a sadist as Yuri.
Freed, despite being heavily injured, decided he would try to swing at Yugo from behind, wanting to catch him by surprise.
The blue-haired teen felt what Freed was doing and sighed in annoyance. He was mentally scolding himself for not just killing the priest and be over with it.
Just as Yugo was about to turn around and finish him off, someone jumped from the trees and blocked Freed's sword with another one. It was Xenovia, and Irina was not far behind.
"Who the hell called you here?" Yugo asked in mild annoyance that his fight was interrupted. He then noticed Koneko holding up her phone. "Why did you call them?" he asked with a higher voice.
"We have a deal," Koneko replied uncaringly about the glare she received.
Xenovia directed her own glare to the two former members of the church. "Freed, Valper Galilei, you two are traitors of the church. In the name of God, I shall strike you down!" she exclaimed.
"Bah! Don't say the name of that hateful God in my presence, B*tch!" Freed yelled back, but because of his wounds, he was forced to jump away to avoid Excalibur Destruction's power.
"I don't think someone who is having their ass kicked has any rights to demand anything," Yugo said smirking at the wounded priest.
"Shut up!" Freed yelled glaring at the blue-haired teen. But, he didn't do anything, because he knew that his opponent was right.
However, at that moment, Freed noticed that Yuya was the only one who has yet to fight or do anything. That leads the deranged priest to believe that he is incapable of combat. So, with a deranged look, he dashed forward at the two church members.
Xenovia got ready and was about to block the attack. However, it turned out to be a faint as Freed used his sword's speed boost to get past them and head towards Yuya.
"How about I kill one of you f*ckers!" he yelled raising his sword with the intent to kill.
The Devils and Church girls looked on in surprise and concern since they made the same assumptions as Freed, but Yugo wasn't worried the least about his brother.
Yuya just raised an eyebrow, a little surprised that Freed was simply that stupid. As the deranged swung down his sword, the green-haired teen simply raised his hand and did something surprising to everyone but his brother.
Yuya had caught the Excalibur with his hand. But, now his hands were now also covered in gauntlets that, like his brother and Issei, had dragonic features.
Unlike Yugo, Yuya's gauntlets looked more like Issei's, but with some differences. For starters, the red forearms were a lighter shade of red. The back of the palm was a pale silver color. The gem in the back of the right palm was green, while the one in the left palm was red.
Yugo was not surprising like the others by what Yuya did. Mainly because, between their brothers, Yuya was the best when it came to physical strength.
"Let go, dammit!" Freed yelled trying to pull his sword out of Yuya's grasp.
Yuya simply ignored him and reeled back his free hand before sending a punch towards Freed's stomach. The punch backed enough force to make Freed cough some blood before being sent flying and crashing through a tree.
The Devils and Church girls were absolutely surprised by the display of strength. More so when Yuya looked rather bored, like wasn't trying.
Freed slowly got up with wounds covering him with Valper coming to his side. "Freed, we need to leave, now," he said in a voice filled with worry. It was obvious that his previous assumption that they were having the advantage was shattered.
The deranged priest grit his teeth but ultimately agreed with his partner. "Fine!" he then threw something on the ground that exploded into light. "See ya!"
When the flash of light was over, both Freed and Valper were gone. "They're getting away!" Xenovia yelled as she dashed towards the trees.
"Wait for me!" Irina charged forward following her partner.
"I'm not losing Valper!" Kiba yelled out as he also jumped forward to get his revenge.
Those three all vanished into the trees as they followed their target. This just earned a tired sigh from both Yuya and Yugo. "You know, I'm starting to think Yuto was right when he compared us to babysitters," the green-haired teen said earning a nod from his brother.
They were about to follow them, however, they stopped upon feeling two familiar teleportation circles appear behind them. "Dear me, what's going on here?" asked none other than Rias Gremory.
"Whenever you want to start explaining, Saji," Sona Sitri said appearing from her own magical circle.
Everyone tensed upon seeing them, especially the two brothers as they started frantically looking around. However, Yuya and Yugo relaxed when they didn't sense either their brothers or Haou anywhere around them.
"What's wrong with you kids?" Rias asked as she hugged Issei and Koneko after an explanation of what happened. "Worrying me like this."
Meanwhile, Saji was getting his ass spanked by Sona's magic-infused hand. "W-Wait! They get hugged and I get spanked!?" he asked rather envious.
He was silenced by another spank from the Sitri heiress. "That's them! And this is us!"
Yugo and Yuya were at the side watching all of this unfold. They found it rather comical, in a good way. "Oh, I wish I had a camera," Yugo whispered, enjoying seeing Saji in pain. He was still mad at all those times he yelled at him for his bike.
Rias then turned towards the two brothers with a raised eyebrow. "Now, I was wondering what you two are doing here?" she asked rather surprised to see them present.
"And where's Judai?" Koneko asked. She had been wondering that for a while but didn't exactly find the right moment to ask.
"And your two other brothers," Akeno asked, but it was somewhat obvious that she was doing it for Yuri, not Yuto.
Both brothers immediately tensed and went a little pale. They both looked at each other knowing why those questions were asked.
Rias was wondering why they helped since Haou made it clear that they didn't want to. And Koneko was wondering why Judai wasn't helping because, if you take in his personality, then he would be the first person to help, but Haou was a different story. And Akeno… well, they didn't know, but it wasn't the least bit worrying either way.
"Well… you see…" Yugo struggled to find an excuse, as he knew he couldn't give anything that would blow their cover.
"Judai is… busy with work from Lady Amaterasu!" Yuya immediately said, catching even his brother off guard. "Lady Amaterasu had some urgent business, and Judai is dealing with it right now!"
"Yeah, that's right!" Yugo immediately agreed with his brother, deciding to simply roll with it. "He's so busy that he didn't even know we were planning to help. Yuri and Yuto went along to help him!"
Technically, they weren't lying. The Supreme King was currently having a meeting with the Shinto goddess of the sun about shared and neutral territory. Apparently, Amaterasu needed Haou's personal approval, which is why she didn't send it to the Kingdom of Duel Monsters for Yubel to deal with.
The two brothers were pleased to see that their excuse has been believed, as the Devils seemed to go back to their business. "Now, Issei, for your punishment," Rias said surprising her Pawn. She might love her Peerage like family, but that's no excuse to let them get away with things like this without punishment.
Meanwhile, in the house of the four brothers and the Supreme King, Haou was in his room that doubled as an office. He was sitting behind a wooden table with Amaterasu on the other side sitting on her own chair.
Haou had placed a powerful sealing spell on the room. Mainly because Amaterasu's presence is meant to be kept secret. If the Yokai Faction found out that their goddess was currently in Japan, Devil territory or not, they would go out of control either trying to shower her with affection or demand answers on why she didn't come to them instead of Haou.
"Well, this seems satisfying," Amaterasu mused looking over the papers that Haou had just signed.
"I still don't see why you couldn't let Yubel handle this," Haou asked raising an eyebrow. The papers were important, that's true, but Yubel still could have handled them without a problem.
However, Amaterasu simply waved it off. "Unimportant details," she said dismissing it. The Shinto goddess looked around the room trying to change the subject. "This room doesn't exactly look befitting of a King, does it?" she asked seeing that, while the room was quite large, it wasn't something you'd expect from the ruler of an entire world.
"That's Yubel's doing," Haou replied as he relaxed on his chair. "She thought it was time I spent a while away from being the Supreme King. Personally, it doesn't matter either way to me as long as it's livable," he couldn't stop himself from smiling remembering how his friend practically ordered him to relax.
"She really cares about you, doesn't she?" Amaterasu chuckled as Haou nodded. She didn't know the story about those two, but she knew they were as close, if not closer than family. "And about those four?"
The Supreme King knew she was asking about the four brothers. "They simply came with me to calm down the world of Duel Monsters," he replied and the Shinto goddess nodded.
It was quite understandable. After all, that's the whole reason she came here in secret, it's because the Shinto Faction would make sure to send someone with her if they knew she was going anywhere, let alone Devil territory.
"Well, they certainly seem to be having fun," Amaterasu said as the Supreme King raised an eyebrow at her. "I thought that you're planning to stay out of the church's business," she added further confusing the Supreme King.
"What are you…?" Haou stopped himself from asking as he activated his senses, trying to find what the Shinto goddess was talking about. His eyes narrowed, but that was more than enough to show he was angry. He turned his chair to the side. "Yuri! Yuto!"
In a second, both those two appeared kneeling in front of Haou. "Yes, Lord Haou."
"Bring me your brothers and everyone with them," the Supreme King before he started glaring instead of just narrowing his eyes. "Kicking and screaming if you have to!"
Yuri gave a sadistic smile while Yuto sighed in annoyance. It wasn't really hard to figure out that their siblings were in trouble. "Yes, Lord Haou."
Both of them vanished just as they came and Haou pinched the bridge of his nose. The time in Kuoh, while short, might have made him a little too relaxed.
Granted, he was having a meeting with a friend and had no reason for his senses to be so active. But, in his eyes, it wasn't acceptable, especially since Amaterasu sensed them before him.
Truthfully, the only reason Amaterasu had her senses up is that she wanted to make sure they were alone. Finding out about Yuya and Yugo was pure coincidence.
Now that they were alone, the Shinto goddess was going to simply come out with why she truly came here for. So, crossing her arms in order to push up her large bust, she attempted to speak, "You know, since we both seem free, why don't we go-"
"Sorry, Amaterasu, but we'll have to finish this as quickly as possible," Haou cut her off as he started going through the papers at a faster rate than before. "I have two idiots to deal with."
Amaterasu can feel her eye start twitching in annoyance mixed with anger. She somewhat blamed herself for bringing up the two brothers before asking her question, but that still didn't stop her from wondering how much effort it would take to kill two of the Heavenly Dragons.
Yuya and Yugo were no walking with Rias, Sona, Akeno, Koneko, Tsubaki, and an in pain Saji and Issei, who were rubbing their butts after that thorough punishment they received.
"Are you sure this is where we'll find them," Sona asked as they were following the brothers' directions.
"I think so," Yugo replied, which didn't put that much confidence in the two heiresses. Currently, they were looking for the two church members and Kiba, so the two brothers decide to take the lead.
They eventually came across one of the people they're looking for, but not in a good way. "Irina!" Issei yelled as he started running forward.
The reason for that is because Irina was on the ground, and appeared to be heavily wounded, along with her Excalibur being nowhere in sight.
"Hey, are you alright?" Issei asked as the others reached him and started checking on the girl.
Irina slowly opened her eyes and started speaking weakly. "I'm sorry… he was too strong."
"Who was?" Rias asked. The other Devils were also curious, but the two brothers had a pretty good idea of who it was.
"Please, be careful," Irina managed to say before she finally lost consciousness.
"Irina!" Issei cried out worried about his childhood friend.
"She's just unconscious," Sona said as she checked up on the wounds on the church member. She then handed her to Tsubaki. "However, she still needs to be helped, so take her to my home."
The Sitri Queen nodded and took the unconscious Irina before disappearing in a magical circle, leaving them to think about what they saw.
"Come on!" Yuya said suddenly catching them off guard. "Freed is close by, if we find him, we find the other two."
The others all nodded and they started walking forward with the two brothers leading them. They all stopped when someone jumped in front of them, and it was none other than Freed.
"Well, Aren't I sight for sore eyes!?" the deranged priest yelled out with his usual maniacal smile.
"You're the one who hurt my Peerage, correct?" Rias asked as she activated her Power of Destruction.
"I suppose dealing with you is for the best," Sona added activating her own power as a blue magical circle appeared in front of her. She didn't have anything personal against the deranged priest, but what she heard about him is enough to want his death.
"Woah! Woah! Hold on! I ain't here to fight!" Freed said raising his hands. "I'm just here to tell you that my boss wants to talk to those two heiresses over there," he added while looking up in the sky.
Everyone followed his gaze and found what he was looking at. Floating up in the air was a Fallen Angel with five pairs of wings. He was wearing black robes. He had pale skin, black long hair, red eyes, and pointy ears.
"Well, if it ain't Kokabiel," Yugo said surprising the Devils.
"Oh, so you know who I am?" Kokabiel said with a large grin on his face. "Then this makes introduction a whole lot easier. Yes, I am Kokabiel, one of the Leaders of the Grigori."
"Well, I suppose it's an honor to meet you," Rias stated in fake hospitality.
Kokabiel's eyes fell on the two heiresses. "Ah, you two are the spitting image of your siblings… and it makes me sick," he said in clear disgust at the similarity they had with their siblings.
"Why are you doing this?" Sona asked trying to understand his actions. It didn't make sense to her why he would steal the Excalibur, since he doesn't need them, and then come all the way here to Kouh.
"Isn't it obvious?" Yuya asked drawing their attention. Haou had already told them about what Kokabiel could be planing since it wasn't really hard to know what a warmonger wants. "He wants to restart the Great War."
The Devils all shared a face of disbelief while Kokabiel's smile widened. "That's true, I want to restart the Great War, and I'll be using this town and you people as the catalysts!" he yelled out with a smile full of blood lust. His eyes then fell on the two brothers. "But, I have to ask, who are you two? You seem quite well informed."
Yugo smirked and cracked his knuckles. "Why don't you come down here so I can introduce you to my fist."
Kokabiel scoffed. "Please, I don't have to waste time on people like you," he said as if Yugo just offended him. The warmonger was already told by his minions that these two were powerful, but he didn't see them worth his time. "However, I did bring people for you to play with."
With a snap of his fingers, a dozen Fallen Angels appeared, all geared up and ready for battle. He prepared them simply as a test for the two brothers, to see if they were worth his attention, and if they failed, then they weren't worth it.
While the Devils all got into a battle stance and became alert, Yuya and Yugo remained impassive and were a little disappointed that this is what they'll be dealing with.
"I'll be starting it all at Kouh Academy!" Kokabiel yelled as his wings spread out. "I sure hope you make it on time. It would be boring otherwise."
"Ha, see ya! F*ckers!" Freed yelled out as he followed his boss in leaving the area.
The Devils and two brothers turned their attention to the dozen Fallen Angels that were about to attack them. Yuya and Yugo thought that they might as well finish this quickly, so they could go after Kokabiel himself.
However, before anyone can make a move, the Fallen Angels were suddenly struck with a large amount of purple lightning that sent them falling to the crown with smoke coming out of them.
Whether they were still alive or not didn't matter, because as soon as they got close to the ground, large Carnivore plants with razor-sharp teeth erupted from the dirt and started ripping through them.
"My, my, look at what we have here," a sweet voice called out to them from behind that made Yugo and Yuya stiff like never before.
They all looked behind them, although the two brothers slower than the Devils, and they all saw Yuto and Yuri standing there, which made Yuya and Yugo pale.
"You're in a lot of trouble, you know that?" Yuto asked crossing his arms while giving his brothers the most disappointed look anyone has ever seen.
The Devils also noticed that behind Yuri was Kiba and Xenovia, both of them seemingly tied by vines to keep them from moving. They stumbled upon them on their way here and decided to bring them along.
"Let me go!" Xenovia yelled as she and Kiba struggled against their restraints. Since she doesn't know what happened to her partner, she was persistent to look for her.
Yuri looked at them over his shoulder with a cold smile. "Oh, yes. Please struggle. That will give me the perfect excuse to add Thorns to those vines and look at you rip your own skin off while trying to escape," he obviously was not joking from his tone, and that was enough to make them immediately stop their struggles.
The Devils seemed to be confused about the situation, but Yuya and Yugo looked scared. "P-Please tell us it's Judai who sent you," Both of them practically begged hoping it was the Supreme King's kinder personality.
However, upon seeing Yuri and Yuto shake their heads, Yuya and Yugo seemed to lose all hope and life from their eyes.
(A/N: Thank you for reading this.
First, I apologize for the late update. I admit that I have been lazy and you have the right to be mad at me.
Second, about what Yuya and Yugo used. They aren't Sacred Gears, but simply them manifesting their powers in their human form, giving them what appears to be Sacred Gears.
Third, about Yuya not joining the first fight. It was explained that he was simply trying to let Yugo have his fun. That it would end way too quickly if he joined.
Fourth, about the meeting with Amaterasu. Obviously, Haou needed to be distracted by something for the two brothers to do what they want without him finding out, and what better than meeting the leader of an entire Pantheon.
Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)
P.S. Some of you have been pressuring me into posting more often. Now, I admit that I'm not posting as much as I should. I won't say any names because I respect my readers. However, please remember what I said in the first chapter. This is a SIDE PROJECT. The only reason I continued after chapter 3 is that people liked it. I have other stories to write, along with College, and the fact that I write my stories using my phone. Writing is a hobby for me, and I truly enjoy it and appreciate everyone who gives positive feedback. But, if you pressure me into posting more often, I might end up rushing the story and that would ruin it. Would you prefer quantity over quality? So, please, bear with me. And remember that no matter what, I am not planning to give up on any of my stories, and will keep updating till the end.