WebNovelMine, His97.14%

Authors note:


Hey everyone, really sorry for the hiatus. It's been a really long time. Basically, I've had to take on extra work shifts because I plan to move to another country at the start of Feb, however, I have to come up with the equivalent of $2000 dollars to pay for the quarantine facility when I get there. I have no idea how I'm going to do that, and taking more shifts has been hard, yet I'm nowhere near that amount. 

Of course, this is not your problem, but please consider purchasing a chapter on one of my other stories because I don't make any money off of this story aside from the initial signing amount.

As writers of WN, for exclusive stories, we can only claim our earnings if it exceeds $200 dollars as stipulated in the contract, so if you can unlock a chapter, do help me out. You don't have to, but if you think any of your friends would be keen on reading this story, and maybe the others, please share this would them so that I can generate some sort of income from this. I'm moving without help from my family so it's a bit difficult coming up with that much cash. So, if you feel like it, please support me. Thank you <3

Also, since this story does belong to me, I was considering turning it into an original novel. Much of the story is not canon, definitely not and can easily be transformed into an original. Would any of you support the new novel if I did that?

As I've mentioned, the main character is based on fragments of my life and similar experiences. The last few years have been a ride and I think that itself has enabled me to write the rest in a better way.

Feel free to DM me about your thoughts, or Comment <3


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