Friends is fine

Joreen was just about to enter inside the building when she felt two strong hands on her shoulders, holding her in place. 

She impatiently looked up and was surprised to see Li Hoy in his usual mighty and handsome self, staring right at her. 

"Did something happen?" He asked, looking back at where she had been sitting with Kyle but Kyle was no longer there. He was guessing he must have done or said something to her to make her look this worried and frantic. 

"It's... Reen. She has been gone for an hour. I am worried but I cannot find her alone." 

He noticed how worried she really looked and gently squeezed her shoulders. 

"Relax. I'll find her for you. You can go rest inside your room." She shook her head stubbornly. There had been a time where her family went out on a little vacation and while thinking Reen was having fun somewhere, she had actually tripped and sprained her ankle and was screaming for help for hours until someone found her.