Boosted efficiency

Keith connected back into the game the following day. His rocket had traveled all the way to the EOSS during the night and he just had to unbuckl his belt and get out of it. He had warned his friends that he was coming back, so they moved the space shuttle away to make space for a rocket to dock in its place.

'It's been a long time.' Keith thought as he paced through the various modules of Spacol's space station. It seemed like most of his friends were not connected yet. 'They must have stayed awaken late into the night.' Actually, Jim was Australian while Xena was Indian, so it must be around night time for them at the moment.

In fact, it was only eight and a half in the morning for Keith, so he did not really expect his friends to be connected at all. He got quite surprise by seeing Xena still working on one of the three-dimensional printers, but he himself often stayed awake late into the night when focused on a project.

- "Hey!" He exclaimed.