Final attempt

It took a few dozen of minutes for Keith to completely fill up all the tanks of his space shuttle. The whole structure was around a hundred feet in size and it held three large tanks supplying its main engines as well as four more reserved for the side engines. It also somewhat resembled a plane, or a spacecraft of some sort.

The reason behind such an appearance was actually efficiency. Since it could not fit onto the head of a rocket because its length, Keith has had to build an aerodynamic structure so the movements of its launcher would not be hindered too much.

'I should also be giving it a name in the future. I'll think about it once I successfully reach the Moon though.' Keith decided.

While the tanks were filling up thanks to a pump, Keith went back inside his station using the decompression chamber and rummaged around his storage. He had a few more objects to retrieve before actually going to the Moon and make this journey worthwhile.