The Ultimate Warrior

"Uhhh... Is she ok doc?" I ask cautiously.

I look over to see that doc isn't even paying attention as he is fully immersed in the data that came pouring in from the fight.

"Incredible, simply incredible," he mutters to himself in excitement.

"Malcom, can you come up here? I'd like to see something."

When I get to the room doc already has a projection of my body with my arm highlighted floating above the table as he types excitedly, he was so absorbed in his work that I'm pretty sure he'd forgotten that he asked me to come up here, I patiently waited until he finished.

Then Lucille just walks up and slaps him in the back of the head almost knocking his glasses off.

"Goddamn" I mutter to myself.

"Ahem," doc clears his throat as he straightens his glasses.

"Sorry about that, anyway, Malcom my boy you are just one surprise after another," he says cheerfully.

"What military school did you go to?" he asks.

"Well, I've been homeschooled since basic training."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Well, my father got pissed off when I showed him the Martial art techniques the school taught me and said the teachers were fucking idiots and that no son of his will be learning their bullshit fighting styles," I explained.

"Your father seemed like he knew well," Lucille commented with a hint of respect in her voice.

"Yeah... he did."

" May you please explain the basics of your fighting style." doc asked.

"Sure, it's a style my father created that he named 'Ultimate Warrior' those who practice it will essentially be a one-man squad. They'll have the strength and defense of a tanker, the agility, and mobility of a fighter, the area of perception of a scouter, and the Spiritual capacity of a mage." I explain.

"That's incredible!" Lucille exclaims. "Why didn't he show this style to the military?" she asks.

"He didn't show it for two reasons; one because you pretty much have to be a prodigy to learn even the basics, the technique itself is a mixture of several different techniques that all clash with each other, the only way to grasp its concept is to practice it constantly from the literal moment you learn to walk if someone tried to learn it without doing that it the technique would be useless," I say.

"Holy shit," Lucille says in shock.

"and the second reason?"

"The next step is even harder than the first one, you then learn to imbue each of your attacks with Magical energy but it's a method that's a little unconventional," I tell them.

"How so?" doc asks

"Well, the techniques that are taught in the schools involve letting the magical energy within you encompass your body and strengthen your physical attacks, and even though it's effective it consumes a shitload of mana. But with Ultimate Warrior instead of releasing the energy, you keep it contained and allow the energy to be absorbed into your body's cells thus drastically improving the body's basic fighting power and regeneration permanently instead of in short bursts. "

"This method proves more effective as the fucking Mountain of mana you'd normally be using for defense can now be converted to mana used for offense."

"Well, I guess that answers all of my questions then" Lucille sits back and stares at me in awe.

" Yes it explains quite a lot indeed" doc agrees as he looks through his notes.

"I was wondering how that red pattern appeared on your arms and now I understand; as you attack, the mana within your body not only adds power to your attack but strengthens your arms as well. Malcom, may I ask how you were able to achieve this level of precision with your arms in such a short while?"

"Honestly, it surprised me as well, as I raised my power more the only thing I was thinking was 'I hope I don't break them."

" Ah, so it was more of a subconscious move." doc says happily.

" That makes it even more impressive, your spiritual control must be monstrously high."

" I mean I don't wanna brag or anything but it is a bit up there," I say pleased.

"Indeed it is." doc laughs.

" Oh I meant to ask you earlier, I got a little sidetracked if you had found any good allies I could use for my mission."

"Well I thought I had but it turns out you're much too powerful for them so I think your best bet would be to enroll in Jupiter Academy."

"Why is that?"

"Because with that school lies arguably the most powerful students with the highest level of potential, besides you, of course, they are known as the sacred four and they are the descendants of the original pillars."

The pillars, a few decades after the war started people started to gain magical powers and three people gained extraordinary abilities, they unified humanity and taught them to wield their power, they're pretty much the reason why we even exist. After the first major victory for humanity, they each created a clan, The house of Vaughn created by Damian Vaughn the Leader of the pillars who used his powers to manipulate blood and was known for his powerful sword techniques, The house of Vermillion created by Serena Vermillion who was said to be unrivaled in terms of mana capacity and magical knowledge, and The house of Fuerza created by Santiago Fuerza known for overwhelming his opponents with brute force and destructive power. If these four are the descendants of the original pillars then they are undoubtedly powerful.

" Welp, " I sigh

" looks like I'm going back to school"

We walk back to the operating room so doc can make some adjustments to my arms and on the way there we go through the fucking stadium they call a lab once more and as we move through something catches my eye it looks like a seemingly regular mask from a distance but up close you could that it was all black and appeared to be made from some type of metal, I pick it up and I'm immediately met with a surprise because even though it looks like it's made of metal it moves like it's made of cloth.

"Hey doc what's this?" I call out.

He comes over to take a look.

"Ahh, I remember this old thing, it was one of my first creations. I designed it to be used on black ops missions. Long ago I found this strange chunk of metal on an old battlefield, it was quite remarkable the metal itself can absorb an unknown amount of Magical energy, and even though it moves like fabric it can withstand immeasurable power, it's virtually indestructible and I was even able to imbue it with some spatial runes on the interior enabling the user to eat and drink without ever taking it off."

"That's cool," I say impressed.

"But couldn't you have used this metal to make weapons?"

Hearing this doc chuckled.

"What do you think those arms of yours are made of?"

As I stood there dumbfounded he started to head towards the operating room.

"If you want it you can have it," he called back.

"I have no use for it so it'll just end up collecting dust."

As I look at the mask a line of runes appear in my mind and as I read them a lightbulb went off and I smile.