WebNovelMine, His71.43%

Sequel: His- Chapter One: Space Bound

Space-Bound: Definition-

1)The act of being in love.

2) To love someone so much and lose them, yet you're willing to die for them.

**Stay calm, some parts are heated but we will always aim to maintain it at PG13 so nobody gets frightened and runs out screaming bloody murder**


Adrien cried. He should have realized it on that night. He should have known, but he didn't think about it that deeply at the time…

Plagg was running, and she was becoming further and further from his reach.

And he should have realized …but on that night…he didn't.


"Puuuurrrrinceessssssss!I'm hoooomeeee!" Marinette rolled her eyes as she watched Chat saunter into the kitchen and put something into the freezer, a smirk delicately placed on the perfection that she knew was his face.

Just why was he so beautiful again? She shook her head, right, she was supposed to be baking, she needed to concentrate.

But….He was doing the thing with his face…The thing that made him look like the most devilishly handsome man in the world… Oh wait, that was his normal face.

"Hey Kitten, you know, you can't do that when my parents get back, right?"

Chat jumped up to sit on the counter, next to Marinette's bowl of batter so that she was near him on his left. He pouted.

"You should just run away with me, and we could live happily ever after, in Sydney or something."He said, grinning at her and pushing his face right into her personal space.

Marinette laughed and pecked his nose.

"I told you once, and I'll tell you a hundred times, I'm not leaving till I get my degree and make enough money on my own to leave."

Chat let out a whine. "But that's not fair."He pouted.

"How so?"

Chat just crossed his arms, pouted and turned his head. Marinette sighed and placed her spoon and batter down, moving to stand in front of Chat who was still perched on the counter, when he still didn't look at her she hoisted herself onto the counter next to him and turned his head towards her.

"Say we did run away, then what? You'd have to tell me your identity so we could actually get through customs you know."She said.

Chat blinked down at her.

Marinette just smiled.

"Hey relax, I'm not in a rush, you can take your time." She said gently. Chat registered what she said and tenderly leaned forward to nuzzle Marinette's cheek.

"Let's go on a date."He said quietly after a while.

"But we can't go outside," Marinette said as Chat slipped off the counter and stood in front of her.

"An indoor date." He said with a grin.

Marinette looked at him with a canted head. Chat just grinned back, like he knew something she didn't because truthfully, he did.

When he arrived, he didn't come unprepared.

No, in the lounge sat a large suitcase of items that he had prepared for two days while Plagg and Nino barked out orders.

Chat took a moment to reminisce, he shivered...

"Stop stop stop if you're going to be romantic you have pull out all the stops kid, trust me, I know what I'm doing."Plagg said, throwing a copy of 'Fifty Shades of Grey' into the case, as to how he had obtained a copy, the boys were oblivious.

Adrien had never read the book, so he just nodded when Plagg explained that book dates were really romantic.

"What the hell is this?! Plagg! You're going to get his balls skinned!" Nino shrieked, pulling the book out of the bag. Adrien instinctively held his crotch and the crude language and turned his widened eyes to Plagg.

"No, I'm trying to get them both hot and bothered. The tension is a must." Plagg wiggled his brows and threw the book back into the bag.

"The only thing that's going to be heated is his balls when Marinette tosses them into the fire!"

Adrien put his other hand over his crotch and stared at Nino with horrified eyes.

Such Vulgar language...

He knew that the optimum temperature for the testes of the male was one degree lower than normal body temperature…so for it to be tossed into a fire would probably be bad for them. He gulped.

"You mean her mouth."Plagg snickered.

Adrien gasped at the mutiny.

Nino shrieked.

"If that limp noodle goes anywhere near her mouth I swear I'll chop his sack off myself!"Nino shouted.

Adrien raised a brow and pulled the waistband of his sweatpants to look at his…parts.

"Limp noodle…"He wondered, he never actually thought of it that way and he tilted his head. He wouldn't exactly call it a noodle, but hey, Nino knew his pasta, so who was Adrien to argue?

"You take that back or I'll make you eat his sack!" Plagg snarled.

"I'll take all his sack juice and pour it on your camembert!" Nino yelled back.

"Whatever! I like my Camembert runny anyway!" Plagg threw a plate at Nino who dodged.

Adrien looked at the two with the most disgusted look possible, eyes twitching, mouth half-open.

"You're such a creep! Leave his dick out of this!" Nino took off his shoe and threw it at Plagg. Plagg narrowed his eyes. Nino had brought up his Chosen's parts in the first place.

"Why? You're jealous it's in this?!"Plagg turned so that Nino was looking at his tiny butt.

Nino looked affronted while Adrien's mouth dropped to the floor in absolute horror and shock. Just what was Plagg even watching these days?

Nino was about to retaliate when Adrien stepped between them, raising his hands.

"GUYS! Can we please stop talking about my reproductive organs or at least my testicles?" He eyed them condescendingly.

Nino's eyes twitched.

"He… still call's them…Testicles?" Nino asked Plagg, looking shocked.

"Yup."Plagg popped the 'p'. Nino blinked.

"Hell no."Nino said and walked over to the bag, putting the book back in. "This boy needs all the help he can get." He walked over to the bookshelf and pulled out the novel 'Endless Love' by Scott Spencer before tossing it in the bag too.

Adrien looked at Plagg and Nino confused.

"So she and I have to read Both novels? But what about the Disney Marathon?" He asked.

Plagg and Nino looked at him, smacking their heads.

"He's going to dry up and have no sperm someday." Nino said.

Adrien tilted his head.

"But… But males produce sperm till they die, unlike women who eventually reach menopause and start degenerating..."He said, genuinely confused at that point.

Plagg's eye twitched. He looked at Nino.

"I think I may have Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, it would be best to put those in too. I'm going to go look for them."

Nino nodded.

"I'm going to go buy him some Viagra." He said and left the room too.

That left Adrien all alone in the lounge to pick which Disney movies he would take with him, and so, with a vibrant smile on his face, he walked over to the movie shelf.


He looked at Marinette and lifted her off the counter and placed her on the floor.

"You see, my excruciatingly beautiful girlfriend," He started as he walked backward into the lounge, holding her hands as he gently pulled her along.

"While you were in the kitchen making a kerfuffle," He snickered knowing full well that the word 'Kerfuffle' always got her to roll her eyes, and she did with a laugh.

"I was setting up…DUN DUN DUN! A picnic fort…thing." He said looking at the quite large fort that he had set up in the lounge, in front of the TV. The lounge lights were off but his setup glowed brightly.

It certainly looked expensive, especially with the fairy lights hanging on the fabric and rose petals scattered around it, it looked a lot like a canopy fort with a ring at the top with fabric that all met at the roof where it was hung on a little hook on the ceiling, from the ring, the fabric draped down, all around to the floor. It was adorable and spacious. Inside the canopy fort were lots and lots of pillows and blankets that covered the big circular air bed. It certainly looked like the mix between a cuddly bed setting and a picnic. There were several boxes of pizza, lots of Juice-boxes, among other snacks lying just outside the fort.

Marinette looked at the grinning young man in shock.

"How did you…?"

He scratched his neck with a chuckle.

"Well actually I've been here for more than an hour, you make a lot of noise when you bake so you didn't hear me."he shrugged.

Marinette didn't know what to say.

"So, since we haven't actually been on an actual date, I'm asking you now." He cleared his throat and Marinette's cheeks turned red and he placed one hand over his heart and looked at her with a burning intensity.

"Marinette, you are going on a date with me." He said with finality.

Marinette accidentally snorted, laughter flowing past her lips.

"You call that asking?" She laughed and it was Chat's turn to have his face flame up.

"W-what? I didn't want to give you the opportunity to say no!" He said in defense.

Marinette laughed harder.

"I mean, just picture it, I come all this way and then you say no, and then what? I eat the pizza myself? That would be mortifying and more fattening than I anticipated." He groaned.

"I suck at this courtship thing." He covered his eyes with a hand.

Marinette giggled and reached up to remove his hand.

"You're doing great, and yes, it seems I am going on a date with you." She said, running her thumbs across his red cheeks.

"Oh thank goodness, for a minute there I thought I'd be watching The Princess and the Frog alone." He breathed a sigh of relief and with a heart-throbbing grin at her, he picked her up, princess style and walked over to the fort, after getting comfy, he let her pick whatever snacks she wanted before beginning the movie. He explained that for one day only, he would cheat on his diet which made Marinette very, very happy.

The two of them cuddled together as they watched Tiana ride the bus and Marinette sighed happily as Chat gently scratched her scalp and combed her hair out gently with his fingers as she rested her head on his chest, but by the time the Voodoo man stepped on Ray, she was scratching behind the upset kitten's ears.

"I really liked Ray."He muttered into her lap.

"I know, love."

"But now he's just floating down the river."Chat said.

"Ah but just look Kitty."She smiled down at him and pointed at the screen. Sure enough, a second star appeared next to Evangeline.

Chat gasped and sat up abruptly. He looked back at her with childlike excitement pointing at the TV.

"He's a star now, look!" he said happily and Marinette just smiled at his antics. It was clear that he had never seen the Disney movies before, and it made sense, his life had always been studying or work, and that left no time to be a child.

He began to pout.

"That place seems a bit unsanitary though, I'd never want to use the toilet there, imagine if a Candiru got you."He shivered. "And then you'd have to get it surgically removed. I would definitely NOT want to remove that from anyone."He said, thankful that he specialized in heart-related matters, not that he didn't know how to operate in different parts though.

Marinette laughed as he innocently spread her legs and settled himself down so that she could continue petting him. He really was such a kid.

She thought about what he just said. Sometimes she forgot just how much of a genius he was. He had a brilliant mind, but with everything he faced and the parts of his life that he missed out on, he was still so innocent, he was just damaged. He didn't understand a lot of things. He knew how the world worked. How humans functioned. How machines were designed. But simple things like certain feelings confused him. Everything he knew was out of a book. It was strange to her how he could be knowledgeable about everything except the things that should have been instinctive.

Other normal things too Like popsicles. The first time she handed him one he stared at it uncomfortably as it dripped down, and as soon a drop hit the floor, the look of utter shame and fear of being reprimanded that crossed his face broke her heart.

He later explained that he was never permitted to actually eat popsicles growing up, so he never actually did.

He looked up at her as he sipped from his cranberry juice-box straw as his back rested against her tummy and his head rested against her chest.

"Hiiii."He said with a grin.

Marinette smiled and kissed his temple twice.

His cheeks turned pink, it was barely visible through his tan but she saw.

"Awww is the baby blushing?" She giggled and shifted to see his face.

"The baby is not blushing." Chat said, turning his flushed face in the opposite direction.

"I think he is," Marinette said.

"He's not." Chat huffed.

"Let me see," Marinette said.

Chat grabbed a pillow and shoved his face into it.

Marinette tried to pull the pillow but he wouldn't budge.

She looked at his unprotected abdomen and smirked evilly. Chat peaked over the pillow.

"Princess?" He croaked at the cynical look on her face.

Suddenly her fingers were or his tummy, tickling him mercilessly.

"St-stop!This is-s a-a-assault!" He said through laughs, his pillow forgotten.

"Ohhh I knew the baby's face was red!" Marinette said, straddling him.

"It's not,It's not!" He whined through laughs.

Marinette stopped tickling him and pinned his arms next to his head while he took deep breaths.

"What is it then?"She asked.

Chat pouted. "Maybe I have allergies."He mumbled.

"To what? Kisses?"She mused and he quickly shook his head.

"I think it is, it has to other explanation could there be for the redness of your face."She dramatically clutched her heart and Chat propped himself up on his elbows. "I think we shouldn't kiss anymore."

Chat's eyes widened.

"I can't live knowing that I'm making your skin have allergic reactions." She fake sobbed.

Chat looked trapped.

Marinette sniffed. "Don't worry kitty, I will never make you suffer that fate ever ag-"She was cut off from her dramatic act when Chat sat up and captured her lips with his own. It startled her because she had been expecting a retort or a whine or something other than his bold action, not that she was complaining, because she sure as hell wasn't.

Her hands twined around his neck as one of his sifted into her open hair and the other slid down to her waist. Chat grinned into the kiss for some reason, and even though Marinette was unsure of the reason, she was smiling too as he tilted his head and she straddled his lap. Gently, he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, eliciting a small shiver, it was enough to make her open her mouth in a small gasp, but Chat took the initiative to pull her even closer and let his tongue gently invade her mouth. He was rewarded with a soft moan and the feel of her pressing up against him even more than she previously was. Their hearts beat rapidly and because of their close proximity, each lover could feel the others rapidly thumping heart…And they each reveled in it.

One of her hands tugged at his hair while the other slid down his neck. Chat's hand went from her hip to her waist. He pulled away from her mouth for a second to leave a trail kisses down her neck, and when he pulled her head back gently with her hair so that he could suck on a sensitive spot beneath her collarbone, Marinette let out a delicate whimper, full of want, coated with need.

Upon hearing this sound, Chat took a sharp breath, but it seemed to be almost shaky. Her noises and her breathing and everything about her entire being was doing things to his body.

Dangerous things.

She forcefully pulled his face up and caught his lips, biting his bottom one none too gently. It sent a tingle through his chest and down to…places, when she let out a low moan when he kissed her back.

She shifted in his lap, and upon doing so brushed against certain areas of Chat that she had yet to discover.

They both made a sound at the contact before they both went rigid.

He slowly looked up at her face to find her looking down at him, curious and breathless.

His breath caught at how beautiful she looked, disheveled like that and glowing.

"I have a confession." He croaked knowing that they needed to stop.


He gulped.

"I was blushing earlier, I don't have an allergy to your kisses."

She blinked once, then twice before beginning to giggle. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss his forehead.

"I know kitten. I know." She said. Moving herself to give him some room so that they both could calm down.

Chat took deep breaths.

Marinette took the initiative pull in some pizza and put 'Beauty and the Beast' on.

She took her time, and when she turned Chat was relaxed, looking at her dopily.

She grinned back and crawled over into his waiting arms.

This time, she had shifted so that her back was against his abdomen and her head was on his chest will his chin rested on her head and his arms held her lovingly.

"You're like the beast." Marinette giggled.

"Excuse you princess, I am much more handsome than him, thank you very much." He said haughtily.

"Character wise kitten."

Chat huffed.

"Is this because I demanded that you go on this date with me?"

Marinette tapped her chin.


Chat sighed. "But Beast is so…moody. One minute you think he's nice enough, and then he goes crazy and wants to destroy everything." He said.

Marinette slowly turned and looked at him with a pointed brow.

Chat was quiet for a moment.

"Ohhhh, I see the connection now." He chuckled and gave her a gentle squeeze.

Marinette hummed.

Soon the movie was done and Chat sighed happily.

"Honestly, this was pretty cool, but the best part of the movie was when Gaston died." he said giddily.

Marinette laughed. "Not when you got to see Lumiere as a human?"

Chat paused.

"He seemed fine as a candlestick to me." He shrugged.

Marinette laughed.

"Oh wait, it's time!"

"Time for what?" Marinette asked at his giddiness.

"You'll see." He said dubiously.

He slowly peeled her off him and hopped up to enter the Kitchen, he turned around at the last moment.

"Stay." He said and Marinette rolled her eyes when he turned around once more.

After a few moments, he returned, holding something behind his back.

Marinette looked at him curiously.

"What are you hiding you sneaky cat?" She narrowed her eyes at him as he entered the fort and knelt in front of her.

"The baby must guess." He said to her.

"But the baby doesn't know." She pouted.

"The baby must attempt." He said shaking his head.

"Urrrmm, is itttt Cake?"


"Is it Oreos?"


"Uhhh….I give up."

He grinned at her.

"It's…"He paused.

Then he pulled out a huge tub of…

"Pistachio ice cream!"She practically jumped him.

"Whoa, where did you find it?"She asked.

He waved a hand.

"I know people." He simply said.

She squealed and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

The two took their spoons and they began to eat their icecream.

Marinette sighed happily. "This is the best Pistachio ice cream ever."She said.

He chuckled nervously, recalling how he actually got the icecream…


"Soooo, you're telling me, nobody has Pistachio icecream, anywhere?"Adrien asked incredulously.

Nino shook his head, rueful.

"But I did find the Viagra."Nino happily handed it to him. Adrien's eye twitched.

"I do not have a dysfunctional penis!"He said throwing the box at Nino's head. "WHO EVEN SAYS THAT WORD ANYMORE BRO!?"Nino looked at him with disbelief.

Plagg was scrolling through some youtube videos.

"You know, we could always make the icecream, I mean I heard homemade ice cream is really delicious."Plagg mused.

Three hours and one broken mixer later found Nino holding Plagg by the head in a bowl of double cream.

"Kick faster!"Nino said as he moved Plagg around by the head, so he served as a handheld beater.

It was too late to get a mixer at the store. Adrien just watched them with wide eyes.

"My princess is going to be eating something that you both made."Adrien whispered to himself in horror.

Nino turned his and Plagg's head to Adrien.

They gave him the stink eye.

"Shut up and take your Viagra."Nino and Plagg hissed in sync.

And that found the box flying at Nino's head once again.


Marinette sighed. "I'll have to finish my baking tomorrow, I think."

Chat licked his spoon.

"Most definitely," he said happily, unapologetic because he knew Marinette needed a break and they were having a lot of fun.

"How was Campus today?"He asked.

"It was good mostly, we had to create traditional wedding dresses for these creepy little dolls."

And that launched her into a long elaborative, one-sided discussion about her designs. Chat listened attentively, adding comments here and there but for the most part, he stayed silent.

"How was your day?" She asked.

Chat grinned.

"Well, it was certainly eventful. I've been hit with erotica books at least seven times, that's excluding yesterday."He said and casually waved his dessert spoon around.

"But why?"

"Well, Plagg and one of my... friends... think I have E.D., they keep shoving me Viagra, playboy magazines, and novels."

Marinette began to giggle.

"It's not funny!"Chat huffed, poking her with his spoon.

"What did they make you read?"

"Fiftyshadestrilogy…"He mumbled, his face turning red.


"I said, the Fiftyshadestrilogy."He mumbled again.

Marinette paused, brows furrowing, knowing full well what Christian Grey went through.

"Plagg…made you read…that?"She asked, nostrils flaring,eyes looking very upset.

Chat blinked at her. Realization dawned on his face.

"Wait, he just forgot."Chat reasoned.

"How can you just forget that."

"It hasn't happened in so long, I don't think he meant it-"

"You read all of it?"She asked quietly.

He nodded. He took a deep breath.

"To be honest… I'm certain he didn't forget…"Chat started.


"Well, if you look at it, you're kind of like Ana and I'm a bit like Christian,minus the, urm, stuff."He scratched his neck and took a deep breath.

"It's like, Christian didn't think about love and being with someone before Ana, but then she showed up and made him see things differently and he figured that he was willing to risk straying from his usual path because he wanted to be with her,kind of like you and I."He said slowly.

"In the end Christian has a happy ending, and they have Teddy and a little girl on the way, so regardless of what happened to him…He made it out, he got to be with the woman he loved and they lived happily ever after. I think what Plagg wanted me to understand was that I can have a happy ending too."He said,fiddling with his spoon.

Marinette reached forward and pulled her against him. For a second he stayed frozen with his hands upwards, one holding the spoon, the other just open, his face stunned.

"I promise we'll have a happy ever after too."She whispered.

Chat blinked and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and burying his face into her neck.

"Do you mind that I'm not a prince?"He asked.

"Have you not learned anything from the Disney movies kitten?"She asked, toying with his hair.

His expression contorted into a confused one.

Marinette drew back to hold his face.

"If you marry royalty, technically you become one,and aren't I a princess?"She grinned at him.

Chat blinked.

"Are you proposing?" He asked.

She snickered.

"Princess, I'm afraid I must see a ring first." he said sassily.

"Oh just say yes, you're destroying the moment."

Chat laughed and slowly laid back, taking her with him.

"Do I even have to say it? You already know the answer."He said tenderly, reaching out to finally press the switch on the Fairy lights,the lounge light was off and so was the when he turned off the lights, they were in darkness.

"Hey,look up."Chat said. Marinette blinked at turned to look at the top of the Canopy fort. At least fifty or so glow in the dark stars dangled from the top, giving off the impression that the couple themselves were floating in space.

"This is so beautiful."She gasped,cuddling closer.

Chat just smiled at her in the dim light of the stars, etching every bit of her that he could see into his memory.

"Space-bound."Marinette said.

"Space-bound."He agreed.

Chat just held her tightly and that night, they both drifted into a tranquil sleep, feeling that they could touch the sky.


Now, all this time later, in the aftermath of everything, as Plagg ran and Adrien screamed at him from within the ring, it hit him hard to realize that Space-bound had two meanings. One good and one bad, and though they did not realize it on that night… They were right.

They were space-bound.