The Trap

Technology is a sign of how man's knowledge of nature increased and how his wants diversified. Its growth is an efficient way to measure mankind's progress. Technical inventions changed the ways of human life cultural, social, economic and political in many ways both beneficial and adverse.

By the late 22nd century, the medical advances increased world population resulting in wars and inspired mankind to search for planetary exploration in search of new lands and resources. Terraforming lead to new colonies on celestial bodies. Soon, the technical advances have resulted in new energy sources and shrinking of technical equipment. In the 24th century, small-scale nuclear batteries have become common place.

By the late 25th century, the travel at warp speed was realized leading to the advent of the great age of planetary exploration. By the 26th century, the medical technology had undergone further changes resulting in higher life spans and increase time of adult phase. The life span of men in general reached 160 years by the end of the 26th century. This had a great impact on the society of man. The social norms, lifestyle and behavior of men changed a lot in the following century.

Rodrigo Banderas was one of the people who experienced this change. He was born to his parents in their late twenties. When he was born, the average life span was still less than a century. By the time he reached 22, he took over his family's weapons business. War was always a part of human history. Be it due to difference between ideas, culture and religion or just for resources, wars would never complete cease to exist and this held true during Rodrigo's time.

Rodrigo was a talented man and the weapons business boomed under his guidance. He married at the age of 31 and flourished under these circumstances. Then, came the apes. Caught unaware by a new species as intelligent as them, humans realised the need to provide a united from towards them. But the greed of men wouldn't let them unite that quickly. There were many coalitions and alliances formed between the planets. Even as the apes invaded the humans, they continued with their battles and wars.

These wars continued for a period of 20 years before the wars among human ceased and finally a strong alliance formed between the various powers of the humans, which managed to effectively reduce the infighting among human powers. These 20 years was one of the darkest periods of mankind. But as always humans named this time as "Age of Unification" putting a positive spin on it.

For seventeen years of age of unification, Rodrigo's life was busy, and he lived happily. After five years, disaster struck. The planet he was on came under attack and he lost his wife in the attack. Grief stricken and angry, he chose the path of revenge. Thus, he began his military career. Though the life span had increased to 160 years, he joined at the age of 54 in a time of social change due to increase in life span. He joined as a cadet in a time, where the retirement age was still 70 years.

He left his business to his 21-year-old son and went into the force. He always volunteered to be on the front lines. Being in the fifties he was considered to be past the prime of his youth by most, but due to the medical advancements in that period he maintained his health and continued to be effective in his military career. Being in the business of weapons supply for a long time, he had a lot of contacts and influence in the military.

His knowledge of the various powers and interests of various parties allowed him an advantage in the military. With the support of his contacts, he was successful in most of his endeavours. He successfully took over many planets from the apes.

Rodrigo being a former businessman had a different perspective than the typical commander. His talent in strategy and his adaptability to the social changes garnered his support not only from his cohorts in the force but also in the world of politics and mercantile society. A man who came to be known as an unrelenting spear against the invaders. By the age of 100, he became lieutenant general of the protective forces of the alliance.

He became one of the pillars of the military. Though he had a firm and unshakable will old age crept upon him unawares. He also slowly came to realize the same, he was ready to retire when his time came and choose a successor.

It was in his last year of his service that he encountered Captain Blyth during an attempt to capture a moon. This man reminded him of himself, a strategic mind and zealous to kill the apes. Piqued with interest he decided to observe the man. But he thought that he could be a very able commander with a little bit of advice and chance to perform.

And so, Balthazar gained a mentor by the time he had become a major. Though Rodrigo supported Balthazar, he kept his relationship with Balthazar a secret to avoid any possible adverse effects.

After Rodrigo retired, he moved to planet PK-170 and stayed in the military retirement home. He lived there as a representative of his company, currently being led by his son. Bored and missing the action, he had started a shooting range and spent most of his time there. In this way, he spent his retirement without much excitement, enjoying his well-earned moments of peace until today, when he saw Balthazar walking towards him.

"How are you, sir" greeted Balthazar "It looks like you are not yet done with the guns and machines."

"Of course, I still have a lot more time left with my babes. Would have started a nice aerial combat training centre, if I could own a decent chunk of airspace nearby. Just that the alliance doesn't allow privatization of airspace at the edge."

"Settled in your new post, yet?" he asked.

"I am good, sir. Still working on it."

"Why don't you send in a few squads to the grounds here. You probably go a few recruits this November. I will train them. Would also provide a good discount on your account," said Rodrigo trying to make a sale.

"Sure, we can do that. But first, need a small favour from you. Best we talk in private." Balthazar replied.

"You don't usually go asking small favours. What did you do?" leading him to his personal office.

"I never asked you any favour. What are you talking about?"

"Yes, in these past 3 years, we have known each other you never asked any favour. Even when I thought you would seek my help. You preferred to do it on your own. Hence, my unease." Rodrigo replied teasing.

"We have noticed that the detection system on the moon base has a problem. I believe that certain rebel forces have managed to infiltrate the military and managed to install a patch causing the system to not detect, any vessels in certain regions. Need someone trustworthy on the moon base to help my team to patch it up covertly, as I intend to catch them unawares."

"Ha-ha, you sound like a conspiracy theorist. How did you come to know of this? Which force do you suspect?" laughed Rodrigo.

"It is knights of the old republic. Have my eyes on the suspects. I can't properly explain my reasoning due to some exigent circumstances, but I am certain they are planning something with the week. Of one thing, I am certain. The detection systems on the base are faulty and we need to rectify this security issue."

"Knights of the Old Republic?" stammered Rodrigo in a shock. "Are you sure? It has been a few decades since they were heard of."

"I too hope that they have not resurfaced. Though they haven't been active after I was born, I heard enough to be more wary of them than the apes." replied Bel.

"Yes, you better be. They have always been very ruthless. They even attacked the alliance forces which were under attack by the apes from behind. They have been in hiding for a long time. If it is them, we hardly have any information on them. It is best you don't take any unnecessary risks." Rodrigo cautioned him.

"I got an old friend who can help. He can find someone on the moon base to work with you. Will send you the details by two hours. Be prepared, kid."

"Sir, it is best you take shelter, somewhere more secure for a few days. If this goes sideways, it might get extremely chaotic."

"What are you talking about kid. I am coming to the moon on 11th for the exhibition to explain a new warframe concept. Would be glad if you support me in my pitch to councilman Armstrong."

"Sir, is it really necessary to do it at this time? Especially since the situation is like this."

"I'll be fine, kid. You take care."

Nodding, Balthazar bade farewell to Rodrigo. He was sure that Rodrigo will get someone to contact him as soon as possible. He went back to his office. As soon as he went to office, he received an encrypted message from Rodrigo.

"That was fast." thought Balthazar as he opened the message. It mentioned a major Shareef, who had been stationed on the moon base for two decades. He worked as a maintenance engineer, when he was a lieutenant and has good understanding of the detection and targeting systems and would be an asset in their mission. "This went better than I hoped." thought Balthazar and contacted Shareef.

There was still the issue of his uncle allying himself with the knights of the old republic. He messaged his grandfather implying that he wanted to meet him a couple of days later. An hour later, he met with Sophia, Jacob and Jones at the appointed time.

"We got someone to help you dock at the moon base. He can also assist you in sneaking you into the server room and can assist you in patching up the detection system. I already set up for Jones to take a stealth craft for an inspection tonight. I have discussed with Shareef and set up an encrypted channel to contact him." said Balthazar giving Jacob a sheet with the details. "Memorize and destroy it. No need to inform Shareef of details. Nor is there any need to contact him after you verify the systems working using Jones' ship."

"I have set up another encrypted channel for the four of us. Any issues, we notify immediately. Sophia, I am not expecting any issue in fixing the system. It is you has the most important part to play in this mission. It would be best if we can determine all the guilty parties." concluded Balthazar.

Balthazar stayed over at his work space that night. He booked a warp transport flight to his home planet DH-4 also known as asklepian. He could hardly sleep till Jacob confirmed that the systems on the moon base were fixed. He had laid the best trap he could for them. A trap which could not miss and was just waiting to be sprung. Now all he had to do was wait for the attack.