Chapter Seven


The day went slowly as it felt. I stayed in the restaurant trying hard to get my mind off Jungkook; even tho I didn't do anything to evoke my unreasonable feeling towards him. Lara was watching me in silence, I knew what she was thinking about; she was trying to fix me up with someone. She believed that I acted that way because I needed physical touch ASAP, but I couldn't explain to her that I don't need it from anyone; I need it from Jungkook. Something made me feel so connected to him; something I couldn't explain even to myself.

Next Morning.

2:30 PM.

I woke up feeling ached all over my body; these days I didn't get enough sleep. My mind was fighting me hard; overthinking about Jungkook and overloaded with articles needed to be finished. I stayed most of the night watching every video Jungkook appeared in, he got the cutest personality ever. I felt more attracted to him, to his soul.

I went downstairs to find the house quiet and empty. I entered the kitchen to find a note underneath the bunny magnet above the fridge. I read it; it was written by Lara informing me that they went shopping and that we would open the restaurant at 6:00 PM.

I took a deep breath; I was glad that I had more hours to stay in the house and hopefully sleep more but I knew I couldn't. I got an email yesterday with more articles to write; The fashion magazine wasn't the only place I work with. I like writing so much that I had more than seven magazines and newspapers I work with. I put the note on my pocket and moved into the kitchen to get myself something to eat.

4:48 PM.

I was sitting outside next to the pool writing nonstop for almost an hour. I felt more awake after eating two large pieces of blueberry cake and drank a large mug of coffee. I put some Yanni music to play softly in the background and to keep me more on track.

Yanni music playing in low volume. Tapping sound on my laptop keyboard. Me humming with the music. Words running from my head to the keyboard in a flowing rhythm and then a sudden load noise ruined the quite mood.

I startled a little from the load noise of my phone. It was buzzing hard with its screen showing the name of the caller. It was Manos. "Hey Manos," I said after putting the call on speaker and continued writing.

"Happy Birthday T!" Manos said loudly.

"Thanks, it's still tomorrow tho."

"I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday."

"That's so sweet of you," I said and smiled. I heard loud groans. Sexy groans. "Please don't tell me you're in the middle of sex," I said and frowned.

"You know me, I can multitask," he said with short breaths.

"Don't ever call me again!"

Manos laughed and groaned at the same time. "I'll try, T."

"Okay, go away." I laughed then ended the call. It wasn't the first time Manos called me while being busy doing something to other women. As much as disgusting that was; it's simply the unchangeable Manos.

7:30 PM.

I went to the restaurant to find Lara sitting with a group of girls who looked around our age; they were talking and laughing loudly. I walked to my grandma who was talking with one of the waiters over something in the right section of the restaurant. "Hi, grandma," I said and stood in front of her smiling.

"Bunny, you're late."

"I'm sorry, I had a lot of writing to finish."

"Did you sleep well? You look tired."

"No, I had a lot of work to do," I said and hid my lips tightly. I hide my lips every time I lie.

"It's not good for your health," she said then looked again at the waiter and continued her conversation with him. She was busy with the waiter; she didn't notice my facial reaction.

"TIA," Lara shouted my name loud and waved her hand for me to come over. I went to their direction, Lara was sitting at the center of a table surrounded by four girls I believe they were in their twenties. On the left, was sitting a thin girl with curly blond hair; she was wearing ripped jeans and a red tank top, she smiled weirdly to me.

The other three girls looked much nicer. One had pink-blonde Pixi hair and she was wearing a floral dress, another had brown long straight hair and she was wearing a yellow romper. The last one had the best look; she had brown and blue ombre hair and she was wearing a black wide t-shirt and shorts.

I got closer to the table and heard all of them speaking at the same time about a concert. From their accent, I knew they were Americans. "This is Tia, my oldest friend ever," Lara said, pointing at me.

"Hello guys," I said and sat on the last empty chair.

"I thought you're Greek?" the blond girl asked suddenly.

"I am."

"But you speak in a British accent."

"Yeah, I'm part British."

"So, you're half British half Greek?"

"Kinda yeah."

"What do you mean kinda, is there another ethnicity you have?"

I don't know why but I felt something odd about her. "Yeah, I'm part Greek, part Italian, and part British," I said and smiled at her hoping she won't ask anything else.

"Lara told us that you're an army now," the blond girl said and smiled weirdly again.

"I'm a what now?"

"She means BTS army," the girl with Pixi hair said.

"Uhm… I guess," I said and smiled.

I looked pretty much confused, Lara noticed my face. "T, these girls are my army friends, we all became friends like a year ago, all because of the great Kylie," Lara said and pointed at the girl in the yellow romper.

"Hi, I'm Kylie," she said and waved at me.

"Nice to meet you," I said and smiled back.

"Tatyana," Lara said and pointed at the girl with the Pixi hair. "Lauren," Lara said and then pointed at the girl with ombre hair. Lara then pointed at the last girl and before she said her name the girl interrupted her.

"I'm Zoe," she said and smiled coldly to me.

I ignored her weird looks and looked at the other girls. "How did you meet?"

"This is the first time," Lara said.

"How? You said you became friends a year ago?"

"We became friends over the internet," Kylie said.

"I will tell you," Tatyana said. "It all started with Kylie going to Lara's DM and requesting her to draw Jimin."

"I didn't know anything about BTS at that time, I didn't even know who is that Jimin that she wanted me to draw," Lara said.

"We talked for like the whole day and then she became an army," Kylie said and smiled at Lara who was smiling nonstop.

"Cool," I said and moved a little in the chair.

For some reason I felt uncomfortable; Zoe's eyes were fixed on me. "Lara told us you're a Jungkook stan," Zoe said, and her weird smile disappeared.

"Not to the point of being a stan," I said and looked at Lara who was trying not to laugh out loud. "I'm just a fan."

"He's mine you better back off," Zoe said firmly.

"What?" I was surprised by the change of her tone.

"I'm kidding!" she said and hit my arm hard.

What the hell.

Her phone ranged. "Oh, I have to take this!" she said and got up to answer her phone in a quieter corner.

I looked at Lara and frowned. "Don't take it too personally, Zoe is a little bit obsessed with Jungkook, other than that she's pretty nice," Kylie said after noticing my face.

"That was kinda weird actually."

"I'm a Jungkook and Jin stan but I never told her, I'm afraid she might kill me," Lauren said, and we all laughed.

11:18 PM.

The four girls stayed for more than two hours talking nonstop about BTS. We laughed and talked the whole time. I quickly knew why Lara became friends with them; they were fun to hang out with except for Zoe who I believe has two personalities nice funny one and a weird obsessive over Jungkook one.

Before the clock hit 11:30 PM, I left the restaurant with Lara heading home to finish the work we both needed to do before the end of the day. Lara was uploading a new episode of her latest online comic and I had to send several work emails.

After twenty minutes.

I was sitting on my bed sending emails and playing some music in a low volume. I heard a knock on the door followed by its opening. "T," Lara said and went directly to the bed and slammed her body on it. Her sudden movement made me jump a little holding my laptop to prevent it from falling.

"You uploaded the episode already."

"Yeah, it has like ninety- thousand reads till now."


"Yeah not too bad."

I looked at her and smiled. "So, did you like the girls?"

"I loved them."

"Really? Even Zoe?"

"No, I hated her."

Lara laughed. "Why didn't you tell the truth about being a Jungkook stan?"

"I didn't lie, I'm not a stan," I said and hid my lips.

"Right," Lara said and smirked mischievously. I looked at her and smiled. "You're really falling for him, aren't you?"

I looked at her and blinked several times. "Tell me how you became a BTS fan?" I asked her to avoid her own question.

"You know after I finished 'Remember You' series and went into a hiatus for almost a year, I was in my worst shape ever, emotionally and physically. I couldn't come up with another idea. I was so stuck on my thoughts and felt completely lost. It felt like I couldn't find my way back. Then one day out of nowhere I decided to open a drawing request on Instagram. I was like crying out loud for something to inspire me. After couple of hours, my DM was going crazy with the requests. The majority was like requesting me to draw them or some sort of celebrities and nothing clicked with me. Until the next day, I got the weirdest DM of them all. It was Kylie. She wrote a very long one; first talking about 'Remember You' and how she is a big fan of it then at the end was basically begging me to draw Jimin in the same style as 'Remember You'. I didn't really know who Jimin is, I immediately replied to her that I have no idea who she was talking about and from there she told me everything about them, in the same way, I taught you," Lara said then took a deep breath then continued. "I felt curious to listen to the songs after what she told me, and oh my god Tia, my life changed, their songs are so good, just in days I felt very inspired to draw and to create another story, and from there my new comic was born."

"That's really beautiful, it's great that their music helped you find your way again."

"Yeah, it's very true that people inspire each other, that's why I wish they inspired you too to collaborate with me," Lara said and held my hand.

"Come on Lara I told you before I'm not that good."

"You are! Just think about it, we can make a great story together, we can create another world with empowered original characters and amazing story, you're a genius with words; you can do it," Lara said in a begging voice.

"I don't think so," I said and took my hand back to continue writing the email.

"You will write a story one day, I'm sure of that," Lara said then held her phone.

I smiled without looking at her. Lara stayed for an hour then headed to her room to sleep. I shut down my computer then went right into sleep. I was very tired I couldn't open my eyes any longer.


I was in deep sleep; laying peacefully on my king-sized bed. I was wearing matching violet lace bra and thong; I never imagined myself wearing those, but I felt comfortable in them for some reason. I opened my eyes slowly, I was indeed in my room. It was dark with dim lights came from the balcony with a refreshing breeze of air carried the magical smell of the Aegean Sea.

The curtains were dancing slowly with the wind. The whole room was chilly yet something warm and comfy was laying next to me, I rolled to my right side and I saw him. I can't believe he was next to me. He looked so peaceful and calm; my beautiful baby looking angelic as usual. My eyes scanned his face and my left arm reached his silky black hair and moved it to see his full face. I moved my eyes and hand in rhythm; his neck and crazy strong abs gave me life. I don't know how he is like that; sometimes looks and sounds like an angel and other times he became a beast; a strong hot beast that I can't resist.

My hand was right over his v line; my heart skipped a beat and a strong lust came over me. I wanted him now, I moved my hands down and under his shorts; I touched his dick slowly and gently. I moved closer to his warm body and kissed his neck, I felt his hand moving a little and then touch my thigh. I stopped and looked at his face, He started to wake up. "Baby…" he said with sleepy hoarse voice.

I want him more now, I reached his lips and kissed it passionately, he didn't open his eyes, but I knew he woke up; he was kissing me back strongly. I stopped suddenly and looked at him, he opened his eyes and looked directly at mine. My hand was still holding his dick and I started to move it up and down slowly. He looked at me so passionately I couldn't resist his beautiful eyes, he moved to his left side and grabbed my head and kissed me hard; made my whole body tingled. The stronger the kiss, the faster my hand moved; his dick became hard and I felt his veins were hard and popping. He stopped the kiss and laid on his back again breathing hard, he licked his lips and looked at me.

"Baby…S…" I stopped him by reaching his earlobe. I kissed it gently and the tip of my tongue was in it, I whispered in his ears then gave him a quick kiss. He was burning hot, I moved my body a little and my head was above his dick, I hold it with both of my hands and kissed the tip, the moment my lips touched his dick I felt his left hand squeezing my ass under the thong while his right hand was grabbing my hair softly. I started sucking it and with every move I made he was moaning softly. I know he wanted more, I stopped and looked at him, he was looking completely in lust, but it wasn't the reaction that I wanted.

I smirked and looked deeply into his eyes. He let go of my hair and moved his to see me clearly. In a matter of seconds, I took it all in; deep throat. I felt his whole body shivered and his moans got higher and deeper. I stopped with a popping sound; I didn't want him to cum yet.

"I want to eat you hard…" he said with low rough voice and short breaths. I looked at him; he was dead serious. He grabbed my legs and opened them fast and I found myself sitting on his face. He started to lick me, and I felt his tongue going inside of me hard.

"This tongue is killing me…" I whispered to myself. I wanted to get up but couldn't; he was holding my body hard and eating me even harder. One hand holding my waist and the other one squeezing my boobs.

I tried to get up again. "Don't move…I want to drink your honey," he said breathless.

"What the fuck…" I couldn't help but moan hard, that need to stop. I got up with all my strength. He licked his hot red lips as I moved and sat on him. My face above his, I laid a kiss on his neck, grabbed his dick, sat on it and start rubbing it against my pussy. He was moaning hard, He was going crazy.

"I want to fuck you hard…" his voice was sexy and rough. I couldn't agree more. I left myself up and put his dick inside of me. He grabbed my waist and pushed me toward him. He wrapped his arms around me, my boobs were on his chest, my lips on his lips.

He was fucking me slowly and kissing me gently. My hands were on his hair holding it tightly, I stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. My hands moved to his neck, He knew exactly what I wanted.

He grabbed me hard and moved fast; I was on my back and he was above me, so close and warm. He started to move faster and deeper, both of our bodies were burning hot. His breath was hot and loud. He kept kissing me deep and hard and I moaned load. He called my name and moaned in sync with me.

We were both moaning and screaming each others name filled with pleasure and pure love. He screamed my name one more time and we both cum together. I didn't move, and he was still inside of me. I grabbed his face with my hands, he kissed my lips and lick my tongue. My muscles were clutching hard on his dick. He moved his face and laughed. I was clearly hurting him, but he didn't want to move. "I'll fuck you again if you keep doing that," he said and laughed.

"Doing what?" I said playfully and laughed. My muscles clutched even harder on his dick.

"Uh…Baby." his voice was raspy with little laughter in it. I couldn't help but laugh louder and louder.

"Tia…Tia," a voice suddenly called my name, but it wasn't his. I looked at him and frowned.

"Did you called me?!" I said and frowned even more.

"Tia…Wake up! TIA!" I opened my eyes. I was in my bedroom and alone. The room was so bright, and the sun hit my eyes made me cringe. "Tia," the voice called me again. It took me a moment to realize whose voice it was.

It was Lara. "I'm up…" I said trying to understand what happened.

"Breakfast is ready, get your ass up," Lara said, and I heard her footsteps moving away. I moved a little in the bed but felt something in my underwear.

I moved the coverlet away. "OH MY GOD," I said shockingly; I was completely wet. "What a dream!" I said to myself and got up then went to the bathroom to take a shower.