America, Seattle [1]


The exuberant cry stepped on a neat beat. It reverberated in the auditorium which can hold nearly 20,000 people. The lights flashed. They projected a dynamic game map on the ground of the central main stage. From time to time, there will be sparks with the sound of the explosion. A swift river divided the platform in two. Each of the two soundproof glass rooms was on one each side.

Qiu Ying sat in the front row of the audience. She could see what's going on in the glass room. Players in uniforms wear headsets. They were tapping on the keyboard with a tense look on their face.

Above her head were four huge circular screens — a clear picture of the game.

Conquer. The game of 5V5 team, developed by US gaming giant D News, competed with the game in real-time. The heavyweight of the annual Seattle Global Finals was comparable to the World Cup in the electronic world. The reward prize was as high and more than $20 million, most significant from all e-sports competition.

The world's top professional players gathered here. They were vying for the highest honor that represents the most substantial competitive level.

At the moment, she was on the scene to witness this historical scene: the final. China's ace team, Legend against the American dark horse, Titan!

The deafening system prompt sounded again: "Triple kill!"

(Triple Kill means to kill three times in a row.)

They locked the two armies in a face-off — three of Legend's main men killed by one of the enemy's knives.

There was a sea of cheers from the American audience at the venue.

Even a game idiot like Qiu Ying. She could also see the situation. The Legend of the Chinese team was terrible. It was the other side that was slaughtering. Titan was full of thunder and rushed to Legend's position. The leading character of the American contestants had a big knife in his hand. People get in the way. Buddha block kills Buddha.

Qiu Ying held her breath. Saw him cut off half a tube of blood with a knife. Two knives. Kill!

The system sounded: "Mega Kill!"

(Mega kill means to commit many kills.)

"Stop him! Stop him!" Bursts of roar came from Qiu Ying's back, her position gathered between a large Chinese audience, and many of them came from home to cheer for the glory of their dearest team, Legend.

"Come on, Legend! You can't lose!" A girl cried out with a crying voice. The sound comprises points and faces, spread in the audience.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!"

"USA! USA! USA! "American fans should not be outdone. The stars and stripes flew on most of the venue.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! "


Both of country, cheer up one after another.

Louder than that was the voice of passion-.

"The Legend team decided to fight to the death! In the end, Team Leader Cris was the only one left to escape the bloodshed. But Titan is not going to give him any chance to survive! He has no way out! "


(Rampage means to run away.)

Legend, all dead!

On the big screen, the five characters attacked the magnificent crystal hub. Eventually, with the sound of the explosion, it turned into a pile of ruins.

"Congratulations to the US Titan team becoming the champion of this year's global finals!"

There was a grand award ceremony on the stage. Thunderous applause and brilliant lights rendered the area where Chinese players gather lonely. The professional commentators were silent with red eyes, dejected the fans. Some even twitch their shoulders, choked up and couldn't speak.

Maybe it was infected by the atmosphere at the scene. Qiu Ying unwittingly shed two lines of tears. When she came back, she realized she had just forgotten to switch the angle of view. The camera on the phone was facing herself. The barrage in the live broadcast page had already exploded.

"We want to see the awards ceremony! Who wants to see your fake crying face!"

"That green tea bitch acts again. Is it disgusting to pretend to cry?"

(Green tea bitch phrase is to mention an innocent and charming girl, but a dissipated and superficial whore).

"For the ordinary person who was playing ball on the side! Even The Chinese team lost the game, and you shed tears. You better put on a face!"

Qiu Ying wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. Turn off the camera. There was a gentle snort.

Didn't Qiao Xin think of something new? These Internet water army hired to whack her. She even could memorize their names.

In recent years, with the popularity of e-sports games throughout the country. The game live broadcast platform sprang up with it. Everyone could show their gameplay and daily life on it. Earn money from gifts from fans and viewers.

Qiu Ying, an attractive and good-looking girl, was one user of the well-known platform "Tour Star." Other high-profile and popular female anchors on the platform were all signed artists from a brokerage firm. Qiu Ying, who was single-handed, rarely got too many viewers, her audience was dwindling. This time she won the chance to come to Seattle to watch the Conquer Global Finals during the star raffle. She arrived early these days before the pavilion was open. Took the perfect place to broadcast the game live. Her popularity had rebounded slightly. Now the game was over. Her next step was to intercept signed photos of the professional players. Perhaps there might be a chance to interview.

Qiu Ying didn't pay attention when the aisle next to her already crowded with people. She heard and saw it, the runner-up who had just lost did not leave. They lined up, standing not far away.

Formerly one of the ten champions of the world, Legend.

Qiu Ying heard from those avid fans at the scene. Conquer was the pride of e-sports in China.

E-Sports. Competitive sports with video games as the carrier. The 78th official sports competition listed by the State Administration of Sports.

For a long time, e-sports was challenging to enter the elegant hall in China. People's impression stays in "playing games," "smoke-filled Internet cafes," "unscrupulous bastards," poor environment and meager income. Three years ago, when the first Chinese team won the Conquer Seattle World Finals. The super-high prize of $1 million was far more than any other project. It shocked CCTV and the General Administration of Sports. Luxury team Legend, Dragon, VPG tripod, swept the significant leagues and frightened foreign teams.

However, an American dark horse was born this year. Beat the Chinese team one by one. Legend as the only hope left still failed to turn the tide.

The sad thing was, although Legend has a remarkable record. But they had never reached the top of the global finals, which marked the highest honor. This year's runner-up was their fourth runner-up with the same team leader. This competition was Chris' last battle before his retirement.

But no one expected the outcome of the war to be such an undignified fiasco.

On the main stage, the champion team lifted the trophy amid fireworks and applause.

Qiu Ying pointed the camera of her mobile phone at the Legend under the stage. The leftmost man had his hands on both sides of his nose. Tears slid slowly from the fingertips. Look at his age; he supposed to be Team Leader, Cris.

Move the camera to the person next to him. It stunned Qiu Ying for a moment. The player was very tall, with an unforgettable face. His eyes were like bright stars, and his bridge of the nose was straight. He put his hands casually in his pocket. There was no wave in his eyes that looking at the main stage, also no reluctance, remorse, anger. It was as if what they just lost just a practice session.

He turned his head toward Qiu Ying. Scared her and she quickly put down her phone.

She remembered seeing him outside the venue before. He was tall, carried a backpack on one shoulder, and headphones around his neck. Female fans surrounded him at the red carpet where the players entered. Because of too many people, Qiu Ying couldn't squeeze in. She tiptoed a few eyes from a distance. There was always a smile on his face. He also let the girls took his arm affectionately, maybe they even wish they could stick their face on that guy.

There's a female fan who told him something. Then he raised his eyebrows and casually lifted her long hair to one side. Write his name on her bareback with a marker. It caused a lot of screams.

It stunned Qiu Ying. This guy was so "close to the people." He should be easy to approach.

The main stage, the host began an interview with the champion team. The MVP in the final was Jeffery Chen, a 16-year-old Chinese genius. His ID was Disaster. He was a top student in the department of mathematics at MIT.

Qiu Ying couldn't help to feel. The fierce man who charged like the God of war in the game. But in reality, he looks handsome.

"A lot of teenagers idolize you." The host handed the microphone to him. "Do you want to say something to the young people who adore you?"

Jeffery Chen chewed gum in his mouth. He smiled and said, "It's hard to become me."

The host then asked, "How does it feel to win the championship?"

"It was too easy to win."

"This final will be on the same stage as Legend's legendary Team Leader. Cris. How do you feel? "

Jeffery Chen shrugged. "It just feels like... there's nothing special about it. He would have made such a brilliant achievement before, probably because I haven't made my debut yet."

He answered with too much arrogance. The host's smile froze on his face.

What more surprising was he raised his chin unruly at the Cris off the stage: "Yo. Legend's Team Leader. Remember this. It was Titan's Disaster who killed you."

For American players who win the world championship for the first time, this was undoubtedly a shot of stimulant into their carnival. In an instant whistle, applause and screams were intertwined. Push the atmosphere to the best part.

The Chinese audience around Qiu Ying had already blown up the pot. They were protesting loudly at the stage. It took the host a long time to calm the audience down again. Then the stadium headlights went out. The melodious sound of the flute sounded in the dark. The musical concert with the theme of Conquer game background music kicked off.

The phone vibrated. It was a WeChat from Qiu Ying's cousin, Gu Jiayi.

"Sister Ying. Recently posted in a forum that comes up a lot of your black post again. It's probably that Qiao Xin. She's getting more and more bullying!"

Qiu Ying sighed slightly. The 'Tour Star' gave her an ultimatum last week. If the live broadcast ratings were no longer up to standard, they ended their contract with her at the end of the month. The chance to remove the stumbling block came suddenly. No wonder Qiao Xin and her agency had been so busy lately.

Qiu Ying signed a one-year contract with the 'Tour Star.' If it didn't expire and become ended, she could only receive 30% of the money. But if they could make it to the agreed time limit. She can make up for the down payment fund to buy a small apartment with 50 square meters she awaited for a long time. If finally, she has a foothold in Shanghai, she'll be able to get out of from her house and lived by her own.

Idealism was like a tall building in front of you. The reality was just a low brick house at your feet. If you want to fly high, you must plump your wings first. Come step by step.

Qiu Ying moved her legs and stood numb. Craned his neck and looked forward. The third floor was a lounge for contestants. Even though the hallway sealed around the security guard, fans enthusiastic still surrounded the area, waited for someone to come out of the room.

"They're not here! I saw the teams going that way to the second floor just now! "

The fans dug up firsthand information, and soon the army swarmed in the direction he pointed. Qiu Ying stepped on eight centimeters of high heels and always worried about whether her miniskirt will run out. Her action was not as sharp as ordinary people. She lost her way without turning a few corners. She was trying to get home with chagrin. Suddenly she heard a noise coming from a small corridor.


"What are you talking on the stage? You were provoking too much! "

The voices of many people. There were plenty of Chinese and English. Qiu Ying followed the sound to the end of the corridor and found a small entertainment hall where it was for players. They removed most of the stuff after the game. There was no staff present. A group of people with admission cards on their necks surrounded a young man in the corner.

Qiu Ying blinked. Isn't this the genius boy of the USA team?

It looked like fans clashed with lone professionals. She felt the tension all the way away.

Qiu Ying hurriedly pointed the camera at them.

"It was so rampant to win once. You take yourself seriously! "

"At the peak of God C. You Americans can't lift your heads at all! "

"He is the youth of our generation. He's our hope! "

Jeffery Chen chewed gum, raising his chin high, "But Cris getting old. What is the value of a professional player who is not in good shape? Even if he was a legend, now he's just a burden."

"What are you talking about?!"

"And, the Chinese team also seems to have no one to succeed him. "

Jeffery Chen reached out his thumb. Turned down 180 degrees: "The era of Conquer being ruled by China is over here."
