WebNovelMine, His34.29%

Chapter 12: Burn

Adrien fiddled with mini Marinette. Plagg had said to him before that three hours was all Fu needed…but he struggled to understand how the kwami could be so sure. It was almost reaching the three hour mark and he was becoming increasingly anxious.

He had seen the state Marinette was in. She had looked like a large mass of bloodied, sliced and chopped meat.

The only place that remained mostly unharmed was her face,but even that was tainted by a deep slice across the side of it.

Adrien ran a hand through his hair for what felt like the billionth felt time.

He felt like he was caught in a never ending anxiety attack,and he was so very frightened.

"Adrien…Time to get up."

Adrien nodded and stood up.

Fu opened the door and smiled at Adrien,Adrien smiled awkwardly.

He looked down and saw Marinette in Fu's arms,sleeping soundly,in her beautiful dress, unharmed, unscathed, perfectly untouched.

He gaped and looked back up Fu in absolute shock.

"She's… But she was…but…How did you..?"Adrien struggled to speak. His mind was now completely blank.

Marinette had not a single scratch on her.

"You should take her. I'm afraid I'm about to collapse."Fu said with a weak looking smile.

Adrien closed his mouth and wasted no time in taking his princess into his arms.

Fu fell to his knees.

"Sir-"Adrien started in alarm,and concern for the man who had done something incredibly miraculous and saved his friend.

"I'm okay son, just extremely tired. When she wakes up I need you to give her this."Fu said, lifting up a glowing, green pebble.

Adrien squinted at it.

"She needs to swallow it." Fu explained and Adrien's eyes almost popped out as he did so. The pebble was small, but it looked suspicious. How could it not?It had yellow smoke coming out of it which only served to emphasize the green glowing of the stone.

"Just trust me, she just has to. Make sure she gets plenty of rest this week. She can move around as she normally does, but she needs a minimum of twelve hours of sleep a day."

"T-twelve hours?That's an awful lot…"Adrien said, embarrassed at how bewildered and shocked he was in front of this elderly man.

"Every time she lies down to sleep, make sure she eats one of these, it will ensure she's asleep for a full 12 hours." He handed Adrien a box of pink biscuits.

"She needs to drink 16 glasses of water a day." Fu continued.

"S-sixteen? Isn't the recommended amount 8-13 glasses?" Adrien asked and Fu just chuckled.

"Also, if she starts experiencing migraines, give her one of these, and give her one whenever she has a migraine."

Fu handed him the stone and a bag of matte-black cubes of… something.

Adrien just nodded.

"That's it." Fu says.

Adrien frowned.

"I really don't know how you did it, but thank you…"

"You're welcome Adrien. Nice pet you have there." He remarks. Adrien glanced at his floating kwami.

"It's a,urm, new breed of cat,bird,urm,thing?" Adrien fumbled out.

Fu just smiled.

"Take care of your friend here. It was really hard to get her away from the clutches of death."

Adrien nodded.

"But let's say I had a little help." he winked at Plagg who snickered and eyed the side of the man's trousers where a small bump can be seen in the pocket.

Adrien eyed it too but chose not to comment.

"Good night son."Fu said, bowing his head and closing the door.

Adrien looked at Plagg.

"Who was that guy?"He asked.

Plagg shrugged. "He took care of me before I came to you."

Adriens eyes widened.

"He was the wielder of the Black Cat miraculous?"

Plagg burst into laughter.

"Old man Fu?Nooooo!Or should I say no Wayzz!"Plagg croons.

"Shut up Plagg!" Someone yelled from inside the house.

Adrien stepped back with widened eyes.

"Some things are better left unsaid…Anyway kid, time to transform."

Adrien nodded. "Plagg, transform me."

Plagg disappeared into the ring.

Chat carried the sleeping girl home. She was breathing evenly and to him, that was literally a breath of fresh air –Pun not intended.

Just remembering how shallow and strained her breathing was earlier, left him with a horrible feeling in his chest.

He still couldn't come to terms with the fact that she had been hurt like that. He hated the fact that she was attacked while he himself was in the building…

Had nobody heard the woman screaming?

Did those men knock her out before they attacked her?

Suddenly he felt a surge of anger.

How dare they do that to her!

Who did they think they were?

Wait…Actually, who were they?

He frowned as he darted across rooftops, landing gently every time so that he didn't wake Marinette up.

Finally, he landed on her balcony and lay her down on the sofa before moving to pick the trapdoor lock.

Once done, he turned, tenderly picked up the woman, and jumped down onto her bed.

He glanced around the room making sure that there was no weirdo in the room, once he was certain that it was safe, he placed the girl down on her bed.

It was 3 a.m. and he was exhausted. He had a really long, eventful, and emotionally draining day, but he couldn't sleep as yet.

Fu had clearly said that he needed to give Marinette the glowing pebble to swallow as soon as she awoke, so he needed to stay awake until she did.

He yawned and lay down next to her, careful not to invade her personal space.

He stared at her peaceful face.

He wondered vaguely if she would remember anything that had happened. Maybe she could tell him…It would be great if she did because it would be easier to track those three asswipes down.

If she didn't remember, that was okay, he still had a plan.

He was determined to get his revenge on those three, he just needed to get the list of the models in the fashion show, once he identified the faces, he could easily get their locations, and unleash the wrath of his burning fury on those savages.

Chat propped himself up on an elbow and traced the lines of his friends face with his eyes, not daring to look any lower.

She looked so innocent and angelic. It would take someone truly evil to look at a face like that and want to hurt it.

And that's exactly what Chloe was.

An evil, cruel,barbaric thing.

Chat huffed. It was Friday. The plan he had for today was a pawsitively sick one.

It was just as barbaric as Chloe's one,If not more.

It took two to tango.

But he wasn't going to just tango.

Marinette shifted a bit,and settled.

Chat smiled. The relief that he felt knowing that she was okay, and unharmed, well,it was a bit overwhelming.

He sat up, cross-legged and tilted his head,he looked just like a kitten with one ear drooping and his tail flickering about in the air.

Marinette snorted in her sleep and Chat covered his mouth to stop the laugh that escaped his lips.

He couldn't help it. How could anyone be that adorable? And worse still, in their sleep!

Chat smiled goofily.

Marinette opened and closed her mouth a few times and rolled over onto her stomach.

Chat watched in amusement, grinning broadly when he noticed the stream of drool coming from her mouth.

She turned her head to the other side, but not even ten seconds later, she turned it back.

Chat glanced at the clock, it was 3:27.

He yawned and glanced at the little bag of black cubes.

He picked it up with a raised brow, and plucked one of the cubes from the bag. It looked almost like a square block of black chalk.

It wasn't too big, it was about the size of a sweet or candy, and had the strange urge to lick it.

He stood up and turned his back to Marinette's bed.

He glanced at the clock again, he was getting a bit anxious, it was almost half an hour since they got back and he was a bit curious as to when Marinette would open her eyes.

Fu said she was fine, but he could only be one-hundred percent sure once she awoke.

Chat turned back to the bed and crouched next to it as he noticed Marinette flip her head to the side again.

"Hiii."He said to the sleeping woman.

He was met with silence.

"I know you're exhausted princess, but could you please wake up so that I know you're not actually in a coma or something?"

She didn't say anything.

He frowned.

He was getting more anxious. Chat pulled a piece of hair out of her mouth and tucked it behind her ear, choosing to keep his gloved palm on her face.

Her nose twitched. He rested his head on the bed and wiped the drool off her face.

Suddenly her eyes flew open.

It was 3:30, time to pee.

Marinette blinked sleepily.

Suddenly she jumped up with a gasp, her eyes darted around.

She looked over her body, touching her tummy, then her face and arms as if searching for something.

"I'm alive!" She shrieked out, jumping up, almost tumbling down the ladder and running to the mirror.

Chat followed, sighing in relief. She was completely fine. He couldn't stop himself from hauling her into a hug.

Marinette blinked, wondering how she was not wounded at all…

Had she been dreaming that she was attacked?

Chat was here… Had he saved her?

He was hugging her very tightly… Seemingly tense…

"Chat?" She asked, rubbing his back.

He just stood there in silence, finally he took a deep breath and held her at arm's length.

Suddenly he exploded.

"What the hell happened!?"He shouted.

"Huh?"Marinette asked in confusion at the angry looking villain.

"Where was your pepperspray?Where were your friends?Why didn't you scream?!"


"They had you in a bloody sack woman!Literally, a bloodied sack!"


"Why were you alone, what happened? How did they get you?Did they drug you?"


"Did they rape you?!"


"Well they could have! And then what would have happened?! "

"It's not my fault-"

"I know that!But still!What is wrong with you?! Why did you go to that show!You knew it was during crime time!Regardless of whether or not you were in a building, crime time is crime time!"Chat snarled shaking her slightly.

Marinette scratched her neck sheepishly.

"Well you see…"

"What..?"Chat asked wearily.

"You left a note…"Marinette started, breaking out of his hold and fetching the note he had written the morning before.

"You said you'd be modeling in a fashion show… The only Fashion show in Paris was the Ravensburg one…" She says, going to the center of her room and pulling down a large chart that revealed the faces of 50 models with a little box next to each face.

She crossed off three faces quickly and puts a big asterisk at a brunette.

"Definitely not those three, so you are one of these 47…"She trailed off with an embarrassed look.

Chat gaped at her.

"You've got to be kidding me." He said, his eye twitched rapidly.

"What?" Marinette asked with a fiery, embarrassed blush on her face.

"You went there so you could figure out who I am?" He asked in response .

Marinette huffed and crossed her arms.

"Don't look at me like that, you would have done the same." She said looking at him defiantly.

"Oh yeah, of course, I'll go to a show where I know there's a possibility I may die at. Can't you tell? I'm one of those kinky types, I love when guys get rough with me." Chat said dryly.

"Seriously?" Marinette asked.

Chat smacked his forehead.

"You can't be doing things like this!" He hisses.

"Well even if you weren't there I would've gone anyway!"Marinette shot back.

Chat raised a brow.

"Gabriel Agreste asked me to be there...He's offering me a scholarship, and he may offer me an internship so I HAD to be there."

Chat frowned.

"Gabriel Agreste asked you to be there?"


"Why would he do that?"

"I sewed something and he liked it I guess, he took it to Miami with him, and then just this morning he phoned in personally to tell me that he wants to pay for my studies and that he may give me an internship, then he gave me some backstage passes to the show and said that it would be good for me to go, and that I should try to be there-"

"HA!TRY to be there,not you HAVE to be there! So it wasn't compulsory!" Chat said, pointing at her.

"But everyone knows Gabriel Agreste just expects a person not to let him down!"Marinette said waving her hands to make a point.

Chat opened his mouth to retort but stopped.

She had a very valid point.

He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.

He suddenly gasped.


Most victims felt trauma after being attacked. He had been snapping at her without thinking about her emotional state.

He was suddenly hugging her again.

"Someone's in a cuddly,huggy mood."She said with a light laugh but still hugging him tightly.

"Are you okay?"He asked softly.

"I'm fine, chaton."She said, lightly petting his head.

"I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."

"Don't be, I knew you'd come."


"You always find me, don't you?" She said.

"Do I?" That's the second time someone had said that to him.

"Yeah, you're like this super elite stalker." She said, still petting his head.

Chat smiled into her hair. Well he was very good at stalking her…Which was still extremely creepy.



"…Please don't go out after five again, please don't." Chat said quietly.

Marinette frowned slightly and tightened her hold.

It seemed that she had already found her way into the villain's heart.

A hurting villain.

A child.

If he was asking her not to, in such an earnest manner, a manner that completely flung him out of his comfort zone and his range of habits, then maybe she could change her irrational habits too.

She really wasn't going to go to the fashion show, but her friends insisted on going, they really wanted to be there, and she had a plan of her own too.

Nino,Alya, Kim, Rose, Juleka, Alix, and Max were all there, but she had detached herself from the group to look for models who looked like Chat. After the show was over, her friends were taken up to a VIP lounge, and they all began to get drunk,it was their first time and they had no tolerance.

She told them that she was going to go talk to some of the designers, and that they shouldn't look for her.

Then she saw three blonde men, all Chat's height.

She remembered talking to them.

Then she remembered a brunette coming in, looking at her and then the men before storming off, angrily.

After that, she had gone into one of the rooms for some peace and quiet, but then she heard some weird scuffling noises…

Then the next thing she knew, something thin and sharp jabbed her in the neck, it was a needle. She couldn't move after that. She couldn't make a sound.

She could vaguely remember being taken into a cluttered room, and then being attacked.

But one thing she could clearly remember was the manner that they attacked her, purely amateur.

Not Chat at all.

She was impassive at that point, she never screamed, she just let them stab and slash and hack at her body, and suddenly she was being shoved into a small space.

She was certain Chat was in the building.

He was going to come.

That was what she thought before she fell unconscious.

Marinette blinked, shaking off the hazy memory.

"I'll try my best,Chat."

Chat sighed.

"If you want to talk about what happened last night…"he trailed off, not knowing what else to say out of fear of triggering something.

"I barely remember anything." She admitted.

Chat nodded into her hair.

"That's good."

"It is?" She asked in confusion.

"It is, trust me, it is." He said.

Marinette nodded into his chest.

"Sooooo… Are you really blonde?"She suddenly asked.

Chat laughed.


"Aaaand what colour are your eyes?"

"Classified princess."

"Aww come onnnn!"Marinette whined.



"Nuh uh."

"Just this once!"

"Hmmm...Nope."Chat said, still smiling.

Marinette huffs,Chat holds her at arm's length.

"I almost forgot, you have to swallow that stone thing and rest for 12 hours!" Chat exclaimed, cursing himself for almost forgetting, before grabbing her and jumping up to the loft.

He set her down and grabbed the glowing stone.

Marinette eyed it.

"I have to swallow that?"Marinette asks in horror.

Chat nodded.

"Is that even safe?"

"urmm…I think so… I mean the guy who got rid of all your wounds and stuff told me to give that to you, so I think it is."Chat said thoughtfully.

There was no way that man could've saved Marinette without magic.

"So I just swallow…Can I take it with water or something?" Marinette said, holding the stone to eye level.

"I don't really know princess."Chat said, berating himself for not asking Fu.

Marinette looked at him.

"Alright…Here goes. "Marinette said before popping the tiny jelly-bean sized stone into her mouth and swallowing.

"Mmm, pistachio!" She said after swallowing.

"Well, now it's time to rest for twelve hours."Chat said, eyeing the clock as the minute needle reaches 3:40.

"I still have to pee and shower." She said bluntly.

Chat's face turned a dark shade of red.

"Oh, urm, okay, but you have to be in bed by 3:55…"He said.

"I'll be quick." She said,waving her hand.

She walked to the bathroom.

"Okay…"Chat said, scratching his neck as she went.

Marinette closed the door and sat down on the toilet.

She might as well change in here too.

"Chaaaaaat?"She called.

"Princess?" He called from outside the door.

"Could you pass me a pair of pyjamas?"

"Do I look like a slave to you?" He snarled.

"But I'm busy. Peeeeeeeing!" Marinette said.

"…Fine…But just this once." He grumbled.

Chat walkes to her dresser.

He was going soft.

If someone saw him picking sleepwear for a girl he would be mortified.

He opened the first drawer only to find dozens of bras, and lacy underwear.

He squeaked and slammed the draw shut.

"Everything okay there Chat?"

"Fine! Everythings fine!" He said, his voice sounded oddly squeaky.

"Get a hold of yourself Adrien, it's just panties." He said to himself.

He opened the second drawer.

He squeaked again and slammed it shut.


He had just opened her tampon drawer.

There were around fifty or so boxes of them, and little purple packets of…intimate wipes? What the hell was that?...Ohhhh…Sanitation...that was good.

For some unexplainable reason there was a little compartment of G-strings in there.

"It's fine princess." He called.

He took a deep breath.

"Stop being a moron. You of all people should know girls use those kinds of stuff." He snapped at himself, thinking about Chloe with a shudder. He brushed the thought away.

He opened the next drawer, just cosmetics.

He looked at her wardrobe, eager to leave the dresser.

Luckily, he found a cute, long blue nightdress.

He took a deep breath, went to her underwear drawer again and grabbed the first thing he saw.

"Urm, is this okay?"He called through the door.

She stuck her hand out.

He placed it in her hand.

"It's fine, thanks!"She said.

Chat moved to sit on the chaise, his face still red. He waited patiently for Marinette, his mind immaculately planning every minute detail of his evil plan for the day, filling in every loophole.

Cages. He needed cages.

Lemon juice. Or vinegar. No, chili would be great…yes.

He needed to test his Cataclysm on something…big.

There were a couple of other things that he needed to get…

"Done." Marinette said, coming out of the bathroom.

Chat sniffed the air.

She smelled nice.

"Okay so, you need to sleep from 4 a.m to ., once you wake up I need you to drink 16 glasses of water. Not all at once of course, but tomorrow night you need to be asleep from midnight till 12 the next morning. Of course, I can't leave you to remember all of these things so I will be monitoring your sleeping times, patterns, and times that you have to pee, you should be needing to use the lavatory more due to the daily intake of 16 glasses of water." Chat started, standing up and carrying the stunned woman to her bed.

"I can walk you know…"She said, but Chat didn't seem to hear her.

"Getting the twelve hours of sleep is crucial. Therefore, you will be eating one of these every time you get ready to sleep." Chat continued, drawing back the covers and placing her underneath. He reaches for the neat, white box and pulled out a biscuit, handing it to her.

She took it, looking at it curiously.

"It has little ladybugs on it!" She squealed.

Chat raised a brow and opened the container to look at a biscuit; it indeed has intricately drawn Ladybugs on them, made of glaze seemingly.

"That's…Nice?" He said.

Marinette shoved the whole biscuit into her mouth.

Chat just chuckled as Marinette dusted her mouth.

"Alright princess, if at any time you feel the pain of a migraine, just eat one of these." He said, passing her the bag of little black cubes.

She looked at it oddly.

"I'll most probably be back before then."

Marinette yawned.

"Okay kitty." She said .

"Goodnight, princess." Chat said.

"Nighty night." She said, yawning again.

Whatever was in Fu's biscuit seemed to be making her drowsy.

Chat waited till she was asleep. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

It would be a long, and very eventful day.

He jumped down from the loft and took a look at her chart.

The brunette she put an asterisk at was the man who was opposing the three in the room last night.

The three she had crossed off were:

Dickson Rugged, Curt Lehand, and Vea La Pré.

He cricked his neck and took a picture of each of them.

He wasn't joking when he said he would get them.

Chat jumped back up to the loft, and leaned down to kiss Marinette's forehead before he left.

"Don't worry princess, they won't get away with what they've done, I promise you." He said firmly.

Then, he opened and locked her trapdoor, looked over the city, and disappeared into the night.

He darted through the streets and made his way to the airport.

Quietly, he slinked through the shadows until he found the director's office.

He hears a man talking on the phone. With a devious grin, Chat entered the room and locks the door.

"Be careful out there. Yeah. Yeah I've heard. Hmm. Yeah…Ye-OOH MY GOSH!'"The man suddenly said when he turned his swivel chair around and came face to face with a cynically smiling Chat who was crouching on the office table.

His phone fell.

"You're up early." Chat crooned.

The man is about to scream but Chat clipped his lips together with two claws.

"Hush. I'm not here to cause too much trouble." Chat said. He extended his baton downward and crushed the man phone so that the person on the other end heard nothing.

Then he turned the man's head to the screen on the baton. "These three are not allowed to leave Paris."

The man looked at him with wide eyes.

"And if they do, you're a dead man." Chat hissed.

"If you alert authorities, you can consider your family dead too, Mr…"Chat trailed off, squinting at the man's badge.

"…Dr. Camaraderie… Do you understand me?" He asked lowly.

The man nodded vigorously.

"Take down their names. Dickson Rugged, Curt Lehand, and Vea La Pré."

The man jotted it down on his desk calendar.

He looked back up at Chat with petrified eyes.

"I want them on the no-fly list."

The man nodded again, too frightened to speak.

"Make up as many excuses as you need to, but I was never here, and I haven't told you to do anything. Are we clear?"

"Y-yes Mist-mister Noir."

Chat hummed, moving back and stepping off the table.

"I'll be taking my leave. Remember what I said Doc." he said.

He left the shaking man behind and returned to his mansion.

After entering his room, he Detransformed.

Plagg fell through the air

"Urgh, kid, I'm bushed."He groanes into Adrien's palms.

"I know Plagg, I just need to push you for one more day and then I promise you can have a long 12 hour rest after that." Adrien promised.

Plagg sighed .

"Remember kid, no killing. Don't try me." He warned.

"I know Plagg. I have it covered. But first…"Adrien trailed off.

He walked to his table, picking up his phone and setting an alarm for 10 a.m. before going to his bed. Once he is absolutely certain that the sheets have been changed after that thing had been there, he lay down.

"I'm just gonna take a catnap." He said, nuzzling his Marinette doll and pan that had been tucked in his belt when he was Chat.

Heaven only knows what the doctor must have thought.

Plagg began to chew his way through dozens of camembert wheels.

He was probably really going to need it.


Adrien's alarm sounded.

"Nnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaawwwwww…"He groaned as he began to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Suddenly his eyes widened, and an evil smirk slipped onto his face.

Those shits would be paying today.

He jumped up and got into the shower. The bathroom TV automatically came on.

"-was actually carrying the person. Police say however, that whoever this girl was must certainly be dead. Here's what one of the officers on the scene have said: 'Yeah, she looked pretty much dead. Scariest thing was that it couldn't have been Chat Noir who killed her. I'm not the only one who saw it. Chat Noir was practically bawling his eyes out trying to get the girl to the hospital, that's why most of us stopped shooting, we noticed he was holding the victim , the woman had multiple stab wounds, Chat Noir scratches women, he doesn't stab or brutally attack them too much, it's like kind of one of his personal rules I guess, it's the men that he gets, from what we saw,it looked like he was being framed. Anyone could see that. As much as I hate to say it, seems like Chat Noir wasn't the real baddie this time.'"

Adrien took off his blood-stained shirt and folded it, quietly listening to the man. He felt a horrible pang in his chest at the thought of a lifeless Marinette.

"And this is what another officer had to say, 'Whoever she was, well, she must have been close to Chat Noir for him to actually try and run through a barricade of if that's true, and if someone actually killed that woman, I have a strong feeling that he's going to be a hundred-no-a thousand times worse than he already is… Think about it, there's nothing villains do better than revenge.'"

"Damn straight." Adrien said lowly as he stepped into the shower

"What's more surprising is that no blood at all was found on the scene yet the clothing of the victim seen in photos are too stained in blood to be recognizable, and her face was completely hidden by Chat Noir."

Adrien tuned out and wondered where he needed stop first…Maybe the cages…Yes, he needed some indestructible cages.

It was a dull, rainy morning. In fact,the rain didn't seem to be stopping.

Perfect. He looked out the window then grabbed three wheels of Camembert. "Plagg,Transform me."He said. "Why do I always get invooolllved!"He shrieked as he got sucked into the ring.Chat jumped out the window.

He slinked through the alleys, not wanting to alert anyone that he was out before Crime Time. He needed to get to the Metal Warehouse. Stealthily, he made his way there in no time at all, and smirked. He slipped in and locked the door. The metal warehouse was closed for the day, it was devoid of customers.

And so nobody noticed him, except a baby sitting on the counter at the front desk, playing with a deathly-expensive looking doll. It made sense, seeing as the warehouse was quite famous and successful in Paris.

"Why, hello there kitten." He says, picking the baby up.

Suddenly, the owner who had left the front desk for just a minute returned to see Chat holding his daughter.

"Not the best idea to leave a pretty little one like this all alone, don't you think?"Chat said, twirling one of the baby's pigtails.

The child seems unfazed while her father stood frozen in utmost horror.

"I mean, Paris is full of disgusting, sick, twisted people."Chat said, tilting his head.

The man reaches for the Panic button. "Ah ah ah. I wouldn't do that if I were you."Chat says, putting a claw against the baby's neck.

The baby still doesn't understand. Chat actually placed the blunt side of his claw against her neck so that she wouldn't get hurt, but the girl's father bought the illusion.

"Now, you can have your daughter back, I puurrromise. After you deliver something for me."

"Anything!"The man said. Two men who were placing something on shelves stared on in terror. None of them risked calling the police on Chat.

They all knew who would be stronger. He would always be stronger.

"I just want three,large,inescapable titanium cages delivered to the suite of Chloe Bourgeois,not too hard for you,yes?"

"Yes sir."The man said. "Will they let me take it up to her room?"He asked.

"Leave it outside her door...They're used to seeing deliveries for her."

The man nodded vigorously. "I want to see the cages."Chat said, bouncing the baby a bit. The man shrieked.

"Yes, yes Sir, please don't hurt her."He said turning to go to the cage isle, eyeing Chat's deadly sharp claws with panicked eyes. Chat didn't respond but followed. The baby gurgled and pokes a finger inside his nose. Chat took a quick glance around, when he was sure his face wasn't seen,even by cameras , he made a funny face with crossed eyes, and wiggled his nose, causing the baby to laugh in delight and clap her hands. The man dared to glance back , and Chat's face was impassive once more.

"Here it is sir." The man said, gesturing to the indestructible looking cages. "So these wont break, even if lets say, a hundred or so bricks fall on it?"Chat asks.

"No, it's impossible. Also no bricks or bits could even get in it, the spaces are much too narrow...Maybe dust but that's about it sir…"The father says.

"Excellent." Chat said.

He began to leave the warehouse.

"Have it there by 4:15."

He placed the baby on the counter. "Otherwise, I may have to be a bit violent." Chat said with a cynical smile, tapping the baby's nose. "And Nobody will know about this." He said.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick stack of cash.

"I don't like free stuff." He said, handing the baby the money. She hugged it happily.

He unlocked the door and stepped out.

Capsaicin chili pepper extract. Check.

Sacks. Check.

Assortment of butchery knives. Check.

Cable ties. Check.

Rain so that Crime time starts earlier. Check.

Location of the three asses. Check.

Chat then took all his items up to Chloe's suite, easily unlocking the empty, lavish place. Of course, Chloe had no security cameras in her room.

He placed the items on the bed and unlocked the door leading from the room to the hallway. With a glance around, he pulled the three large cages through Chloe's huge, ornate door, locked it, and dragged the cages to the center of the room. Now it was time to get those savages. He pulled out his baton, looking at the screen, his GPS was ready to go.

Chat jumped down onto the wet streets. He had to walk to them if he was going to use the GPS. A loud clap of thunder broke through the air.

It didn't faze him. Nothing could faze him now.

They were getting what they deserved. They had hurt her so bad.

They had tortured her.

It didn't matter that she didn't remember. He was certain the only reason she didn't was because that old man did something to tamper with her memories. He remembered.

He remembered all those horrible, swelling, bleeding slices all over her. The multiple stab wounds. So much blood… She could have died.

She could have become just a memory. Someone so innocent and untainted could have become absolutely nothing, and it was all because of those monsters. Even he had never attacked someone to that point. And that was saying a whole lot.

Marinette was as good as dead on that night.

He wasn't an idiot, when he picked her up he felt the multiple broken ribs. They hadn't just stabbed and sliced.

They had hit her too.

Ohhhhh, he was going to get them. He was at the front door of a large, posh looking house that was a bit far away from the other houses. It looked to be on lockdown. He tsked. They must have known he was coming. How stupid of them to not hide-out somewhere else.

"Cataclysm." He said, the thick metal doors rust and fell down. He stepped inside. He quietly made his way through the house. He came to a locked door and clucked his tongue.

"Pathetic." He said, kicking the door down with ease, revealing the three men, pointing guns at him. They began to shoot. Chat grinned and spun his baton effortlessly, diverting every single bullet till they'd used up all their Ammo. It was crime time.

The police weren't coming.

The man who wet himself earlier wet himself again. Chat raised a brow.

"How attractive." He remarked, stepping into the room. One of the men began to hyperventilate. The third was clutching his hair and shivering.

"Now now, don't act as if you didn't know I was coming." Chat said, rolling his eyes.

"Chat Noir…Please d-don't-"The hyperventilating man who Chat recognizes as 'Curt' said.

"Don't? Don't what? Don't hurt you? I'm afraid that's not an option." Chat said, and closed the door.

"It was his idea!" Curt pointed to the man that Chat recognized as 'Vea'.

"My idea?!It was my idea to burn her! It was Dickson's idea to actually take up that Chloe Bourgeois offer!" Chat's baton recorded the statement.

"It wasn't me! And I just kicked her! Curt was the one who got touchy-feely with her!" Dickson shrieks.

Chat froze.

No. No. They didn't…

"What did you do?" Chat asked in horror.

His blood ran cold. He was a worthless creature.

It didn't matter if Chloe raped him.

But for someone to do that to…her…

Chat's breathing grew heavy. Curt gasped.

"NO NO NO NO! It wasn't like that! I didn't do anything sexual with her!" He exclaimed.

" Yes,'cause taking pictures isn't sexu-"Dickson started but suddenly Chat had Curt in the air.

He threw him with inhuman force at the wall and the man slumped unconscious. He grabbed Dickson and Vea and shoved them into a corner.

"Tell me now...Did.You.Rape.Her?"

"NO!" They exclaimed through whimpers and cries.

"He just took pictures. We swear!"Vea said.

"What did he touch then?" Chat asks baring his white teeth at them. "It was just her boobs."

"Just her-Just her b-HOW DARE YOU THINK IT'S 'JUST' HER …PARTS…YOU BASTARDS!"Chat said, slamming Dickson's head into the wall. He fell unconscious.

He looked at Vea. "Phones. I want all of your phones."Vea nodded jerkily and scrambled to collect the phones before he handed it to Chat.

Chat crushed each one easily in his vengeful fist.

He looked up at Vea. He doesn't even have to hit him.

The man just fainted. Chat looked around at the three. He would need to carry them individually to Chloe's suite. It wouldn't take long, and so that was exactly what he did. Once he had them all in the room, he cable-tied their hands and feet before throwing them into individual cages.

He was so smolderingly angry.

Never before had he felt such fury. He stepped onto Chloe's balcony and took a deep breath. He needed to Detransform since he had used Cataclysm. With another calming breath, he walked to her bathroom and Detransformed. Plagg looked at Adrien with wide eyes. He was worried. Angry Adrien was not a good Adrien.

He had heard what those men said…and he knew how protective and possessive Adrien had recently become over Marinette…This was very,very bad.


"He…fondled…"Adrien said as his eyes focussed on something Plagg could not see.

"But she's okay…"

"She's not!" Adrien snapped, he looked at Plagg with a hopeless, devastated look. "She doesn't even know! She's just at home, sound asleep, innocently thinking it's all good, and here these asswipes are, confessing to things that she probably thinks never actually happened."

"I understand that…But she's alive…She will be fine." Plagg said, struggling to say something reassuring. Adrien ran a hand through his hair.

He handed Plagg some cheese. Plagg took it and began to eat it. He didn't like where this was going… But he knew that Adrien needed retribution for their sins. He would want it too if he were him.

"They burned her… Those Shits… Oh, they're going to feel the burn." He said, he glanced over at Plagg to see if he was done, and he was.

"Plagg, Transform me." He said. The room flashed green and he exited the bathroom, going to the balcony.

It was 16:30. Marinette must be awake… He made his way to the bakery. Once he got there he glanced through the window to find the sleepy woman talking on the house phone.

Most probably with that red-haired woman. He tilted his head, watching her yawn. She was feeding Berry now. He smiled a little. That was his princess, so selfless and caring. She was exhausted but she found time to care for those around her, easing her friend's worries and dishing out her love so purely. He pushed away from her window and went to the News Station.

With a strong push, the doors flew open and he walked to the broadcasting area. He walked in front of the camera, interrupting the live feed.

"Well good evening Paris!" He said, shoving the tanned, bald man out of his way. "It's Chat Noir here! Aren't you proud of me? This is the first live broadcast that I've ever done!" He cackled.

"Well, for the next month, it certainly won't be my last." He said. Everyone in the studio is dead still. "You see, last night, as you know, someone very dear to me was… attacked. The funniest thing has actually come to my knowledge…I," he said beginning to laugh humourlessly. "-was actually going to be framed for attacking this person. How funny is that?!"

He burst out in laughter. "I was going to be accused of killing the one thing in my life that keeps me slightly human!" He said, spreading his arms out, laughing hard.

"So I found the jackasses who hurt my friend." He said with a smirk.

"But that's not all. I found out who asked them to hurt her in the first place. Now Parisians, wouldn't you like to know the name of the person who has just made your lives a hundred times worse? "He asked, tilting his head.

"Well I'll gladly tell you, but first, I have a little destroying to do." Everyone looks at each other, panicked.

"Inside Le Grand Paris hotel, I have hidden a bomb at each level. It's going to go off in ten minutes. Good luck to everyone inside the hotel!" He said, grinning broadly before kicking the camera. Everyone in the studio looked at him stunned. The security guards refused to move from their corners.

"I need a camera. To broadcast live from wherever Iam." Chat said out loud. A man ran up and handed him exactly what he asked for. Chat grinned. "Purrfect."He said before darting out of the studios and back to the hotel.

It was exactly as he expected on the scene. Hundreds of people ran out of the hotel, tumbling over each other, kicking, shoving. It was absolute mayhem. He smiled cynically as he sauntered over a rooftop. He jumped up to Chloe's balcony.

He leaves the room and takes the elevator to the Lobby. The Hotel is deathly quiet. Not a single soul remains. All rooms have been evacuated… Except for the room on the highest floor, the room that the staff believed to be empty since its inhabitant was in Miami. Chat looked through the front doors of the bullet proof glass of the hotel. Mayor Bourgeois stood on the other side in his nightgown. Chat walked behind the reception counter and hit the lockdown button. The guards immediately came down. Chat went back up to Chloe's room and walked over to the camera, looking into it.

It was rolling. "Okay, the cats out of the bag, there wasn't any bombs in the hotel." He said, snickering. "But, rest assured, this place will be going down." He turned the camera to the cages where the now conscious men lay in shock.

"These men were the ones who hurt my princess." he said. He placed the camera on the dresser. "Today, we will be conducting an experiment. How much pain can a man take?" He tapped his chin.

"Now, unlike these pieces of crap, I don't use knives, but today…"He pulled out a long, thin blade. The men began to scream. "I will."

He turned to Dickson, pulling him out of his cage. The man wriggled and screamed. "Don't worry, I won't stab him…"Chat started but suddenly stabbed the man in the leg. "In any vital organs that is." He continued, Dickson started to scream, agonized. "Shut up." Chat hissed. He proceeded to slash away at the man. Making deep incisions, but leaving the areas with organs untouched. Dickson couldn't get out of the vice grip. The man's throat no longer had any ability to pass out sound and he lay in a dark puddle of blood. Chat picks up a sack. A sack that he had doused in Capsaicin chili pepper extract. He picks up the man and begins to shove him into the sack. The instant Chat tied a rope around the top, the man began to scream. The chili essence burned at his wounds, eliciting agonized, raw, screams. Chat dropped the sack into the cage. He grins at Vea and repeated the process.

When he got to Curt, he grinned. "Hello,pervert."He hissed. He dragged Curt out of the cage by the hair and repeated the process a third time, enjoying hearing how the man's skin ripped with a squelching noise, and how he begged and pleaded for mercy. He slashed his face. He hadn't marred Vea's or Dickson's faces, but this one he felt the need to mar. Chat threw him in the sack before throwing the sack harshly into the cage. He stood up from the pool of blood.

He could vaguely see his face on big screens throughout the city as the camera broadcasted live. "Now you see, Parisians, I've actually been quite gentle with you all this time. But I've been pushed to a point that I'm afraid I can't return from."

"And now you know…"He started, walking to the rooftop of the hotel. "Cataclysm!" He slammed his hand onto the side of the building. Suddenly, the hotel started to tremble, and shake, and with a mighty sound, it crumbled to the ground. The displaced inhabitants stared in shock as the building crumbled before their very eyes. The drawn out screams from the men inside the cages became inaudible and Chat leaped down before the crowd of people, in front of a trembling Andre Bourgeois. "And now you know…"He said again.

He stared dead into the eyes of the innocent Mayor. The mayor whose daughter had caused harm to come to his princess.

Now she and all of Paris - who supported this man with his filthy daughter- would pay.

"…not to touch what's mine." He whispered. He threw down the camera.

Fire-fighters had begun to try and get to the three cages, and Chat took off in a flash of black and green.

"I did it,princess. I got them.I didn't let them get away."