It has been a few moments since the meeting inside Haou's house. Right now, the Gremory and Sitri Peerages along with Xenovia and the four brothers were standing close to Kouh Academy, the place that Kokabiel would start his plans in.

The Supreme King didn't come with them. Instead, he gave them fifteen minutes to deal with the problem themselves, otherwise, he would have to come personally, and the four brothers knew that if that happens then the fight is pretty much over.

They were wondering why they gave them fifteen minutes, but they did have a good guess, and it was the two groups currently with them along with Xenovia. The four brothers can understand that Haou wanted to give them experience, so they can deal with situations like this better in the future. In a way, Haou was looking out for his friends' families.

The Devils, meanwhile, were still getting over the shock of seeing who they believe is Judai act that way, Koneko more than most. he had always struck them as the kind goofball the enjoys food and doesn't like to do any work. This made them question if there was more to him than meets the eye.

Rias and Sona were also very frustrated, and it was because of Haou's golden eyes. They could not get over the feeling that they have were familiar with them. They somewhat remember their older siblings mentioning something very similar, and tell them of golden eyes that seemed to pierce the souls of people.

Xenovia was silently standing at the side. She had many mixed emotions at the moment. The first is worry for her partner. The second was anger at the enemy for what they did to Irena. The third was confusion at seeing the Supreme King call her mother so casually. and the fourth was… well, it was fear for what Griselda has in store for her when she returns.

"Alright," Yuri started cutting off everyone else's chain of thoughts. "Does everyone remember their roles?" he asked trying to get their concentration back at the current situation.

They all nodded and Sona was the first to speak. "Me and my Peerage will create a barrier around the academy while you four, Rias and her Peerage, along with Xenovia go inside to deal with Kokabiel," she explained but started to look uncertain. "But, are you sure this would work? If Kokabiel was to go serious, then he could destroy this entire town."

the four brothers resisted the urge to scoff. To them, destroying a town like Kouh would be almost easier than child play. "It won't come to that," Yuto informed them crossing his arms. "I promise you that the town will be safe."

Sona didn't completely look convinced, but still nodded deciding it was better to be positive and keep a straight head in her current situation. Koneko stepped forward and asked, "What was wrong with Judai?" it was a demand rather than a question.

"Let's just say that you just saw his other side," Yuri replied while also making sure to keep any information of the Supreme King hidden.

What he said drew confused looks. "You mean like a split personality?" Rias asked. It would make sense, and also explain the flips between the two completely different attitudes.

The four brothers looked between each other. Truthfully, they themselves did not know the true nature of what connects Haou to Judai, or the other way around. However, they believed that it's a satisfying answer for now, at least to please those who were currently with them. "That's pretty close to it," Yuto said drawing nods from around.

"I guess he became like that because of you two?" Xenovia asked motioning towards Yuya and Yugo. "Because you helped us?"

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded. "But why, though?" Asia asked looking baffled. "Why would he be mad that you helped people?"

"It's not about helping people," Yuya said shaking his head. "It's about the fact that we went against his orders and got involved in the church's business," he said making them look at him expecting an explanation. "You see, he was already planning to interfere if the town got in danger, but he didn't want to get involved with the church because of… personal reasons," he explained giving out as little information as possible. Haou was already mad at him, and the green-haired teen did not want him any angrier because of giving out private information.

Kiba became interested, thinking that Judai was like him. For now, he has been preparing to get Valper while making sure to avoid Rias. He couldn't bring himself to facing his king after running rogue like he did. the Gremory heiress herself hasn't tried to talk to him, mainly because she knew that if he wanted to talk then Kiba would come to her himself.

Suddenly, the serious atmosphere was cut off when everyone heard a ringtone. The sound was coming from Yuya's pocket, and the green-haired teen took out his phone. "Who is it?" Yugo asked his brother before adopting an expression of slight fear thinking that Haou reconsidered their punishment's time.

Yuya looked at the name of the caller and answered. "It's Yuzu," his reply caused his brother to release a notable breath. Yuya then answered the call and moved the phone to his ear. "Hey, Yuz-"

"YUYA!!!" a female yelled from the other side of the line. the voice was angry and loud enough for everyone to hear it. Yuya had to move the phone away to not damage his ear. "When exactly were you planning to call?! You've been gone for more than a week?!" the voice, who is Yuzu depending on Yuya's earlier statement, demanded

Yuri chuckled seeing the troubled look on his green-haired brother's face. "Oh, she's mad," he noted, which was obvious considering her earlier volume of voice.

"Yuzu," Yuya started trying to calm down the girl on the other side of the line. "I meant to call you, but I was busy."

"Busy with what?!" Yuzu obviously was not pleased or convinced. "You're just supposed to check on the devils in some town in Japan, what could possibly keep you busy there?!" she knew that, with all four brothers along with the Supreme King, the only thing that can keep him busy was if the gods of two whole pantheons decided to attack them, and even then it shouldn't take that long if Haou was involved.

the green-haired teen started scratching his head looking rather embarrassed. "Well, you see, we're right now caught in a plot devised by Kokabiel to restart the Great War," he explained.

"Kokabiel?" Yuzu's voice was deadpanned, almost sounding disappointed. "You've been busy… dealing with Kokabiel?... you would have been more believable if you said that you were helping a cat down a tree," she said which made Yuya hang his head in depression. "But seriously, why would Kokabiel keep you-" suddenly she stopped as her voice turned deadpan again, but more annoyed than disappointed. "You're in trouble with lord Haou, aren't you?" she said as more of a statement than a question.

Yuya hung his head again, but out of shame this time. "Y-Yes," he admitted knowing that lying would make his situation worse.

Yuzu sighed from the other side of the line. "One of these days, you're going to get yourself killed, possibly by lord Haou's hands," she said which sent a shiver down Yuya's spine imagining such a scenario.

"A-Anyway," Yuya shook his head, getting over his dread. "I'll deal with the current situation, and call you back, I promise."

There were a few seconds of silence from the other line, possibly Yuzu thinking it over before she sighed. "Fine, since you promised," she agreed, much to Yuya's relief. "I'll talk to you later then. Oh, and tell Yuto that Ruri says hi," she said.

"Bye," Yuya then finished the call. It was only then that he noticed everyone's eyes on him. "What?"

"If you don't mind, who was that?" Rias asked looking a little interested. Other than the yelling at the beginning and nothing else. The only thing they got was that this Yuzu person was mad at Yuya.

Just as Yuya was about to answer, Yuri spoke seeing a chance to tease his brother. "It was probably Yuya's girlfriend, Yuzu."

Yuya blushed a shade that matches the underside of his hair and immediately glared at his pink-haired brother. "She's not my girlfriend!" he yelled out. "She's just a friend that happened to be a girl."

"Then why are you blushing?" Yuri's question caused Yuya's face to take a deeper shade of red.

The devils and church girl actually smiled at the brotherly teasing. It helped them loosen up from how tense they were while worrying about fighting Kokabiel. Plus, they had to admit it was rather funny and cute how Yuya seemed to obviously have affection to whoever Yuzu is.

The green-haired teen shook his head. "L-Let's just focus on what's going on here," he said trying to change the subject. Yuri would have continued, but recalling that Haou gave them a time limit, he just nodded with a knowing smirk. "Oh, and Yuto, Ruri says hi," he told his purple-haired brother what Yuzu told him.

Yuto smiled warmly at the mention of Ruri's name. "That is so like her," he mumbled but his usual serious expression returned as he looked at Sona and her peerage. "Alright, raise the barrier."

The Sitri heiress nodded and her peerage members moved in place. All of them activated their magic as a few magical circles appeared surrounding the area before a giant dome covered the entire area around Kouh Academy.

Seeing the dome, Rias nodded and turned to her peerage. "Alright everyone, we're going in," she informed them receiving a few firm nods of determination. She then adopted a concerned expression. "Our enemy is dangerous, so please be careful, this is going to be nothing like the usual strays we fight," she informed them but they still looked determined, even the slightly shaken Asia. This also showed the four brothers that the Sirzechs' kind nature rubbed off on his sister. The Gremory heiress then noticed her Pawn looking to be deep in thoughts. "Issei, are you alright?"

The Red Emperor seemed to break out of his thoughts after hearing his King's question. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, although it didn't sound very convincing.

Truthfully, Issei's mind kept going back to what Haou told him, about the difference between what you want and fight for. It actually made him wonder that maybe if he had spent his time trying to get stronger instead of creating his dress break move, then maybe they would have won the rating game against Riser Phoenix.

Rias wasn't completely convinced but decided not to bother him with it since they don't know how much time for Kokabiel to finish his plans. So, steeling herself, she looked at her peerage again. "Alright, let's go."

Getting herself another round of nods, the Gremory peerage, four brothers, and Xenovia turned towards an entrance to the dome made by Sona. "Rias," the Sitri heiress called causing the red-haired Devil to stop. "Please, be careful."

The Gremory heiress smiled and nodded. This was one of the times that showed how close these two were. despite being rivals, they were still very close childhood friends, almost like sisters.

While walking through the gate and heading inside the barrier, Akeno turned to Yuri. "Thank you," she suddenly said.

the pink-haired teen looked at her with a raised eyebrow, not recalling anything worth her gratitude. "For what?" he asked.

"For convincing Judai to let you help us," The Gremory queen explained. she had noticed that he glanced at her before talking to the Supreme King, and seeing him stand up like that gave her the idea to call Sirzechs.

Yuri smiled and waved it off. "Don't mention it," he said. He knew for a fact that he wasn't getting off scot-free for using Serafall against Haou, but he'll worry about that later.

When they made it to the academy, they took notice of two things. One, Valper and Freed were there, standing in front of a pillar of light that had the stolen Excaliburs, which made Xenovia and Kiba start glaring. Two, Kokabiel was sitting on a throne in the sky, looking rather smug, as if nothing can stop him now.

"Well, well," the rogue Grigori leader took notice of them, smiling that they survived his fallen angel forces that he left and thinking that they might entertain him. "It seems you still live, and came here to stop me," he said rather amused as if he was just told a joke by a child. "So, who is coming to save you? Sirzechs or Serafall?"

"By the time they get here, you'd be long dead," Yugo cracked his knuckles, eager to remove Kokabiel's smile. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy pounding-"

"You won't do anything," Yuto suddenly cut him off, catching him by surprise. "You and Yuya are going to stand by until told otherwise."

"Why?" both Yuya and Yugo complained. They've been quite bored ever since coming here to kouh, and fighting Kokabiel might give them some entertainment.

Yuto glared at them, making them sweat. "May I remind you that you are still going to be punished?" he asked making them hang their heads in shame. "Yuri, I'll deal with Kokabiel. You make sure no one dies," he told his pink-haired brother who nodded.

Yuto then summoned a pair of large wings on his back. However, they looked nothing like normal wings. These wings were metallic, each had three, large blade-like feathers a purple crystal sphere between the joints. Seeing the wings, everyone assumed that they were a Sacred Gear.

The purple-haired teen took off the ground and flew through the sky until he was on the same level as Kokabiel, who looked bored. "You're supposed to fight me?" he asked not seeing Yuto as a threat.

Yuto looked even more bored, and even a little annoyed. "Let's get this over with. I have better things to do than deal with an Elf on Cocaine," he said as if talking to a vermin.

Kokabiel looked insulted and, in an effort to display his power, sent a powerful light spear to the Academy's gym, completely destroying it. While the Devils and Xenovia looked somewhat shaken, the four brothers didn't even seem to notice, as if what just happened was nothing to them.

The warmonger growled seeing the lack of reaction from the purple-haired teen. "Valper, how long should it take for the Excaliburs to merge?" he asked the mad scientist.

"It should be done any minute now," Valper replied. His superior and uncaring attitude returned after looking frightened by Yugo and Yuya the last time they saw him. He obviously believed he was untouchable, either because Kokabiel was here or because his experiment is over was anyone's guess.

The rogue Grigori leader smiled and turned back to Yuto. "How about I give your friends a little company?" he asked sarcastically before waving his hand and a few magical circles appeared below them on the ground.

Fire erupted from the circles before it took shape. What appeared from the flames was a few, three-headed hounds that were larger than cars. each of them had a flaming mane while also looking very bloodthirsty.

"Cerberus?!" Rias asked surprised seeing Hades' guard dog, or at least his children here. Her peerage and Xenovia all got ready, knowing that the fighting has begun.

Yuri narrowed his eyes at the sight. It was very suspicious that Kokabiel had Cerberus' children, along with the fact that they currently seemed to be following his orders willingly. He made a mental note to inform Haou of this.

Meanwhile, Yuto didn't seem worried or disturbed. He knew that the hell hounds were going to be child's play to his brothers. They might be a challenge to the Devils and Xenovia, but they can deal with them, and it would be good experience.

"Well, I think I'll deal with you now," Kokabiel then turned back to the purple-haired teen… only for Yuto's lightning covered foot to smash into his face, sending him flying off his throne and crashing into the side of the Academy's building.

The only ones who didn't seem shocked by what happened were Yuri, Yuya, and Yugo. Even Valper and Freed looked stunned, the former seeming to have lost some of his previous superior attitudes, obviously not believing that his boss could be touched.

Kokabiel shot out of the rubble into the sky with his wings out, obviously not pleased that someone he thinks as a weakling managed to get the jump on him. "I actually felt that," he grumbled, hiding the fact that Yuto's purple lightning did more damage than he's letting on.

"As I said, I have better things to do than deal with you," Yuto repeated. He was already fed up with Kokabiel's attitude, to the point where he actually considered revealing his true identity, but he knew better than to do that and anger Haou… well, make him angrier than he already is.

The warmonger glared at his opponent and created a Light spear in the shape of a sword while Yuto's response was to simply cover his body in some purple electricity, ready to take on the rogue Cadre.

Meanwhile, down on the ground, everyone got over the shock of Yuto's attack and returned to having a standoff. Yuri then stepped forward. "Well, this is rather boring," he noted before looking at the people at his side. "You don't mind if I join, do you?" he was obviously not leaving any room for arguments.

"Valper is mine," Kiba stated firmly. He was suspicious that Yuri might go for his target as his brothers did.

"Fine, you can have that obese mad man," Yuri didn't seem to mind at all, he honestly didn't care who he got as long as he did get to have a prey. "But the other one is mine," his eyes fell on Freed as a dangerously sadistic smile spread across his face.

That smile managed to send shivers down everyone's spine… well, almost everyone. Akeno, personally, looked rather excited into seeing Yuri work. She definitely approved of the way he inflicts pain and knowing who his victim is made it all the more pleasing.

Yuri started walking towards the deranged priest, only for a Cerberus to stand in his way. the hell hound charged at the pink-haired teen, who looked rather amused. "Sit!" He ordered letting out a bit of his aura. Much to everyone's shock, the Cerberus immediately followed the order, sitting like a trained dog while whimpering like a scared one too. "Good boy," Yuri said to the obviously scared Cerberus before continuing forward.

The rest of the hell hounds started attacking the Occult Research Club members and Xenovia. The blue-haired teen immediately raised her Excalibur to stop a Cerberus from sinking his fangs in her torso. Koneko bent down, avoiding a head that snapped its jaws at her before sending a strong to its underbelly, causing it to fly back a few feet. Kiba dodged the one that attacked him and simply dashed towards where Valper is. One attempted to attack Asia, but he was sent back by a strong hit from Issei's Boosted Gear. While Akeno and Rias took on one together, blasting it with a mixture of the Power of Destruction and Holy lightning.

Meanwhile, Yuri had made it to Freed when the floating Excaliburs suddenly shined a bright light and merged together into one sword. Valper seemed rather happy. "It is done!" he cried out before looking at his fellow stray. "Freed, grab the sword," he commanded.

"You got it, old man!" Freed did as he was told and held into the newly formed Excalibur before facing Yuri. "Hey, You, you're those two's brother, right?" he asked pointing at Yuya and Yugo, who were standing at the side, looking bored out of their minds.

Yuri raised an eyebrow. "What of it?"

"I owe them one heck of a beating, but I guess killing their brother in front of them is equally good!" the deranged priest yelled out before charging towards his opponent with his sword helping his speed. However, just as he got close, blood erupted from Freed's chest where four claw marks suddenly appeared. "What the f*ck!" he cried out in pain as he immediately held then wound.

Looking over at Yuri, he found out that his hands were covered in gauntlets that had a mixture of a dragon and plant-like features. Both of them were colored a sickly dark green with a yellow orb at the start of each finger. Each of the fingers was now a long, dark purple claw with the ones on the right hand covered in some blood, most likely Freed's.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Yuri asked mockingly. "I thought you were going to kill me in front of my brothers or did you have a change of heart?" his sarcastic teasing seemed to add salt to the wound.

Freed glared harshly at the pink-haired teen. "Don't get cocky!" he yelled out as he used another one of his sword's abilities, creating three copies of himself around.

Yuri was unaffected and kept smiling amusingly, like a predator playing with their prey before finishing them off. All the copies came in attacking at the same time, only for the pink-haired teen to wave his hand, sending a wave of acid at the surrounding area.

The acid destroyed the copies while the real Freed was left, screaming in pain with some of his clothes and skin burning.

"You know, I could have made that acid stronger, to the point where not even your bones would be left," Yuri informed his opponent, who looked at him in both fear and confusion. "But if I did that… then how can I hear your screams of agony," his sadistic smile managed to actually frighten Freed.

"F*CK YOU!!!" Freed by this point was too angry to even listen to the instincts that were telling him to get away from Yuri, and simply charged at him again. As for the pink-haired teen… well, he just smiled seeing more chances to hurt his prey.

Meanwhile, up in the sky, Yuto and Kokabiel had already begun their battle. The warmonger was swinging his light spear at the purple-haired, who had no trouble dodging. after another swing, Yuto decided it was time to fight back. So. flipping over the blade, he swung a lightning covered foot downwards, smashing it on top of Kokabiel's head.

The Rogue Grigori leader was sent towards the ground but managed to stop half-way thanks to his wings. He looked up at Yuto, gritting his teeth as his opponent seemed to both figuratively and literally looking down on him.

Spreading his arms, Kokabiel created many light spears around him before sending them all to the pink-haired teen. Yuto merely scoffed and shot his hand forward, sending a wave of purple lightning towards the attack that was coming to him.

Yuto's lightning immediately destroyed Kokabiel's light spears and continued forward to him. The warmonger sensing the energy of the attack instantly moved away, as the lightning vaporized the ground that used to be below him.

Kokabiel's forehead gained some sweat. He can tell that the lightning he just dodged would have given Baraqiel himself trouble. The warmonger was so caught in thought, that he didn't notice Yuto's fist coming to his gut until it was too late, and was sent flying and crashing through a few trees before finally coming to a stop.

Digging himself out of the fallen trees, Kokabiel seemed rather pissed at the fact that he obviously underestimated his opponent, who still kept the same bored, yet annoyed expression since the beginning of their fight.

Suddenly, all the fighting stopped as everyone heard a loud scream that was followed by a bright light. Looking at the source, they all saw Kiba absorbing what appears to be a blue crystal before creating a single sword that had a golden handle with a black, double-edged blade that had white edges.

"This is the Holy Demonic sword, the sword of the Betrayer," Kiba cried out catching everyone's attention.

"A Holy Demonic sword!?" Valper seemed to be absolutely shocked. "That's Impossible! Holy and Demonic energy cannot be mixed!" everyone else also seemed shocked.

"It seems he reached Balance Breaker," Yuya noted and Yugo nodded at his brother's statement.

"I suppose that I should go all out as well," Xenovia said before stabbing Excalibur Destruction in the ground, letting it go, and raising her hand as she began chanting the names of priests before a magical circle appeared and left a sword covered in cloth in her hand. Swinging it, the cloth was removed to reveal a great-sword with a blue blade that had golden edges. "This is Durandal, a Holy sword said to be able to cut through anything."

"It can't be!" Valper looked even more shaken. "My research couldn't give anyone the ability to wield Durandal!?"

"That is because I am a natural-born Holy sword wielder," Xenovia replied, adding the shock to Valper.

Kiba held the sword tightly and faced the mad scientist. "This sword was made from the power of my comrades. And, with it, I shall beat you!"

Valper took a few steps back, looking rather frightened before a deranged smile appeared on his face. "I see now! when Holy and Demonic energy clash, they cancel each other out, which means that in the Great War, along with the Satans, God was also-" he could not finish what he was about to say since he was killed… by a light spear from Kokabiel.

Everyone looked surprised at Kokabiel. "Oh, Valper, you were really smart. sadly, you weren't supposed to discover that," he said making everyone wonder what Valper discovered, except the four brothers since they had a pretty good idea. "Now, back to killing you," he turned back to Yuto and charged a few light spears at him.

Meanwhile, with Yuri and Freed, it is safe to say that the deranged priest was not doing well at all. His body was covered in cuts and burns from Yuri's claws and acid. At this point, Freed was so desperate that he just started swinging his sword wildly, hoping to get a hit on his opponent.

Yuri, after getting bored of dodging, decided that he wanted to see all hope leave Freed's eyes. So, after grabbing the blade, the pink-haired teen put some strength and aura into his grip. Much to his opponent's shock, the blade started cracking before shattering into pieces.

"Oh, would you look at that?" Yuri waved his hand, throwing away the remains of Excalibur. "Your sword is gone now. Whatever shall you do?" his cold smile did not ease his opponent at all.

Freed looked around for a way out, but the only thing around him was the Cerberus getting defeated by the Gremory peerage. He decided that it was time to get out of the place. "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm getting out of here!" he yelled throwing the remains of Excalibur away and dropping an object on the ground, which created a bright light. The light was enough to blind all those around, which secured Freed's escape… "WHAT THE F*CK?!?!" or would have done that if something didn't get in his way.

When the light died down it revealed Freed being held in his place by roots coming out of the ground. "Did you really think that would work?" Yuri chuckled darkly as he walked towards the struggling priest. "You're not the first prey that tried to escape with such a pathetic tactic. Thankfully, I've made plans for such a situation."

"Let me go!" the deranged priest yelled trying to get out of his bindings. "I'm Freed Selzen! I can't lose to a friend of those shitty-"

he was silenced by Yuri shoving his hand in his mouth. "You know, your tongue is annoying," the pink-haired teen gained a sadistic smile. "How about I take it from you?" with that, Yuri pulled out his hand Freed's mouth, ripping out his tongue along with it.

The Gremory peerage, who just finished dealing with the hell hounds, started looking on and were shocked by Yuri's brutality. However, none of them were showing any remorse knowing who his victim was. Even Asia simply looked away to not see anymore. Akeno, unlike the others, seemed to be enjoying the show and completely approving of Yuri's actions.

Freed started gurgling, trying to form any kind of word but just ends up letting blood out of his mouth. "You know, I never really liked that look in your eyes," Yuri then raised his clawed thump to the priest's face. "Why don't I scoop your eyes out next?"

Freed doubled his struggling. for once, he truly looked scared. No, he was terrified of the monster in front of him and wanted to be anywhere but here. Suddenly, just as the pink-haired teen's thumb was going to stab into Freed's eye socket, his body suddenly vanished in a green flash of light.

"A teleportation sigil?" Yuri growled knowing that his prey wasn't even in Kouh anymore. Teleportation sigils were magical circles placed on someone's body, and when activated, they would teleport their host to whoever activated them. That means that someone helped Freed getaway. "Well, no matter," Yuri shrugged it off. He already had his fun, and Haou should be arriving any minute now.

Suddenly, the ground in the middle of the field erupted into smoke catching everyone's attention. When the smoke vanished, it revealed a wounded Kokabiel. He was covered in bruises, with bleeding lips, and his clothes were a mess.

Yuto, who had kicked Kokabiel to the ground earlier, landed in front of the warmonger and crossed his arms. "So, are you ready to give up?" he asked hoping to not waste any more time.

The rogue Cadre spat out some blood and glared at his opponent. "Don't get cocky. just because you got a few hits on me, does not mean you can beat me, The strongest leader of the Grigori."

"Strongest leader?" Yuto looked at Kokabiel as if he was delusional. "Who told you that lie? the idiot that you see in the mirror?" he asked making the Cadre glare at him. "You're not the strongest leader of the Grigori, and you never were. Why else are you doing this in secret? it's because you know that Azazel and Baraqiel would kick your ass if they ever found out."

"SHUT UP!" Kokabiel cried out. "What do those weaklings know?! Azazel is a fool, and Baraqiel is a cowered. We would've won the Great War, but then they agree to the cease-fire?! Don't give me that crap! with the satans gone and God dead, we Fallen Angels had the biggest chance of winning!"

The devils and Xenovia were surprised to hear a certain part of what Kokabiel said. "God's dead?" Rias repeated as if not believing her ears. "That's crazy! I've never heard of something like that!"

Kokabiel laughed like a maniac. "Of course you didn't. The leaders of the three factions made sure to hide the truth. Who would believe that God is dead? if this information came out, it would be chaos," he sounded rather pleased with that idea.

"Lies!" a shaken Xenovia cried out while trying to cover her ears so she doesn't hear anymore. "They're all lies, they… they can't be true."

"B-But then who was giving out the blessing and love?" Asia asked not wanting to believe it.

"Michael has been doing his best to keep his father's system going," Kokabiel replied, enjoying the looks of despair that showed around him.

Asia could not take anymore and fainted. "Asia!" Issei cried out as he immediately went to her side. Xenovia didn't blame Asia for the way she reacted and was surprised that she herself could still think straight.

Kokabiel then noticed the lack of reaction from the four brothers. "You four don't seem surprised at all," he pointed out making the others look at them.

"That's because we knew," Yuya said causing even more shock around.

"You..knew?" Kiba asked receiving a nod from the green-haired teen. The fact that they knew further confirmed the truth that God is dead.

Truthfully, none of the four brothers cared about the biblical god. They wanted to thank him for sealing the white and red ones in Sacred Gears, but that's it. They belonged to the Duel Monsters world, and the closest thing to that was the Egyptian Pantheon.

"If you're done wasting time, then let's get this over with," Yuto said impatiently, not wanting to waste any more time.

the rogue cadre gritted his teeth. He wouldn't admit it, but he was actually having trouble dealing with the purple-haired teen. However, he then noticed that the Gremory Peerage was still recovering from the news of God's death.

So, deciding to finally get a kill, Kokabiel created a light spear and dashed to the nearest Devil, which just happened to be Koneko. Yuto saw that and was about to jump in and stop him, only to halt upon sensing something.

With no time to react, Koneko can only stare wide-eyed at incoming warmonger. His speed was too great for her and she couldn't do anything as Kokabiel swung down his light spear. But, it never touched her.

"Time's up," Haou said suddenly appearing between the rogue Grigori leader and the white-haired rook while holding the light spear between his fingers.

Everyone was surprised by the Supreme King seemingly appearing out of thin air. Koneko, for the most part, was relieved and happy seeing who she thinks is Judai show up to her rescue. Kokabiel, however, was pissed that he was interrupted. But, when Haou crushed the light spear between his fingers, Kokabiel had to jump back and make some distance.

"Damn, took too much time," Yuto mentally scolded himself that he didn't deal with Kokabiel sooner and made Haou come here to deal with the situation himself.

"Well, this fight's over," Yugo said earning a nod from Yuya.

Kokabiel m kept glaring at the newly arrived Haou, who simply regarded him with a look someone would give if they were wasting time dealing with children. "And who might you be?"

"Who I am should not matter to a soon to be dead man," Haou replied. his tone made it obvious that he considers Kokabiel as nothing more than an insect. "Now, do us both a favor and just kill yourself, that will save me the trouble."

Kokabiel scoffed and created another light spear. "You think that you can actually kill me? don't be a fool! I am-"

"Let me ask you one thing before you continue," The Supreme King suddenly said catching everyone off guard and causing Kokabiel to raise an eyebrow. Haou then raised his hand… to show a beating heart. "Is this yours?"

it was at this moment that Kokabiel spat out a lot of blood and looked down to realize that there is a fist-sized hole in his chest. His eyes widening in horror, he looked up at his own heart just before Haou crushed it within his hand.

The rogue Cadre fell on his knees, gasping for air. Nothing was currently helping the blood bump in his veins. he looked up in horror as Haou started walking towards him. He was absolutely shocked. He didn't even know or feel when Haou had taken his heart out.

In the last attempt for at least killing someone, Kokabiel used whatever power he had left to send a few light spears at the Supreme King. But, they all shattered like glass upon making contact with him.

Haou scoffed at the light spears. After taking attacks from the Light of Ruin, light as weak as this honestly couldn't even tickle him. "Know, time to end you," The Supreme King said before grabbing Kokabiel's face and setting his entire body on fire with golden flames.

Most were shocked by the golden flames, Rias and Koneko more than the rest. The Gremory really hated not being able to recall all the things she saw familiar about Haou. While Koneko felt an odd pull to the golden flames as if her own life force was drawn to it.

When the fire was gone, Haou waved his hand to get rid of Kokabiel's ashes and then looked at the sky. "Now, are you going to reveal yourself, or do I have to force you out of hiding?" Haou said making everyone confused.

However, the barrier around the Academy was suddenly destroyed drawing everyone's attention. What they saw caused the four brothers to immediately glare, because they all saw a white armored with blue wings made of light floating in the sky.

"Interesting," the person inside the armor noted. "I came here to deal with Kokabiel on Azazel's orders, but it seems that wasn't necessary," he added seeing the ashes near Haou.

"You're a little late," Haou scolded like he was talking to a child. "Go back to your boss and tell him to start taking care of his people properly," he was practically ordering him at this point. the Supreme king knew that Azazel was lazy, but this was just unacceptable.

"I shall do so," Replied the person inside the armor before looking at Haou. "But, tell me, who are you?"

the Supreme King just turned around. "I don't have time for the likes of you, I have visitors to deal with," he replied remembering that Sirzechs and Serafall were coming.

the man inside the armor was not very pleased and was about to say something until another voice spoke. [Are you going to ignore me, white one?] Everyone looked at the source and saw that it came from Issei's Boosted Gear.

[Ddraig,] another voice said coming from the sky. But, it wasn't from the man, it was from the armor itself. [So we meet again,] the dragon inside that Sacred Gear, Albion, said.

suddenly, Yuri started chuckling. "Would you look at that, brothers? Those two are ignoring us," he said as his pupils turned to slits.

"You have a lot of nerving speaking around us," Yuya growled as his eyes did the same.

"I have half-a-mind to just kill their hosts right now," Yugo said cracking his knuckles, his eyes also turning to slits.

"Trust me, you are not alone," Yuto said as his eyes did the same. Truthfully, all four brothers wanted to attack right now, but they couldn't since Haou was here.

[So, it is you after all,] Ddraig said after finally confirming his suspicions about who they were.

[This is had gotten a whole lot more interesting,] Albion said making his host even more curious since he can feel a dragon's aura from the four brothers.

"Enough," Haou's calm voice managed to echo around the entire area. "We don't have time to deal with children like him. Let us leave," he said dismissing the white Emperor as if he was nothing. Albion's host was obviously not pleased and took charge, probably to prove that he shouldn't be dismissed like that. The Supreme King didn't even look back as he said, "Get him out of my sight."

The White Emperor was not prepared as Yugo suddenly appeared beside him and sent his foot at the side of his head sending him towards Yuya, who was holding up an entire tree as if it was nothing. The green-haired teen swung the tree as if it was a bat and smashed it on the incoming White Emperor, sending him away into the sky.

"And Team Rocket is blasting off agaaaaain," Yuya jocked looking at where the White emperor had gone.

Yugo laughed at what his brother said. "I swear, he looks like a shooting star from here."

"So-tan!" Serafall cried out hugging Sona and rubbing their cheeks together, although it looked a little forced on the latter's part. the current Satan of Leviathan was wearing a pink Magical girl outfit, which did not help the young Sitri's embarrassed blush. "Are you alright? I was so worried when I heard what happened," Serafall let go of her sister and pointed at the sky with a glare. "If my So-tan was hurt, I would have declared War!"

"B-Big sister, please, I'm okay and everything worked out," Sona immediately started trying to calm down her sister, knowing she was being serious. The student council were looking at the two, surprised by how their president's sibling was so different than her.

Meanwhile, Rias was standing in front of her brother while Asia was rending to everyone else. "I'm glad you are alright, Rias," the current satan of Lucifer said as he saw that his sister was not harmed. Grayfia was also there, standing behind Sirzechs while wearing a maid uniform. "I must admit, I'm impressed. You and your Peerage took on Kokabiel on your own," he said not knowing what happened.

His sister then shook her head. "It wasn't us," she said.

Both Sirzechs and Serafall looked at the Gremory heiress in confusion. "Oh, then who was it?" the Satan of Lucifer asked.

"Have you forgotten how to feel my presence, you walking ketchup bottle," the eyes of Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Serafall widen hearing the all too familiar voice with the latter gaining a few tears. they all looked behind them to see none other than Supreme King Haou smiling at them. "It's been a while."

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, Yuzu and Ruri are here. mainly because… well, I'm just going to come out and say it, I had literally no idea who to pair Yuya and Yuto with from the DxD universe.

Second, About the fights, Yuto took on Kokabiel because I believe he didn't get to shine much since the beginning of the story. Yuri took on Freed because I'm pretty sure you all wanted to see that happen and Freed Getting tortured.

Third, Sirzechs and Serafall are finally here, I'm pretty sure you've all been waiting for that.

and lastly, I wanted to update earlier, but the chapter ended up being longer than expected. I honestly have never made a Chapter this long, and I hope it was worth the wait.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)