Chapter Ten

"I can't believe this is happening," I said and held Lara's forearm. "What else?"

"I have an idea," Lara said and smirked.

"What?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Let's get you a date."

"A date?"

"I have someone in my mind."

"Don't tell me, Manos!" I said and pointed at her.

"We already have Manos in the real world! No T, another one," Lara said and narrowed her eyes in a mischievous look.

"Who?" I asked without blinking.

Oh. God. Is she thinking of what I'm thinking? "Jungkook," Lara said and smirked.

"WHAT!" I basically screamed. Some people sitting on a café across from us looked at me and started to whisper. Wow, I really made this world like the real one. I looked at them then again at Lara who was smiling widely.

"What?" Lara said without breaking her smile.

"We can't do that!"

"Why not?"

"Because," I stopped then looked at the sky. Very bright, the whole city was mesmerizing; Lara mixed the weather and lifestyle of Mykonos with the elegance of Paris and the architecture of London all in one place. I looked to my right and found the Aegean sea with it breathtaking clear blue color.

"Because?" Lara said cutting my random thoughts.

"We can't get him here."

"Why not? You were pleasuring yourself just by your imagination," Lara said the word pleasure in slow deep voice reminding me of the most embarrassing moment in my life. "Why do you want to waste a million-euro chance of actually meeting him; and besides this is a magical world so technically it will be his doppelgänger not him."

I sighed and closed my eyes to focus my thoughts that kept bringing the image of sweaty Jungkook and his plump lips.

Shit. "T," Lara said loudly.

"I can't bring him here! I can't," I said and cover my red face.

"Calm down, don't over think it," Lara said with little laughter in her voice. I moved my hands and looked at her. "Look, we used the location of the comic; why don't we use the plot?" Lara said and took my hands and we started to walk.

"What do you mean?"

"Tia, what the fuck happened to your brain!? I miss the days when you use it," Lara said impatiently.

I hit her hand and frowned. "Nothing happened to my brain; explain without being an ass," I said and stopped walking and faced her.

"The plot was about a girl meeting a guy who owns a café and then falls in love."

I didn't react waiting for her to continue; she took the hint and took another breath.

"We don't have to use the whole story T just the beginning of it; we don't need the drama," Lara said and shrugged her shoulders.

I looked at her not entirely convinced. "I'm basically telling you to meet Jungkook for god's sake! You know how the Army would kill for this chance?!" Lara said loudly with her eyes wide open.

"Fine!" Shit. This is not happening. I closed my eyes to see his beautiful face.

"WAIT!" Lara shouted and held my hand suddenly that made me jump a little. "Bring Taehyung too." I frowned. "I don't wanna be a third wheel, I wanna have some fun too." I smiled at her honesty and then closed my eyes again. "Wait!" she said loudly again. I opened my eyes again. "Bring him as the best friend who co-owns the café."

I looked at her and said, "Anything else?"

She smirked mischievously and said, "That enough for me." I know Lara and I know how her mind works. A perverted mind. "I don't know about you."

"I won't do anything," I said and cleared my throat.

"Right," Lara said deadpan. I ignored her steady face and closed my eyes to bring their images to my mind.

I took a deep breath again. "I want Jungkook and Taehyung here as the main two male characters of the comic," I said then opened one of my eyes. "Anything happened?"

"Nope everything is still the same," Lara said and looked around.

"Where is that café?"

"Well this is Blue Tales city so," Lara said and looked around again. "It's seven blocks from here."

"Seven blocks!"

"It means that it's also next to the apartment," Lara said as we started to walk.

"Whose apartment?"

"The protagonist apartment." When Lara was creating the comic, she used the apartment we shared in London when we went to college as the main inspiration for the protagonist place. It's funny how Lara used many shared memories between us as a part for her comic and now we are literally in it.

"Right! I totally forgot about it!"

"We need the key though," Lara said.

I closed my eyes. "We have the protagonist's apartment keys and a car," I said then looked at Lara who just cringed at me. "I don't wanna walk seven blocks."

"Right, that's the only reason," Lara said and narrowed her eyes. I don't mind walking. I love to walk but that means taking more time to get there and just the idea of him being in this world was already driving me insane.

Lara felt something in her jeans back pocket and so did I. I found the keys of the apartment while Lara found the car keys. We looked at the parking lot ten feet away and found black jeep identical to the one Lara owned back in college. "You brought the jeep!" Lara said and laughed. We used this jeep for years; it was like a child to us.

Thirty minutes later.

"I can't believe how big this city is," I said and closed the car door.

"Well it was indeed big in the comic but in here it's really huge," Lara said and locked the car.

We looked around to find the café right across the huge street. The café looked pretty with its outside sitting area with one table caught my attention remembering how it looked in the comic. It was a cozy one with two yellow chairs facing each other and a yellow round table in between with a pink plastic flamingo on it.

I moved my eyes from the café and looked at the rest of the street that looked very similar to the street of our London apartment. I kept focusing on the street while Lara was staring at the café; she was facing it while I was facing the other way around.

"T, look," Lara said and pointed at the direction of the café. I looked back and saw a man from his back. he was wearing a white fitting t-shirt, black ripped jeans and black converse. He was holding a box with one hand and the door knob of the café door with the other one and within seconds he went inside.

"Is that him!" I said slowly feeling like I'm chocking.

"I think so," Lara said not entirely sure of her answer. "Let's go!" she held my hand and dragged me to walk.

"No! I can't!" I stopped her.

"Come on!" Lara said and held my hand tightly and we started to walk towards the café.

We stood in front of the café door. My hands started to sweat. "Calm down T; he won't eat you."

OH… I hope… he will… shit… stop it, Tia!

I shook my head to focus. "Okay! Let's go!" I let go of her hand and smiled at her. She smiled back and pushed the café door open. The café was slightly crowded with music playing nicely in the background and waiters walking smoothly between the tables serving people happily.

The smell of freshly made coffee and pastries were filling the place mixed with cherry blossom smell. We walked slowly toward the bar where two men were standing behind it; they were laughing about something.

I heard this voice before. OH… MY… GOD. It's him. As we stood right behind them separated only by the bar that had many things on it that I truly didn't noticed. One of them noticed us and hit the other to move around and faced us. I stopped breathing and so did Lara when both moved around and faced us.

I can't believe it. Jungkook and Taehyung were right in front of my eyes. I felt my face burning hot; I looked at Lara who was smiling nicely at them. Damn her steady reactions. "Hello, how can I help you?" Taehyung said and smiled widely at me then at Lara. I smiled back at him then at Jungkook who was also staring at me then smiled widely showing his long bunny teeth.

"Two iced mocha please," Lara said to Taehyung who looked at me then immediately shifted his full attention to Lara.

"Right on," he said and started to move.

Jungkook kept smiling at me without breaking eye contact. "You want anything to eat?" he said. Lara at that point moved to the far left were Taehyung was standing on the other side. I looked at them quickly to find that he was laughing with her about something. "You can try the chocolate cake, it's really good," Jungkook said and leaned on the table to look closer at my red face.

I looked at his face and chuckled after seeing his round puppy eyes looking at me innocently waiting for my answer. "I would love that," I said and leaned closer to him.

With small space between our faces. I could smell his minty fresh breath. He nodded without breaking his smile nor eye contact. He stood straight and looked at me one more time before moving to get the chocolate cake from the left side next to Taehyung.

When both seemed busy with our order; Lara went back to stand next to me. "Holy shit! They are real!" Lara whispered to me.

"I know!"

"We need to get down fast!"


"I want Taehyung! You want Jungkook! Let's have some fun!"

"We can't do that! We just met them!"

Lara grabbed my hand and push me little further away from them.

"Tia could you please use this pretty little mind of yours, it's a magical world we…no…you control everything here! We don't need to date them! Just a fun night; you need this more than anyone."

"Excuse me!"

"For god's sake woman! You fucking masturbated to his image just after one day of knowing about him! just by a fucking photo! You have him here in flesh! Use this chance you idiot!"


"No!" Lara said and pointed her figure at me. "We'll have one night to enjoy and then move on, okay?" Lara said and looked at them.

I moved my eyes from her face to their moving bodies. "Just one night," I said and hid my lips tightly.