It was a new day in Kuoh academy. Currently, the four brothers, Judai, and Xenovia were walking towards the academy with the latter wearing her new school uniform. "So, how do you feel about going to school?" Yugo asked.

The young Quarta held her bag over her shoulder. "Well, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous," she admitted. Being raised in the church, she was always home-schooled by Griselda or the priests there and never got to experience going to school.

"You'll be fine," Judai said, waving off her worries. "It gets boring, but the people there are pretty nice," he added, hoping to help her calm down.

"To be perfectly honest, everyone there reeks of hormones," Yuto admitted remembering how everyone in the school acts. "But I suppose they're not bad people."

The former exorcist nodded, appreciating the words of encouragement. "Still, I find it surprising that you finished that much paperwork just over last night," she said. When they woke up, they just found the Supreme King sending the paperwork back, all of it being completed.

"Oh, that was nothing," Judai said waving his hand. "You should see how much paperwork I get when all the types of Duel Monsters decide to have a holiday together," he added while a shiver went through his spine. The last time that happened, he honestly had a small mountain of paperwork to sign.

"To be honest, last Christmas was great," Yuya commented, remembering the celebration.

"Easy for you to say that," Haou's golden eyes appeared. "You're not the one who had to sign all those papers about the cleanup. How you idiots managed to literally flip an entire building upside down is beyond me," he added shaking his head.

"To be fair, even we don't know how that happened," Yuri replied. They were very drunk at that party, and he couldn't even remember most of it.

Xenovia kept getting both intrigued and concerned about the topic of the conversation. They eventually came across Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko walking to school together. "Hey, girls, and Kiba," Judai greeted with his usual brown eyes and smile. "How's it hanging?"

"It's all good, Judai," Rias replied as they all started walking together towards the school. She became more relaxed around the Supreme King when she realized that there's a difference between Judai and Haou.

"So, what food will I be taking from you today?" Koneko half asked and half-joked with a rare smirk.

"That ain't happening today, Missy," Judai replied shaking his head. He had full intentions of having a full dessert today.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that," the White-haired girl replied, sounding as if she's talking to a child.

The Supreme King sighed in a tired tone, knowing that she was going to find a way to force his dessert out of him. "So, what do you guys have in plan today," he asked, changing the subject.

"Issei informed me of something important," Rias said, taking a serious look. "I believe that you should hear it as well, so please come to the club room after school," she requested and the brown-haired teen nodded.

Kiba then looked at Yugo with a raised eyebrow. "So, why aren't you going on your bike today, Yugo?" he asked and the others realized that the Clearwing dragon was walking instead of using his motorcycle.

"I was forbidden," the blue-haired teen replied with anime-tears streaming through his eyes.

"That's because you get into a lot of trouble while using that pile of junk," Yuri explained, remembering that every time Yugo goes for a drive, he would get into some kind of trouble, either with the student council or the authorities.

"Hey!" Yuri's statement caused Yugo to abandon his sad look for an angry one. "I built that bike with my bare hands! Don't you dare call it junk!" he threatened with a tick mark on his head, but Yuri simply waved it off.

"Really? You built it yourself?" Xenovia looked extremely interested in the fact that Yugo built his own bike. Meanwhile, the others didn't look completely convinced.

"He's being serious, you know," Yuya said, confirming what his brother said. "He spent months gathering pieces and putting them together," truthfully, the rest of the brothers sort of admired Yugo for building his bike simply through hard work without any magic or supernatural involved.

"Interesting," Xenovia put a hand on her chin as she seemed to be in thought.

"So, let me get this straight," Judai, or to be specific, Haou started pinching the bridge of his nose. "You're telling me, that you've been regularly meeting Azazel as a client, yet you had no idea who he was, or even bothered to know?"

Currently, the Supreme King was sitting on the couch inside the ORC club-room. Issei had informed them that the client he was going to recently turned out to be Azazel, the leader of the Grigori. Apparently, the Red Emperor didn't know who it was until Kokabiel said his name.

"Yeah," Issei admitted, hanging his head in shame and guilt.

Rias was beside her Pawn and pulled his head on to her lap in an attempt to comfort him. "To think that the leader of the Fallen Angels would sneak into my territory, and what's worse is that he was messing with my Issei," to say she looked mad would be an understatement.

"You need to get your priorities straight," Yuto commented after hearing the Gremory heiress' rant, believing that the former was worse than the latter.

"Lord Haou, how come he was able to remain unnoticed by you?" Yuya asked, not believing it was possible for the Cadre Fallen Angel to hide from the Supreme King.

"He didn't," looks of confusion were directed towards Haou at his statement. "I already knew that Azazel was in town, but I also knew that he wouldn't actually try anything stupid since he should know not to do anything rash in someone else's territory," Rias wanted to say something about how the Supreme King should have told her, but remained quiet knowing it wasn't Judai speaking. "What is concerning, however, is that this idiot," he motioned to Issei. "didn't know who he was talking to until they revealed themselves."

"Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?" Koneko said, reminding the Supreme King that he kept his own identity a secret when they came here.

"I don't remember telling you people my name, do you?" Haou asked and Koneko shook her head. "Yet, Issei knew that his client is named Azazel, but not for a second tried to make sure who that was."

"I said I was sorry," their subject of conversation mumbled, feeling more shame by the minute.

Haou sighed. "Well, I suppose I can't blame you since you are still young," he said which lifted Issei's spirit a bit.

"Back to the more important subjects," Rias decided to get to the point of why she brought this up with Haou. "Do you think he had something to do with Kokabiel's plan? Or that he is planning something himself?"

The Supreme King shook his head. "No, that's not Azazel's style. He has no interest in war, only research in Sacred Gears," Haou then looked at the side. "Isn't that right, walking Ketchup bottle?"

"Stop calling me that!" a magical circle with the Gremory crest suddenly appeared before Sirzechs and Grayfia came through it. The current Lucifer was wearing a business suit, in contrast to his usual royal robes, and Grayfia was wearing her maid outfit. "And you are right, Azazel would not do something as rash as try to restart the Great War. He's far too interested in research now," he said, backing up Haou's statement.

"Big brother!" the Gremory Peerage all bowed in respect to their current ruler.

"Please, calm down," Sirzechs waved off their bows. "You're my sister's Peerage, as such you are part of our family, so there is no need for you to be so serious," his eyes then turned towards Xenovia. "You are my sister's newest piece, right?"

The former exorcist nodded at the question. "Yes. It is an honor to meet you, Sirzechs Lucifer," Xenovia greeted, a little uncertain on what to do.

"When I heard that the wielder of Durandal joined my sister's Peerage, I almost couldn't believe my ears," Sirzechs admitted, which wasn't surprising considering how Holy Sword wielders view Devils.

"Truthfully, I didn't expect to become a Devil any time soon," Xenovia commented. "However, after seeing how your sister treats her servants, I thought it would be the best decision now that the church has kicked me out."

"Fear of Griselda also helped make that choice," Haou added. The young Quarta looked away, unwilling to comment on that remark.

"Big brother, what are you doing here?" Rias asked, knowing that Sirzechs couldn't have come here just to meet the latest addition to her Peerage.

"What are you saying?" Sirzechs seemed amused at his sister's question. "The classroom visit is coming up. I couldn't miss that now, could I?"

A look of dread appeared on Rias' features. "H-How do you know about that?!" her look immediately went to her brother's wife. "Grayfia, you told him, didn't you!?" there was a hint of betrayal in her voice.

While her expression didn't change, some can see the glint of amusement in her eyes. "I am Sirzechs' Queen, as such, it is my job to inform of such events. However, it was not me who informed him this time," she added.

Rias looked confused. She didn't know who could have told her brother. But then, she remembered that there was someone here who was close friends with Sirzechs and could have possibly told him.

The Gremory heiress turned her look towards the Supreme King, who was grinning from ear to ear while giving a peace sign. "Yeah, that was me," Judai chuckled at the leering Rias.

The young Gremory wanted very much to start ranting or yelling at the brown-haired teen. However, she held her tongue knowing that he can change from Judai to Haou in the drop of a hat. She wouldn't doubt that he also told Serafall, despite Sona's attempts at hiding the event from her sister.

"Besides, there's some business for me here anyway," Sirzechs' features took a serious look. "There has been a change of plans. The meeting of the three Factions has been decided to happen in Kuoh academy. The leaders of the Angels and the Fallen Angels would come here as well."

Most of those around were surprised, even the four brothers. Meanwhile, Haou sighed in annoyance. "Are you trying to force me into joining?" he asked, knowing that hiding his presence now would be near impossible.

"Honestly, I had nothing to do with that choice," Sirzechs said in self-defense. "That decision was made by Azazel, and Michael agreed, believing that the meeting should be in the place where the incident happened. With two against one, I couldn't exactly change their minds," he explained before asking his own question. "Speaking of Faction meetings, what happened with the Greek Pantheon?"

The Supreme King slumped in his seat. "It could have been worse. I have a meeting with Zeus soon, but it should be over by the time you start your meeting," noticing Haou pointing out the timing, Sirzechs looked at him, surprised at what he was implying. "I decided to join. I believe it's enough for Duel Monsters to hide. We'll be making our move during the meeting, and if anyone doesn't like that… well, I'll just do to them what I did to the more violent creatures of Duel Monsters," he explained.

"You mean to beat them into submission?" Yuri asked but received no response. However, that was all the answer he needed as he grinned, hoping that there were some complainers so he could deal with them.

"Well, just know that you have the Devils' support, my friend," Sirzechs said, earning a grateful nod from the Supreme King. The current Lucifer then looked at his sister's Peerage. "Now, I will be looking for a place to stay. Issei Hyoudou, would you mind if I stayed at your home?"

If Rias didn't look scared before, she definitely did now. "Y-Yeah, you can stay with us if you want," the red emperor replied much to his King's horror.

"W-Wait! what about Lord Haou's house," Rias was practically begging the Supreme King to help her with the look she was giving him.

However, unlucky for her, she was dealing with Judai. "Nah, I don't think we have any room," the mischievous smile on his face did not help his statement at all.

"Uhmm, we actually-" Yuya was about to comment on how they still had room but was stopped by a look from the king of Duel monsters.

The Gremory heiress could feel her blood dropping in temperature. Now that her brother and his wife were coming over, she knew that she wouldn't get many chances to try anything with Issei, not to mention that she didn't doubt that her brother would do something that embarrasses her.

It was the next day. Rias looked almost dead when she came to school, obviously having a terrible night with her brother around. Today, the ORC, Judai, and four brothers were at the school's pool, which looked like it can be used as a home for a swamp monster from how filthy it was.

"Man, this place stinks," Issei commented looking at the green sludge that covered the pool.

"At least you don't have heightened senses," If there was a time that Yugo didn't appreciate his strong sense of smell, it was now.

Judai looked at Rias. "So, why did you bring us here?" he asked.

"I made a deal with the student council," Rias began her explanation, getting over the previous night. "We'll clean the pool for them and we get to use it first. It's like a way to thank them for cleaning up the mess after Kokabiel's attack."

"I think they got off easy having to avoid this stuff," Yuto commented, almost swearing that he saw something move inside the pool. "So, can we get started?"

the Gremory heiress nodded and motioned for her queen. Akeno stepped forward and used magic to completely empty the pool from its filthy content, which only let them with an empty yet still filthy pool.

"Alright, everyone, just change clothes and let's get to cleaning," Rias ordered and all those around nodded before leaving to the changing room.

While changing with the other boys, Kiba spoke. "Issei," said boy looked at the Gremory knight. "I just want to say... if you ever get in trouble, I'll help you out," the red emperor seemed to be taken back by that statement. Before the pawn can say anything back, Kiba turned towards Yuya and Yugo. "And you two, if you need anything-"

"You don't need to do that," Yuya cut Kiba off. "We did it because we wanted to. Besides, you have Rias' Peerage to help, so don't worry yourself with us."

Yugo nodded with his brother. "Yeah, we Heavenly Dragons got each other's backs, so you just protect your friends."

the shock was evident on Kiba's face, but then he smiled. "Alright, but I'll still help you out if you need something," he added and the two brothers nodded, deciding to accept that.

"Besides, I assure you that they won't do anything like that without permission again," Haou decided to cut in after he finished charging. "Otherwise, it's another session in the 'room' for you two."

Yuya and Yugo paled and immediately shook their heads. "No, please not again!" they pleaded.

The Supreme King nodded, pleased by their reaction before he started walking out of the changing room. When he was out, Kiba asked. "I think that I'll regret this, but what is 'the room'?" he asked. Issei had a similar question in his mind, so he listened carefully.

Yuri chuckled darkly before answering. "Simply put, it's nothing," seeing the confusion on the Gremory pieces, he decided to explain further. "The room is just an empty void of darkness. It might not sound so bad. But, inside it, your five senses shut off. You don't see, hear, feel, smell, or taste anything. You just exist in the endless darkness. You can't even sleep."

Issei and Kiba felt a shiver go through their spines. From what they understood, going into the 'room' is like having your consciousness ripped from your body. They didn't blame Yugo and Yuya for their fear, and they made a mental note to avoid doing something that might get them that kind of punishment.

After a few moments, everyone was inside the empty pool. Yuya and Akeno were holding hoses, while the others held a broom or mop to clean with. "I can't believe that we're doing this," Yuto commented drawing the attention of the others. "We're Heavenly Dragons, beings that go toe to toe with gods, and yet here we are, cleaning some school pool," it's not that the purple-haired teen hated doing this job, it's just that he felt it was a little degrading.

"Hey, it's not so bad," Judai said mopping beside Koneko. "Hard work is pretty rewarding when magic isn't involved."

"What I don't believe, is that the Supreme King himself is doing this," Rias said, almost sounding like she couldn't believe her own words.

Both she and the current generation of Devils grew up hearing legends of the king of Duel Monsters. If anyone ever told the Gremory heiress that she would one day see him doing such labor, she would not have believed them for a second.

"Speaking of, can you tell us more about the Supreme King?" Akeno asked as she sprayed some water for Asia to mop through.

"I would like to know as well," Xenovia said as she mopped beside Yugo. "All I know is that he is the King of something called the Duel Monsters world, but that is it," she then looked at Judai. "I would also like to know how you know my mother."

Rias spoke while she cleaned one of the sides. "Everyone in the current Devil generation knows about the Supreme King. During the Devil Civil War after the Great War, things were pretty even between the Old-Satan and the Anti-Satan Factions. But, it all changed when the Supreme King showed up. Apparently, the Old-Satan Faction managed to anger him, and he came to deal with them. From what I know, Serafall managed to make a pact of peace with the Supreme King and he helped us during the war. After the war was over, lord Haou and his people vanished just like they came."

Everyone but the four brothers kept looking at the Supreme King in awe… "Whoa!" until he slipped on some water and fell on his butt. "Awe, man," Judai groaned while rubbing his sore backside.

"Idiot," Koneko mumbled with a smirk.

"If I didn't see his powers, I wouldn't have believed it's the same guy," Issei commented and the others nodded, even the four brothers.

"So, how do you know my mother?" Xenovia asked hoping to get some answers.

"Oh, me and Griselda have been friends for years now," Judai replied as he stood back up. "We met during one of the times I was taking a stroll through the human world. She was still new in the church and was training in the forest. We talked for a bit, and she challenged me to a fight."

"She didn't stand a chance, did she," Yuri stated rather than asked as he mopped the floor with Akeno spraying some water for him.

Judai chuckled and nodded. "As you can guess, she didn't take her loss well and asked for a rematch. I guess you can say that I'm sort of the reason why best swordswoman in the church."

They understood what the Supreme King meant. Sparring with Haou, who can take on gods without trouble, would be bound to make someone powerful, no matter who they are. In fact, Xenovia now was interested in getting her own fight with Haou, but she wasn't stupid enough to do it now.

"Hey, where's Asia and Issei?" Yuya asked noting their absence.

"Asia went to help Issei with a certain issue," Akeno replied. She used to be the one who does that, but she taught it to Asia to do it in her stead.

After a few moments, they were all out of the pool after they finished cleaning it. Akeno used some elemental magic to fill the pool with new and clear water. "Alright, now we got a pool to enjoy!" Judai exclaimed as he immediately went to change into his swimwear.

The others followed his example and went to change. The first ones to come out were the boys since they didn't need to change much. "Cannon Ball!" Yugo cried out as he jumped in, causing a big splash.

"Wait for us," Yuya followed his brother inside the pool, and into the water.

"Why do they have to be so noisy?" Yuri asked to no one in particular.

"Have you met these two?" Yuto replied with his own question, which earned a chuckle from the pink-haired teen.

The girls then came out. Rias was wearing a white two-piece swimsuit. Ajeno was also wearing a two-piece but was red and blue while being slightly more revealing than her King. Asia and Koneko didn't have a swimsuit of their own, so they were wearing their school one-piece swimsuit.

Issei was obviously drooling at the sight of the girls. "Alright, you can all have as much fun as you want," Rias instructed as she laid on a chair beside the pool.

"How do you like my swimsuit, Yuri?" Akeno asked with her usual teasing tone.

There was a small, unnoticeable pink color on the Starve Venom dragon's cheeks. "I have seen many sights in my life, but beauty like yours only a few times," his reply got the desired response as a blush dusted the Gremory's Queen's cheeks.

"Yuto, would you be interested in a race?" Kiba asked seeing that the Dark Rebellion dragon didn't have anything to do.

The purple-haired teen shrugged his shoulders. "Why not, it could be fun," he agreed as they both went towards one side of the swimming pool before they both jumped in at the same time.

"Issei?" the Red Emperor stopped ogling as he saw Rias approach him with a rather timid looking Asia. "Asia has been wondering if you can teach her to swim?"

Issei looked at the blonde Bishop, who looked like she was too embarrassed to ask it herself, so she obviously requested that Rias does it for her. "S-Sure, no problem," in contrast to his usual Perverted expression whenever women and swimsuits are in involved, Issei had a kind and warm smile that seems to have calmed Asia down a bit.

Meanwhile, Judai felt someone pointing his side. He looked and saw Koneko, looking just as shy as Asia. "C-... Can you teach me how to swim?" she asked, almost ashamed with herself.

Judai gained his usual smirk. "Sure, no problem," he agreed and Koneko felt some relief that he didn't judge her.

A few moments later, Asia and Koneko were in the water with Issei and Judai holding their arms helping them move. Obviously, they started at the shallow half with simple kicking and breathing ways.

"And one, two, three, there you go," Judai sang out as he led Koneko from one side of the pool to the other.

After reaching the shallow half again, the White-haired girl stopped kicking and reached for the ground with her feet to stand. "I'm sorry that you have to burden yourself with helping me," she apologized, still feeling ashamed.

The Supreme King waved it off. "Don't worry about it. I like helping you out. It's like having a little sibling to look out for," Koneko smiled at the genuine kindness she heard in his voice. She actually liked the thought of him treating her as a sibling. "Besides, this kind of reminds me of the time I learned how to swim."

The White-haired Rook couldn't help but raise a curious eyebrow. "What was it like?"

A warm smile appeared on Judai's features as his eyes changed color again. However, not both of them turned gold. The pupils were white, but only one iris turned gold while the other turned an emerald green color.

A younger version of Judai was inside a lake in the middle of the forest. In the water with him was a young woman. The woman had spiky blue hair with a blue gym in the shape of a diamond on her forehead.

The woman was apparently helping Judai swim, which is implied by how she's holding his hands as she moved backward while he followed her, kicking his feet.

"That's right, make sure to keep the water out of your mouth," the woman instructed as she moved through the lake while Judai followed her.

Reaching one of the edges, the woman and the young Judai stopped as he finally reached a land close enough for the latter to stand on. "Thanks for teaching me how to swim again, Yubel."

The newly named Yubel smiled before ruffling the boy's brown hair. "Anything for you, my prince," she said.

"You don't have to keep calling me that," Judai said in a tired tone, hoping that his friend would drop the formalities.

"Inside or outside the castle, you're still the prince," Yubel teased seeing the boy's tired expression. "And one day, I'll be calling you King as well."

An enthusiastic grin adored the young Judai's features. "Just you wait, I'll be the best King you ever saw one day," he exclaimed pumping his fist in the air, causing a chuckle from Yubel, who ruffled his hair again.

Koneko was surprised by the sudden change of the eyes since it wasn't like the usual one, but Judai's eyes returned to normal pretty soon." It was fun," he said, answering her earlier question.

It was at that moment that Yugo noticed the absence of the newest addition to the Gremory Peerage. "Hey, where's Xenovia?" he asked.

"She said she has problems with her swimsuit," Asia answered as Issei helped her reach the edge of the pool.

"Could you check on her, please?" Rias requested from her seat on the towel outside the pool.

The Clearwing dragon sighed but still nodded. He swam towards the edge of the pool and pulled himself out before heading towards where the changing rooms were. He didn't know why Xenovia would have a problem with wearing a swimsuit. In his opinion, it was like wearing underwear.

Just as Yugo was passing by the storage room, a pair of arms suddenly busted out and pulled him inside. The blue-haired teen got his bearings to see that he was sitting inside the storage room with the girl he was looking for in front of him.

"Xenovia, what are you doing here?" Yugo asked as his vision adjusted to the darkness of the room.

The former exorcist was wearing a dark green, two-piece swimsuit with a few straps replaced by golden strings. It was a little revealing for a swimsuit, something you wouldn't expect a former member of the church to wear.

"Sorry it took so long. I never wore a swimsuit, so I didn't exactly know what to do," Xenovia apologized looking herself over.

Yugo couldn't help but blush slightly seeing all the skin that the wielder of Durandal was showing. "Well, you l-look good," he complimented. He then shook those thoughts out of his head. "But, why did you bring me here?"

"Well, after I became a Devil, I still didn't know what to do, so I asked Rias. She told me that Devils are creatures of desire, and we mostly do what we want. And so, I made a decision," Xenovia leaned forward to look the Clearwing dragon in the eyes. "I have decided to pursue the womanly life I never allowed myself to have because of the church. So… I would like to have your children."

There were many times were Yugo was immensely confused in his life. He would be the first to admit that he wasn't the brightest between the Heavenly Dragons. However, this time, the blue-haired teen actually felt his brain stop at Xenovia's request. "... What?"

"I said, I would like to have your children," Xenovia repeated, her tone similar to that of someone speaking about the weather.

It took a few moments for Yugo's brain to do a complete reboot. "W-W-W-WHAT!?" he couldn't stop himself from shouting even if he wanted to. "Why!?"

"As I said, I want to live the womanly-"

"No, not that. I mean why me!?" the Clearwing dragon stopped the former exorcist from repeating her reason.

"Well, you have all the qualities that I am looking for," Xenovia started her explanation. "You are a hard worker, which is proven by how you built your bike. You are one of the Heavenly Dragons, which means you hold a great deal of power. And, you are willing to put yourself in danger to help others, like when you helped me and Irina despite knowing it would get you in trouble with Lord Haou," she listed out her reasons before stepping forward. "Now, I have no experience in these things, so I would be following your lead," she said taking off her top.

Yugo's head turned as red as the Gremory family's unique hair. "Wait!? If you want your children to be strong, then why not go for Lord Haou!?" he asked, hoping to get out of this situation.

"I would go for the Supreme King, but…" a look of fear appeared on the former exorcist. "I'm… sort of scared of what Serafall Leviathan would do to me if I try something like that."

For a second, Yugo's blush was replaced by a deadpan look. "Yeah, on second thought, that's a bad idea," he agreed with Xenovia's fears.

In fact, the Clearwing dragon can remember how Serafall one time described in great detail how it feels to freeze someone VERY slowly from the inside out when some Devil woman tried to force herself on Haou. It's safe to say that no woman in the underworld tried to make a move on the Supreme King after that meeting.

"So, let's get started then," Xenovia cut Yugo's line of thoughts as she straddled his waist, causing his blush to return.

"W-Wait!" the blue-haired boy grabbed the shoulders of the girl that had the same hair theme. "You can't just rush things like that! You don't just decide to have kids! That's wrong!"

Xenovia tilted her head in confused innocence, which made it near impossible for Yugo to be mad at her. "Is it that you don't want to have children with me. Granted, I know I'm not as beautiful as Akeno or Rias, but I am confident in my looks."

"That's not it!" Yugo cried out, denying her claims.

"Well, then let us continue," Xenovia seemed hell-bent to go through with her idea.

Just as Yugo thought things couldn't get worse, the door to the storage room opened causing his blood to freeze. He realized that his yelling must have drawn the attention of the others and they came here to check on what happened.

Standing at the entrance was the Gremory Peerage along with Yugo's brothers and the Supreme King. "Yugo! What are you doing!?" Yuya looked baffled at his brother's position.

"Well, well, well, it looks like Fusion finally grew a pair," Yuri seemed nothing short of amused for his brother's predicament.

"I expect better from you, Yugo," Yuto was giving the Clearwing dragon the most disappointed look anyone has seen on a person's face.

"You idiots! This is rape!" Yugo cried out, ignoring how his pink-haired brother got his name wrong.

"So you're raping her?" that drew a mixture of reactions. Anger, disappointment, and disbelief.

"This is REVERSE rape!" Yugo decided to be more specific on the subject to clear his name.

"Oh, so she's raping you?" that also drew a mixture of different reactions. Confusion, amusement, and envy from the local pervert.

"Don't just stand there help me!" Yugo practically begged.

"A Heavenly Dragon raped by a teenage schoolgirl," Haou shook his head in disappointment. "Now I know that this is the end. I can almost hear the horsemen of the apocalypse being unleashed on the world."

The Supreme King simply turned around and started walking away, ignoring Yugo's attempts at asking for help and explaining the situation. Looking up, he watched the sky as one thought crossed his head.

"I wonder how Serafall is doing," Haou mumbled, wondering about his lover.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this.

First, sorry for the late update. I wanted to update earlier, but I ended up mixing the events, so I had to double-check what happened. I hope I didn't screw it up.

Second, there are not many events in this chapter. But, even you have to admit that this part of the show was mainly fillers and fanservice.

Third, as you can see, Haou is going to join the meeting. A lot of things will happen and be explained there.

Fourth, the relationship between Akeno and Yuri is growing. As for Yugo, I decided to let him have both Xenovia and Rin since it's common for Dragons to have more than one mate.

Fifth, a little bit of Haou's past is revealed, I'm sure some of you are excited about that.

And lastly, it looks like Koneko as a little sister won the vote. So, sorry for those who wanted her in the Harem. I hope you can forgive me.

Again, thank you for reading this. Please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)