Ch. 24 Roc

"What is that? Are they in trouble?"

"No, that's the sound of a slaughtered beast. But we better head out to look what the idiots are doing." Cheng Li says, sighing in the process.

The camp is pure chaos, blood everywhere and the six people are huddling in the corner looking like a whipped puppy.

"What did you do?" Cheng Li ask his companion, he can smell the blood of a roc.

"Elder Brother, we didn't mean it, promise." Fu Xilin is the first one to speak out.

"Yes, Elder Brother, we are showing them how our game got away."

"By killing our ride?" he questions them.

"The roc is an accident, he decided to become a gossip mongers and he stand on my side when I chop my sword in the air."

"Yes, Eldest brother, the roc happens to be at the wrong place and a wrong time." Bu Yufan commented.

"And clearly he is at the wrong company." Cheng Li retort back before using his affinity to clean the bloody mess.

"Where is it?" Cheng Li ask after disposing the blood.

"In my spatial bag."

"Then bring it out."


"We will cook it, we needed energy to walk for a hundred miles." Cheng Li inform them making them freeze.

"Hundred mile?"

"Yes, the nearest town is a hundred miles away." before he started to skin the bird, cleaning it's gut out before giving it to Ling Xi to cook.

The six people is too shocked by the news of hundred miles that they became a living sculpture, breathing but not moving.

"Hey, if you don't snap out of it and not help him cook then you wouldn't have any dinner tonight." hearing Cheng Li's words, all of them snap out of their trance before helping Ling Xi, some fetch some dry wood for cooking and for making the place warmer at night.

Everything is done in an hour. They are now eating some grilled duck meat while in the bonfire. The surrounding area is now dark and they can hear some strange sounds coming from the forest.

"Did you hear that?"

"That's an owl!"

"That one?"

"Probably an animal hunting its prey."

"What if we become its prey?"

"Then we will give you to him and run for our lives." Cheng Li is fed up on answering their questions, all his companions are all cowards. Ling Xi is now holding his arms, his body is so tense that it looks like one he is ready to flee.

"You're funny, You wouldn't do that right?" Bu Yufan ask before looking at his eyes.

"What do you think?" Cheng Li says before smiling making the five huddle together.

"You can't leave us, Grandmaster Xi would ask our whereabouts."

"What if I'll reason out that your the one who leave us and you met an untimely death! Now shut up and go to sleep, we will start walking before sunrise."

All of them obeyed Cheng Li and bring out their sleeping bag, He is the strongest of them all and besides, they are the reason why they have to walk.

Before sunrise all of them wake up, after breaking their fast they started walking avoiding some forest for the fear of stronger beast. The group who start out talking are now silent and stay vigilant in their surroundings, they have heard of the demons so the are afraid that they would meet one.

"Cheng Li." Ling Xi shouted before running towards the man.

"Cheng Li, we found a clear spring, we would eat our dinner and take a rest before continuing our trek." before pointing towards the thick bushes where their companion is currently resting.

Cheng Li nodded "I'll be there in a minute, I've seen something on the side of the forest, I have to check it out."


Cheng Li is investigating the burnt part of the tree when he hears shouting coming from area where his companion is resting.

"Elder Brother, A demon. Elder brother, a demon got Ling Xi." they all shouted when he had seen him emerging from the bushes.

"where did it go?"

"He flew towards that cave." Fu Xilin quickly inform him.

"Look for some safe place to hide but don't go too far, I'll call you if the area is now safe and don't follow me." he commands before flying towards the cave.

The cave smells of rotten meat and bloody smells, it is dark but because of his magical mask he can see clearly inside. Gore and body parts can be seen inside, he detected a heart beat in one of the caves channel going deeper and deeper, it must be Ling Xi, at least he is still alive. He breathed out a sigh of relief.