Mother drops my oldest brother off, but keeps me for a lecture about her plans for me tomorrow. She is going to take me to her brother's house. She makes it a threat. I give her a frightened look as if I am truly afraid. But I know that even though my uncle is a hard-nosed man, he surely won't treat me like Mother does.
Before the station wagon comes to a complete stop, I dash out of the car. Mother yells for me to return. I have forgotten my crumpled lunch bag, which has always had the same menu for the last three years- two peanut butter sandwiches and a few carrot sticks. Before I bolt out of the car again, she says, "tell ´em...tell ´em you ran into the door." Then in a voice she rarely uses with me, she states, "have a nice day." I look into her swollen red eyes. She still has a hangover from last night's stupor. Her once beautiful, shiny hair is now frazzled clumps. as usualy, she wears no makeup. she is overweight, and she knows it. in all, this has become mother's typical look.
Because I am so late, I have to report to the administrative office. Moments later, the school nurse comes out and leads me into her office, where we go through the normal routine. first, she examines my face and arms. "what's that above your eye?" she asks.
I nod sheepishly, " oh, I ran into the hall door...by accident."
(another cliff hanger boys 😩😌)