Life 10: Naruto and his Wind Filled Glory

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As this commotion ended the girl in Naruto's arms woke up as she blinked to see if she was seeing right-

Yes this was the same boy who had saved her last time as well - "Naru-kun thank... you..."

Surprised by her voice the boy had a flashback and remembered he had indeed met her a while ago-

"Hina-chan was it, you don't need to thank me as Guy-Sensei says- to train one's heart for goodness is necessary-"

Hinata gradually blushed a bit seeing how Naru-chan had reciprocated her kindness as this moment sealed his place within her heart for all eternity-

Two fortuitous encounters and two saves it was the fate they shared she thought as she hugged him a little more.

Seeing this Naruto hugged her tighter thinking she was cold due to the snow- unknowingly causing the girl to smile and even squeal.


-The Next Day:-

The four trekked to the academy as Naruto and Lee got out of their apartments just 2 mins apart before Taki and Don showed up they did so as Naruto noticed a young boy and his brother heading the same way-

It was Sasuke he had met him in class a while ago in the introduction week he remembered the boy saying with a huge grin-

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha and I love my clan my brother and cherry tomatoes!"

Naruto had said- "My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I love my family my brother Lee and Tonkatsu Ramen!"

And so the two hit it off being both Bro-cons- and the fact that his relationship with Lee was so close he considered him a brother and Taki, Don, Guy and Kakashi family.

Sasuke noticed the four as he turned back hurriedly letting go of his brother's fingers before rushing to Naruto's side with a huge smile as he introduced himself to Lee while Taki and Don already knew him the future family head of the Uchiha Clan and his brother the first Uchiha who had huge chances to become the Ocular Powered Fire Shadow.

Naturally, they were friendly as Sasuke was also an abnormal Uchiha who reminded them of their Sensei's best friend Obito with his head in the clouds and the joy of life in his eyes.

And seeing this little Scene Itachi couldn't help but smile.

Looking at the Lee boy- he noted no Chakra Pathways other than a huge amount of virile strength force within him- he could easily break boulders with his hand- the same went for Don as well- he noted that this particular Uchiha had an incredibly strong physique, unlike normal Uchiha-

Whilst Taki reminded himself of his own self- athletic strong and competent with a huge Chakra Pool and Elemental resonance with Jutsus.

Looking at Lee he couldn't help but remember the Burly yet incredibly gifted Taijutsu Master Might Guy.

Introducing himself to the group Lee hit it off with this Itachi as he even said- "Itachi Onii-san hopefully one day you become Hokage and make Ramen a staple of the Village- and grow more Tomatoes please!"

Hearing such a child say this to the kind and stoic Itachi his demeanour softened as he wondered whether he could truly become a Hokage- no doubt about it his very existence and kind nature was valued by all and viewed as the link between the Uchiha and the Village Hidden in the Leaves.

His existence was destined to be great and Sasuke was bound to becoming Head of the Clan and the Policeforce.

And as they say, even the smallest change of wind becomes a hurricane across space and time.

Heading into the academy Taki and Lee headed to the second years class whilst Naruto, Don and Sasuke headed to the first class.

And nothing much really occurred in class except when he aced the throwing of Kunai into the wooden stands filled with hay.

In the midst of this Naruto also met Hina-chan again as the two of them held hands as they looked to bonded to the hip much to Sasuke's chagrin as he got a little annoyed seeing the two together- but decided not to mouth his objection instead planing on getting Naruto's attention by using a fireball to take out a wooden stand instead of a kunai.

And as he did so the class went into meltdown seeing such a cool move-

However, Naruto didn't let this slip by as he did the same just with a wind variant as a blade of wind sliced the entire stand causing him to get the highest points available.

Causing even the children whose parents said to not hang with Naruto to huddle around Naruto this time annoying Hinata as everyone crowded her prince- emphasis on 'her'.