
The encounter

Lynn hesitated only a few seconds before reaching for the doorknob and finally opening the door. The melody then came more clearly, but it still sounded far away. Lynn didn't take another step; deciding to stay there, she backed away until the wide mirror returned her a pale image. Being so tall and slender, she seemed much more mature than she was; Lynn had been like this since she was thirteen. Looking at her reflection more closely now, Lynn winced while appreciating how the recent events had scarred her. However, the music came to her ears once again, tempting her. So, in a second, Lynn made a decision. And so, she soon found herself closing the door softly behind her.

As Lynn walked, she felt as if her feet knew the way to where the musical notes were coming. She turned left at the end of the hall and arrived in a magnificent room with a shiny floor whose patterns formed a black and white spiral. It gave the impression of being in a bright and calm vortex. From there, Lynn went up a double staircase with handrails and railings made of a shiny black material like polished onyx. Then Lynn turned another corner: there was an impressive, sprawling painting on that wall, but she barely paid attention to it as a vast ballroom appeared at the end of the new corridor. As Lynn got closer, it seemed immense, as big as her own house.

The ballroom was superb. From what Lynn could see, decorated with the extravagance that characterized the castle, which had nothing cheerful in its entire environment. Except maybe for her room, which was totally out of place. Lynn wondered if the other bedrooms were the same as hers. ¿Had they redecorated her chambers? ¿Just for her to feel welcomed or something?

Lynn walked silently through a pair of spectacular doors standing wide open. Then, to the left and not too far from herself, Lynn saw the person responsible for the melody. He was playing the song sitting at the piano. Broad shoulders and long, straight hair, so blond it looked like a silver halo in the chandelier light. The stranger hopelessly attracted Lynn's attention while, on the other hand, her own heart had decided to start a mad race in her chest.

Ashamed of herself, she took her eyes off the man putting quite an effort. Then Lynn took a quick look at the room. The ballroom had sumptuous scarlet draperies and was ablaze by the light of hundreds of chandeliers which were themselves true works of art.

Suddenly the music stopped, and Lynn didn't know what to do for a moment; until she decided to leave quickly and as quietly as possible. But, just before she walked through the doors, they slammed shut with a terrible crash that almost made her scream. Surprised, Lynn turned quickly, but now there was no one except her in the great room. ¿Now what?

Lynn immediately regretted leaving the bedroom and just stood as if frozen while wondering if she had imagined it all. As it was, she eventually felt a strong desire to be in the room they had granted her. So, apprehensively, Lynn began to retreat to the double doors. Strangely, somehow, she felt that the colorful bedchambers were the safest place in the castle.

In a flash, she was in front of the exit. The doors to the hall were indeed huge, and as she examined them, Lynn wondered if she would have any chance of moving them. The double doors were chrome colored and stood up bright and majestic, easily twice Lynn's size. They had some elaborate engravings in the form of fabulous beings and stars.

Resolutely Lynn took the silver hoops in each hand and pulled. The rings artistically protruded from the mouths of two sculptures in the form of horned serpents.

Not creepy at all.

After the first try, the doors didn't budge, so Lynn tried again. This time she doubled her strength, but there was no success. Besides, in the process, Lynn managed to harm the fingers in both hands. Trying to calm herself, Lynn relaxed her body for a few seconds and sneaked a look into the living room to check that she was still alone. Then, Lynn took a deep breath and pulled again with all her might. Again, nothing happened, so she began to feel apprehensive and finally tugged at the rings almost desperately.

"¿Finally scared, woman? You are so human."

Lynn knew that voice: it made her angry and afraid. It was the voice that had spoken to Lynn in her mind and later had come out through the lips of her nanny. Turning back, Lynn desperately searched for the owner, but she was unsuccessful in finding him. Finally, half dizzy and confused, her indignation won over her fear. She felt her face heating as she practically screamed:

"¡How do you dare... How dare you take me on a first-name basis!"

¿Really? ¿Is that all I could say?

However, a cold laugh that made her shiver was all the answer to her words.

"¿So that's your answer? It's frustrating, woman."

The anger was going to burn Lynn's chest: this was a new feeling. So without thinking, she whispered:

"You are just a coward."

Then immediately, almost cutting off Lynn's words, his voice resounded once again:

"Silly woman, you better watch your tongue..."

Lynn choked back a sob and managed to speak:

"¡Do not offend me like that, you savage! ¿Are you the one behind all this? ¿What are your intentions?"

Lynn snapped, releasing the anger she had built up. The truth was that this was not the best way to deal with the situation. However, at the moment, she was controlled by anger and spite. She didn't know how her voice had sounded so sure because the reality was Lynn also didn't know how much longer her legs would support her. Biting her lips, Lynn had to endure another laugh from the stranger. Then, there was an eerie silence. But suddenly, in the wake of a sudden gust of wind, all the candles began to dim.

Under those circumstances, Lynn couldn't even see her hands. She groped for the doors since, amid her outburst, she had moved away from them. But, to her surprise, Lynn felt something irrefutably approaching her from almost every direction. Whatever it was, it would pass away without touching her.

A furious storm broke out outside the castle, threatening to shake the walls. The echo of rain and thunder was roaring, while the fleeting light of lightning made Lynn see shadows and threatening forms everywhere. ¿Was it her imagination, or were they there? Some shapes resembled the creatures carved into the double doors. Lynn found herself urging to put her back against the wall and secure her front with something sharp between her hands. She even thought of wrapping herself in something protective like Joshua used to do with the sheets when he was scared. Unfortunately, the voice laughed again. Lynn realized she was trembling. This time she wasn't sure if it was out of anger or sheer shock.

Stop this now

"I don't know how this amuses you..." She spoke.

This time the room seemed about to catch fire because the candle flames ignited in powerful flames that almost consumed all the wax in a second with a quick explosion.

"If you find me so pathetic, ¿why did you bring me here? ¿Why do you seem to enjoy torturing me? ¿And where am I? ¿How can you seize my friend's volition? And ¿who are you?"

For answer: the melody sounded again, then Lynn was able to see the hair of the man dressed in black. The door opened suggestively, and Lynn understood. In any case, at that moment, what Lynn wanted most was to leave. So, she didn't hesitate before retreating towards the doors. Her last wish was another exchange, at least for now. However, as paradoxical as it seemed: something was pulling Lynn towards the stranger with hair like silver and gold. Lynn gave him one last look, and to her bewilderment, she found herself resisting the desire to reach out and stroke that gorgeous hair. I must be crazy. Or maybe she had been spelled. No, she couldn't keep looking.

In this way, precious seconds passed: seconds that felt like years. Then Lynn took a step towards the piano, to be exact: towards the stranger sitting there.

And as if he had sensed her, at once, the music stopped.