
Joreen was used to wearing heels but not one as high as the one she was currently wearing, plus she had been walking around a lot for one evening. She wanted nothing more than to sit down. So as Hoy returned to where he was supposed to sit, Joreen went to the table where Reen was seated with Kyle and two other young men. 

"Jo. Where have you been?" Reen asked and pulled out a chair for Joreen to sit on. 

Joreen smiled at Kyle and the two boys who returned her smile before whispering to Reen. 

"Something happened. It's not good."

"What?" Reen asked in alarm and quickly put down her voice.

"We can talk about it later. I'm starving." 

Joreen looked ahead and locked eyes with Kyle who was staring at her. He didn't look away immediately but smiled at her before he turned to look at Reen.