

Lynn fell to her knees. There was no doubt now: she was in the domain of the cursed beings of Scaz. They had ended up in a place of perdition.

Although Lynn had already suspected it after her nanny's weird actions and the strange events in the carriage, confirming it was shocking and terrifying. As if this was not enough, a flash of lightning illuminated the entire corridor and Lynn was able to see part of the room where the strangers were conversing. It was only for a few seconds but she could see the colossal beast lying on her hind limbs.

¡For God's sake! That thing could easily swallow two men in one bite. Lynn had heard about how terrible the creatures of Scaz were. She had even seen it in paintings and read about them, but none of it had prepared her enough for reality.

Barely stifling a scream, she struggled to her feet. She needed all of her willpower to get away from there. However, after a few seconds, the shock finally gave way and Lynn was able to run with all her might.

After some hesitating, Lynn found the right chamber and finally got into her designated bedroom. However, once closed the door, she got paralyzed not knowing what to do. She knew it was silly, but the bedroom felt like shelter. Nowhere is safe. With this thought, she forced herself to walk around the room, trying to think and calm down.

¿Calm herself down. ¿How? She wouldn't find calm even in her dreams.

She and Nana had to leave as soon as possible; this was crucial. However, the escaping mission was chimeric. To start: it was impossible to run away with their belongings and she had nowhere to get any supplies. That was just to begin with, so Lynn shut her mind to the long, long list of cons her crazy escaping plan had. Without further thinking, she grabbed two coats from her luggage. She also took the cloak and put it on. Then was the time to wake up Nana.

A few minutes later Lynn and Nana slipped out of the bedroom; the youngest lady leading the eldest by the hand. The reasoning wouldn't stop warning Lynn that even in case they got out of the castle without problems, it would be very difficult for them to find their way outside the domains. It was much less likely she and Nana could reach a safe place. On the other hand, they hadn't eaten anything since the stop at the last inn, so they were both really hungry and battered. However, anything was better than standing there, waiting to be devoured. At least Lynn wasn't going to give herself up on a platter. She was going to find any possible way out.

Not too far from the fugitives, in a sparsely furnished room, Zhutak regained his human form. He had felt the girl near them before. The human lady had probably heard part of their conversation. Her fear was almost palpable, even now Zhutak could feel her nerves and agitation.

Zhutak also noticed the two women moving around the castle.

"I'm going after them," He said to Nailé "if they do something rash, Rigel won't be happy. ¡What a nuisance!"

However, moving quickly, the young woman who was sitting next to him grabbed his elbow. Nailé didn't own the strength to stop him, but her touch brought Zhutak to a halt.

"Please don't mind them." She said "I'll take care of the humans... In any case, it was my fault that she left in a panic."

"Nailé..." He warned her.

"Let me do it Zhutak. Nothing you may say will change my mind. You should go get some sleep. You must rest."

"Nailé, don't you dare to..."

"You can only stop me by force. ¿Will you Zhutak? Come on, trust me, I won't do anything weird."

Zhutak snorted. Nailé knew so well the power she wielded over him. In the end, he just wiped a hand down his face in surrender.

"Fine, but Nailé: don't do anything I wouldn't." His smile was half malice half amusement.

"Of course." Nailé corresponded him delighted "Just rest, Zhutak."

Zhutak watched the young sorceress until she closed the door with a triumphant face. As far as he was concerned: Nailé always managed to get her way. Anyway, he could trust her. She wasn't going to do anything too reckless. Maybe scare the hell out of the two strangers. Zhutak smiled; he loved Nailé's playful and picaresque character and especially the way she laughed. Above all, she accepted him just as he was. That, fundamentally, had made him fall for the sorceress.

Zhutak lay down on the simple iron bed and let his mind go. He had a huge gash on his right arm that Nailé had cleaned and bandaged. Even when it wasn't really necessary, she had insisted. In any case, the cut was already healing because Zhutak's body would heal in a heartbeat. Maybe not as quickly or as effectively as his master, who didn't even have any scars; but Zhutak was just fine that way. Also in his bestial mode, the healing would be faster; however, Zhutak wanted the comfort of the bed right now.

Zhutak had been injured during the early hours when he had faced five of his own kind. Although there was no beast-man in Scaz more powerful than himself: it had been five against one. The fight, therefore, was not easy. But Zhutak never turned down a good fight.

The impetuous young man smiled as he settled himself between the pale sheets. He had left his enemies pretty battered, but he hadn't ended their lives. Because Zhutak didn't like to kill his equals; after all, he only enjoyed killing evil humans.

The beast-men had been interrogated, of course. Getting information out of them was hard, their caste was tough indeed. Zhutak thought with pride. In the end, he had gotten answers; after breaking down some bones. Well, at least he hadn't had to skin any of them, he thought with disgust.

That morning, as soon as Zhutak had arrived at the red castle, still covered in blood, he went straight to Rigel. On his way, Zhutak saw Ko who was waiting for him at the entrance. So, he confided Sapphire to the old bat-man. The huge steed was in a very bad mood and, once checked on his comrade, Ko took the reins with a resigned face.

On the other hand, Rigel had been surprised and furious at the same time. The name Tutanojh was a dangerous discovery. Zhutak did not know what had led his lord to get involved with the human. But now, with Tutanojh involved, the matter certainly became much more interesting and thornier. Zhutak knew how much those two hated each other. Rigel and Tutanojh: the last soul stealers alive in all of Scaz. Any other descendant from the powerful race had disappeared a long time ago.

Zhutak remained immersed in such thoughts until he gradually surrendered to sleep. He certainly was exhausted, the last thing he felt was the fragrance of orange blossoms that the human girl gave off. Well, she was still in the castle. Nailé wouldn't do anything crazy after all.