Intercontinental mission

Keith never felt such a strong urge to punish someone.

During his life, he has always been quite calm and understanding. Even when he strongly disagreed with someone, he took the time to hear out their opinion first.

Those were the values his parents instilled to him.

This time was unfortunately not the case. Someone had decided to break the long and prosperous peace Project Overworld has known for several months.

Not only that, those morons dared to attack a city Keith was so found of, a project he was admiring from afar.

For the days following the Midgard attack, he has been listing all the images taken by his satellites in an area around the city.

It took a bit of time, but clue by clue he eventually managed to follow a worthwhile track.

You see, this group of terrorists did a crucial mistake after successfully attacking Midgard : they did not keep a low profile.

Thanks to that, Keith was able to notice quite a bit of commotion near some mountain ranges. It did not take long for him to surmise the position of their base.

As of now, he was entirely focused on making a special kind of rocket. One that would not be transporting your average kind of materials.

In fact, he has been working on new kinds of explosives, more efficient than those he has been making in the past.

The goal was to have a really small sized rocket, less than a quarter the size of his 'Satellite' rocket series.

The only way he could achieve such a result was by having some really light materials on board. Well, the fact that the rocket would not be trying to reach the upper parts of the thermosphere would also help a lot in that regard. It would only be using fuel proportionally to its size, a meaningless quantity compared to Keith's orbital rockets.

Not to mention its shape would be a lot more aerodynamic than the previous designs, hence more optimized for travels at low altitude.

Keith needed to create a delay percussion warhead equipped with a powerful type of explosive.

Since the terrorists were simply appearing and disappearing near one of the mountains, Keith concluded that their hideout must be hidden underground or within the mountain itself. In order to deal the most amount of damage, he thus needed a delayed explosion so that the warhead could bury itself deep underground before releasing its full power.

The explosive charge also needed to be an incendiary type to make sure nothing would be left of their base.

'Those guys must have stocked up a few tons of explosives inside their base, I just need to ignite those charges and everything will end up exploding anyways.' Keith theorized.

On that note, Keith focused for the following weeks on designing the perfect missile to blow up the terrorist's hideout.


- "Fuck this!" Spirit Fragment raged while throwing away his plans disposed on his table. They had wasted their best opportunity to strike Midgard once and for all.

However, they were too eager to follow the slightest lead in their formations and ended up making a huge mistake.

Not only that, Spirit Fragment had to wait a full week for his subordinates to be released from the jails they were held into.

'How is it possible to have fucked up so hard! I don't have enought manpower for the rest of my plans now...'

- "Boss, I came back with the scouts from Niflheim. They currently seems to be really loose on security."

It was Bluecraze. At first, Spirit Fragment had some resentment towards him since the failure of their operation at Midgard was mostly due to his poor observation.

However, if he himself had not been so rash in going all out for their attack instead of waiting to collect more informations, things would not have ended so badly for them. Not to mention, this guy was one of the few subordinates he still had with him for the time being.

He could not simply send this guy out and let him spread informations about the whereabouts of the 'Rebellion'.

- "Niflheim? Why have you been going to Niflheim?" He asked to the young player.

- "Well, since they are all currently focused on the reconstruction of Midgard, I thought that we could instead prepare an attack on Niflheim. As a matter of fact, there are less guards disposed there and the wall is being destructed once in a while to give out more place for the builders to accomplish their job."

- "Why did I not think about that earlier... Nice job Bluecraze, scout the area for the time being while we are waiting for our members to be released out of jail." Spirit Fragment ordered.

His hopes has been resplenished with that simple interaction. There was no need for him to mope out at his desk while mourning for the failed opportunity. Another one has been presented to him and he now had to plan out the perfect attack at Niflheim.

'How many tons of explosives are left in our stocks.' He suddenly wondered. He went out of his office and right into the large central piece of their hideout. There, he went around the table and entered another large room at the right side of the previous one.

Awed by the vision of all this black powder, he started estimating his stocks thanks to the way the room was filled up. Full, it could contain as much as several hundred tons of gunpowder.

Since there was only a quarter of the room being covered by this precious explosive material, it meant that they currently had around a hundred tons of explosive at their disposal.

It was sufficient to blow up a few buildings around the world, but if he factored the potential losses due one of his subordinate being caught by the police, he needed at least three times this quantity to be able to organize a successful attack at Niflheim.

After checking up on their stocks, Spirit Fragment went back to his office. For the rest of the afternoon, he scheduled the work that had to be accomplished by his returning subordinates.

Once they all returned home, he would be gathering every bit of information given to him to plan out every aspect of their next attack


Keith was out in the open, several hundred yards away from his base.

After setting up everything, he came back towards a strange looking pump-like object. It was, in fact, a device transforming manual input to electricity. It was connected to a thin electricity-conducing thread, in turn leading to the spot where his explosives were deployed at.

Without further ado, he pushed down the lever. He was almost immediately thrown to the floor as the blast of a giant explosion reached his position in a mater of seconds. Once the initial blast was gone, Keith straightened back up. He seemed to have lost quite a bit of health points in the process, but he was still alive and well.

He looked towards the explosion site and discovered that a good portion of the rock formation was now missing while large flames were still wreaking havoc in the area. A wry smile arched up his lips.

'Those terrorists are going to taste their own medicine.' Keith jubilated after witnessing the power of his explosive.

Not only that, but he was almost finished designing the warhead that would be containing this type of explosive.

It has been a week and a half since Midgard has been attacked by terrorists. Keith was almost certain that another attack was being planned out, but he estimated that he still had a few weeks of preparation before they even started making a move.

First, he had heard that more than thirty criminals had been put into jail after the attack. This meant that this annoying terrorist group has lost a good portion of their manpower in the process.

Then again, since their plan has been foiled the first time, they would have to collect more information for their next strike.

Anyways, he only required a week of assembling for the missile that would be transporting his warhead. As for the later, he just tested it out and the results were a lot more exciting than he had expected.

'If this weapon do not put a end to their plans, then what could?' Keith thought.

Several days later, Keith was admiring the large missile standing on top the lauching pad of his spatial room.

'Looks like the spatial room will be used for a terrestrial mission after all... Maybe I should rename it in the future.' Keith ironically observed.

All the assembling part has been finished regarding this military-type rocket and albeit it was several times smaller than the previous designs, it was not to be underestimated in the slightest.

Hell, according to Keith's calculations, this object of over nineteen feet long could travel as fast as two hundred meters per second, around Mach 0.6.

After making sure everything was assembled correctly, Keith entered the control room and turned his head towards the only window that this room was equipped with.

'Hmm, this window is a bit dirty. I should clean it off someday.' Keith thought after realized his vision of the exterior was a bit blurred. It darkened a lot after each launch since the smoke produced by his rockets accumulated everywhere.

Without delaying his excitement any further, Keith pushed down the big red button.


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