I still don't like her

Zhu Liang finally stopped to visit his parents in the house Liang was supposed to be staying with them. He had been avoiding contact with them for the past few days because he guessed Suyin would tell her parents about the break up who would in turn talk to his parents about it. Surprsingly, a few days passed without his parents making mention of it. Until yesterday. His mother had called to ask when they could come see him but he promised he was going to stop by tonight. 

Now, he was standing outside the house, trying to prepare himself for the heated conversation the would be having inside.

He wanted to knock on the door when the door opened. 

"Come in before you freeze to death outside!" His doting mother said as she pulled him by the hand inside. He followed her inside until they stopped at the dining table which was filled with different kinds of dishes. Half of which were his favourite.