Midgard attack

The day following the launch of 'Satellite A-4', Keith connected onto the game with anticipation. Although this rocket was supposed to be an upgraded version of the last, he was never certain that it did not explode somewhere during the flight or that the satellite on board successfully exited the shuttle.

However, the data shown on his base's computer screen proved him otherwise. It did reach the intended orbit after all. Now, two parallel orbiting watchdogs were capturing landscape around the world.

He always felt so elated seeing one of his rockets accomplishing its mission. Well, not just about his rockets, though, as each and every one of his creations held a special place in his heart.

Regarding that, today he had to pay a visit towards his coal factory side since there has been less resources being routed to his base recently.

They seemed to have run out of space to gather minerals, and it was time for Keith to relocate the 'Hub' and its working 'Ants' further down the hole.

Afterwards, he had to resume working on his set of thirty watchdogs so he would be finished with that project by the end of his college year.


- "Brothers, it's time. We've all been waiting for this for so many weeks, nay months. The sole reason we're all assembled here together is because we have the same objective. We want to have fun, and those fuckers at spawn are reproducing the errors of humanity throught this awesome game. Let's get rid of them." Spirit Fragment proclaimed with a powerful voice.

'Wait...' Bluecraze thought. 'I didn't know they wanted to destroy Midgard in its entirety!'

He was slowly realizing he had embarked into a project much bigger than he had expected. He did not know what to think about it yet, though.

After all, it was the climax of his initial plan to strike down the city with a huge blow.

Members of the 'Rebellion' approvingly shouted at their boss' speech before following him through the narrow corridors. They were all determined to destroy as much buildings as possible within their small stay at Midgard.

Players started flowing out of the hidden base, their eyes dead set towards a certain point at the horizon.


During the past few days, security has been reinforced at Midgard. Amber was getting more concerned by the day about the city being potentially targetted by destructive players.

Some citizen liked to designate these players attacking their city as 'terrorists' since they felt like this kind of behaviour should not belong in this game.

Anyways, to Amber, either those 'terrorists' got bored of doing a mess around the world or they were planning something frightening.

That was why, she had decided to dispatch a few more police members around the city and particularly at the various entrances.

For the time being, she would be gathering informations while waiting for a potential attack.

Leaving her office for the first time in the morning, Amber went for a stroll around the beautiful park at the center of the city. She usually liked to do that after a tiring working session, to get some rest before taking care of the matters of both cities again.

Today felt different, though. After thinking about it for a bit, she realized some of the patrols she organized were not being executed by any player.

'What is the police force doing, I should have noticed two of their member patrolling around here by now...' She breathed out, exasperated. 'Looks like my break will be cut short again.'

Afterwards, entered the nearby police station and reported to the chief about this absence.

- "That's weird" He started to explain. "These locations should be covered by three of my men this morning. I clearly remember that they went to attend to their duty without problems. I'm gonna assign two more policemen, currently on hold, to these locations and investigate this matter with them."

- "Great." Amber replied. "I'm gonna go with you since I'm currently taking a break."

- "It shouldn't be necessary, madam mayor."

- "That wasn't a question, though."

The chief policeman cleared his throat and swiftly led the way with three concerned people following him from close behind.


A few miles away from there, a group of player was discreetly infiltrating the city.

- "Tie them up, don't let them escape nor die." Spirit Fragment said to his subordinates.

After enlarging the hole under Midgard's wall a bit more, letting two people go through side by side, they finally started the whole operation.

They first neutralized the two policemen patrolling around this side of the wall, according to Bluecraze's observations.

However, they almost got discovered when one more policeman showed up and noticed this large crowd of player. Fortunately, this one did not seem to understand what he was supposed to do when being confronted tto these players and quickly got neutralized in turn.

- "Hey, Bluecraze, seems like you missed one during your investigation of the city." Spirit Fragment said to the young player.

- "I... This is strange... I've been investigating Midgard for a few weeks and I'm pretty sure there were only two policemen around this area every day."

'Mhh... Did a snitch alert them?' Spirit Fragment theorized.

- "Whatever, we're still unnoticed. Everyone, keep moving according to plan." He hurried them.

Placing explosives around really precise areas, the members of the 'Rebellion' hoped to incapacitate the city as much as possible. The various patrolling policemen were gotten rid of in no time and even the few ones who were not planned out were no match for so many players.


- "What is happening here?!" The chief policeman whispered in an angry tone.

He discovered a few players in the distance, standing near packs of explosives.

- "You there, go and ask for some reinforcements! Quickly!" He told one of his subordinates.

- "What is happening, chief policeman?" Amber asked in an hastily manner.

- "Seems like we're being attacked by terrorists. What concerns me the most is we don't have any information on their numbers and weaponry."

- "Wait, chief. One of policemen patrolling around this area is my friend in real life. I can try and contact him through his phone if he decided to disconnect from the game."

- "Yeah, go and try that. Do as quickly as possible."

The man disappeared in turn, leaving the chief policeman and Amber all alone, examining the movements of the terrorists from behind a building.


'Okay, there shouldn't be any problem by now. The rest of the operation should start in an hour from now.' Spirit Fragment thought.

He stayed behind with Bluecraze and some other members of the 'Rebellion' so they could watch over the hostages and their stock of explosives.

In case someone whould get caught by the police, they only transported a small portion of explosives with them at any time.

This meant that every rebel should do several rides towards the gathering area to get enough explosives for a single building. It was quite testing for them, but the most safe for the overall operation.

- "Chief, the hostages disconnected from the game." One of his subordinates said.

- "Good, stop watching over them and go lay down some explosives, then."

'Seems like we'll be able to do it, in the end.' He reassured himself.


After a few dozens of minutes, the reinforcements arrived at Amber and the chief policeman's location.

Just as they started planning out an attack against the terrorists, the man who disconnected to contact his friend appeared before them.

- "Chief, there are apparently over fifty of them. They all are equipped with explosives and laying them around key buildings of the city. According to my friend, they should be finished in half an hour from now on."

- "That sound concerning... Good job, get ready for a surprise attack. Our job is to neutralize these players right there and capture every returning member one after the other. Go!"

The policemen dispatched according to their chief's plan while Amber watched from a distance.

'I hope everything goes smoothly.' She silently prayed.

In a few minutes, some returning terrorists got caught and tied down in between the streets.

The only problem was that the members of the 'Rebellion' sticking by the packs of explosives got suspicious as they noticed nobody was coming back anymore.


- "What is happening? Are they getting lost? You two, go and investigate!" Spirit Fragment instructed some of his subordinates.

After a few dozen of minutes, however, one of them came back while exclaiming :

- "It's the policemen, they're here!"


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