Dreaming of the Moon

The next couple of minutes felt terrifying to the group of NASA engineers. The last engine of their rocket did have some troubles pushing the whole structure into an orbit around the point they had planned beforehand. Keith really thought they had oversaw the amount of fuel injected into their build but it seemed like it was almost not enough.

'Where did we fail with this rocket?' He could not help but wonder. However, now was not the time to think and his attention immediately got back to the current mission. Luckily, up until now, everything went according to plan. Every single stage of the rocket successfully decoupled from the rest along the way and it seemed like these parts made their way back to the surface of the planet without much damage. In fact, there was no real point in having their rocket go itself into orbit as of now, since most of their design improvements had already been tested and validated until a couple dozen of minutes ago.