Chapter Four

Lara yawned one more time then tapped on the couch looking for something. I looked at her while I was getting up from the floor. "What are you doing?"

"My phone I can't find it," Lara said and got up searching for it. I walked to different sides of the roof looking for her phone. It completely disappeared. Minutes passed, and we were still looking for her missing phone.

"Are you sure you didn't leave it in the car or at home?"

"I'm positive! I was checking my email here when you were still in the kitchen," Lara said and stood in the middle of the roof and crossing her hands above her body. I was standing in front of my chair; I noticed repeated light came from the couch. I sat on it and reached my hands between the pillows to find her phone buzzing in silent.

"Hey! It was between the pillows," I said and raised my right hand up, holding her phone.

"Oh, thank god!" she said and took the phone from my hand quickly.

Lara sat down next to me and start typing immediately. I looked at the view of the sea with one thought running back and forth inside my head. [Why would I dream of Jungkook? And why I felt so attracted to him? I only knew he existed like hours ago and why did he look so good? And his abs looked and…oh my god!] I felt like I want to do stuff to him. Touchy stuff. My body was getting hotter and my face was getting red; I didn't notice at all, I was biting my bottom lip after licking it.

"What are you doing?!" Lara asked loudly.

I looked at her, she was staring at me without blinking. "Nothing," I said and coughed a little. I looked away avoiding her suspicious eyes.

"Are you still thinking about Jungkook?" Lara asked and moved a little to face me.


"You totally are!" Lara said and smirked.

"No, I'm not," I said, still avoiding her eyes.

"T, you're blushing like hell," Lara couldn't hold her loud laugh any longer.

I took a deep breath facing her and said swiftly, "I don't know what wrong with me?! I can't stop thinking about him!"

"Why Jungkook in particular? All of them are hot."

"Yeah! I was surprised how all of them are good looking but Jungkook is different," I said and looked again at the sea still my face blushing.

"How?" I looked at her.

"He's…" I looked again at the sea biting my bottom lip and taking a deep breath.

"T, you need to get laid like real fast," Lara said and laughed.

"No! It's not like that!"

"It's written all over your face!"

"Shut up!" I hate it when Lara is right.

"You know who can help you in this situation," she said and put her hair in a high ponytail.

"Please don't tell me, Manos."

"Exactly! T, the man is drooling over you and for a fact he's great in bed."

"Why are you sure that he is 'great in bed'?!" I air quoted the last word.

"Well, it's either great or women like to agree with him a lot," Lara said in a deep tone that made me laugh hard. Her phone suddenly ringed. "Oh, speaking of the devil!" Lara said and showed me her phone screen. It has Manos name and number on it as an incoming call.

"Hello…. I'm good and you…. Uhm… where are you? really! Okay, see you in a bit." The call lasted several seconds. Lara locked her phone and looked at me with a wide smile. "He's here."

"Manos is here?!"

"Yeah, he just got back from Paris and he's waiting for us inside," Lara said and stood up heading to the stairs. "He said he called you a lot but, you didn't pick up."

"Really!" I looked at my phone which was lying on the chair. I remembered that I put my phone on silent to work on my article. I got my phone and followed Lara who was already on her way down. I looked at my phone to put it on regular mood. When I unlock it; Jungkook's photo was on full screen, it was the last thing I saw before starting on my article. "Why do you have to be that good looking?!" I whispered to myself. I put my phone on my jeans back pocket and head down the stairs.

Lara was already inside the restaurant hugging Manos. I went to them and when I arrived they broke their hug. Manos immediately reached to me and pulled me into a tight hug. Manos hug was always a special one, He is much taller than me; his body is muscled and in tone. He has a beautiful hazel brown wavy hair in medium length and mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. Manos was, in fact, a very good-looking guy, he was known for being prince charming of Mykonos. He's charming, outgoing and funny guy. He was simply what a woman would ever want in a man; handsome, great wealthy family, and a doctor. For me, he's just Manos my good old friend. "Hey, you," I said and hugged him harder.

"I called you a lot, but you didn't answer," he said and broke the hug.

"I was writing," I said and then all of us sat at a quieter table.

"So, tell us how Paris was?"

"Like the usual nothing special, just working in the hospital then get home and vice versa," Manos said and rested his back.

"No, I'm asking about the ladies," Lara said and winked at him. It was a normal topic to talk about when the three of us get together, Manos was known for his wild love life or as Lara calls it fuck life. It was funny for me how the three of us were friends with drastically different personalities; Lara and Manos were open and active sexually wise but for me it was different; I hadn't been touched before. I mean, I made out with many boys before, but no one made me feel that I wanted to go further.

"Well… they are a lot, I can't recall now."

"You're an ass man you know, right?" I said sarcastically.

"I'm not! I'm a romantic man who's looking for true love," Manos said in a shocked tone mixed with laughter.

"You're looking for true love in their vaginas, very romantic indeed," Lara said casually. Manos and I laughed loudly.

7:30 PM.

Manos stayed with us at the restaurant and we had launch together, we talked and laughed for hours non-stop. When Manos left, Lara head back to the roof to work before we head home. Grandma decided to close early today to meet up with her friends, at 9:00 PM I closed the restaurant up and then called Lara to get home. When we get inside I went directly to my room to charge my phone and to check my email. Minutes later I heard a door knock. "Hey," Lara said and pop her head from the opening side of the door.

"Hey," I said without looking at her, I was busy typing an important email.

"DC or Marvel?"


"Popcorn or chips?"


"Pepsi or Coke?"


"Pizza or burgers?"


"Manos or Jungkook?"

"Jungkook." I finally looked at her in sudden shock. Lara looked completely amused. I blinked several times and then she laughed in a mischievous loud tone and closed the door leaving me very shocked and confused. I finished typing fast and throw the phone on the bed. "What the hell is wrong with me!" I said to myself as I shook my head.

Ten minutes later.

I went downstairs to find Lara prepared everything for a movie night. She was sitting on the couch across from the TV and choosing which Marvel movie to watch on Netflix. I sat next to her. "Nice pajamas," Lara looked at me and giggled. I was wearing a tight white t-shirt and shorts with a cute sushi pattern while Lara was wearing an oversized pink t-shirt and red shorts. My hair was down and loose while Lara's was in a messy high bun. "All of them or single?"

"All of them," I said and hugged one of the many pillows around me. Lara chose the newest Avengers movie and then pressed play.

12:30 AM.

After the movie ended, we watched many trailers of upcoming movies and TV series till the point that we lost track of what we want to watch later. Lara yawned a lot. "I can't stay any longer," Lara said and yawned again.

"Me too, my body is killing me."

"We have to get up early, tomorrow right?" Lara asked with a sad face.

"No, you can sleep more but you have to come either way."

"Okay…" she yawned loudly and continued "I will sleep till 3:00 AM, I have a deadline."

"Okay, goodnight," I said as both of us were heading to our rooms upstairs. Lara was still yawning, and she just waved at me. I went inside my room; I didn't feel sleepy, yet my body was tired. I looked at my bathroom door in hesitation. [Take a shower or a bath with bubbles] I thought to myself. I walked to the bathroom and looked at the bath equipment.

"It will take forever to fill it," I said.

My bathtub was huge that normally took almost two hours to fill it. The tiredness of my body killed that idea quickly, so I went with taking a long hot shower to help my body to relax. The shower part was separated from the bathtub. It was inside a glass cabinet, it had multiple shower heads; one on top and four on each side. I stood in the middle of the cabinet. I put the water on warm temperature and under strong pressure. The strong movements of the water made my whole body relaxed to the point I couldn't stand any longer. I sat on the floor and rested my back on one of the cabinet walls enjoying the water that hit me from every side. My eyes felt heavier and heavier and slowly I drifted to quick sleep.


I opened my eyes and looked right into his.

I felt warmth in his gaze that I couldn't resist. He laid one more kiss away from my lips right on the left corner. His head made its last move and his lips were slightly above mine. I moved my body closer to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Tia…" he sounded breathless.

He pressed his lips against mine slowly and gently, he began to go deeper little by little. I broke out from the kiss and took a step back away from him. He looked little shocked, his body didn't move yet his lips followed me as I pulled back. "What wrong…" his voice deep and barely there.

"Harder," I said and grabbed his angelic confused face between my hands. He didn't say anything, he just nodded in agreement. I get closer to his face and my lips were inches above his. "I want you inside me…now," I whispered to him in a sexy low tone. I felt his face getting hotter under my touch.

Without letting me think one more second; he grabbed my waist tightly and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss this time was different; it was rougher and deeper. My tongue started its wild ride into his mouth reaching the tip of his. He moaned a little and get much deeper with the kiss. I moved my hands from his face to his wet hair; I tightened my grab and pulled his hair slightly and at the same time biting his bottom lips. I pulled away and looked at his lust looking gaze. He laid a kiss on my right cheek and started to make a kiss train starting from my earlobe to my boobs. He had his right hand under my bikini top squeezing my boob gently and his other hand grabbing my ass. I was melting under his touch. "Baby…" I sounded like I was begging him.

He knew what I wanted now; his right hand made its way right above my bikini bottom. He touched my vagina in a slow motion then moved to my thighs. "Jungkook…" I said and held his arm to direct him to the part I needed him the most. He lifted his head and looked at my face with a big bunny smile. "You want it that bad?"

"Yes." He kissed me passionately and suddenly his hand was under my bikini bottom and his middle finger above my clit. He started to move his finger in rhythm moves. I couldn't hold my moan while kissing him back. "Want…. more?" he said without leaving my lips. I moaned more, and my body shivered a little. His hand moved slightly downwards and then I felt a pressure of one of his fingers at the entrance of my pussy.


My phone made a loud noise, I opened my eyes terrified. I was in the shower cabinet; under warm water and my hands were in different positions, my right hand was squeezing my boob and my left hand above my already red and swelled clit. I realized that I fall asleep in the bathroom; I stood up and closed the shower tab and head outside the cabinet to get the towel. I wrapped one big towel around my body and another one over my wet dripping hair. I sat on my bed breathing heavily. I looked at the watch next to my bed to find that I have been in the bathroom for almost an hour. "I can't believe I did that," I said to myself in complete denial.

I had crushes before, but I never thought of someone and touched myself. Something in Jungkook made me lose all my senses. Lara was wrong; I don't need anyone's touch. I need Jungkook touch and only his.