The Skull

"This map is a lot more useful than the that if you want to develop some kind of trade in this town," said the baron pointing to the map on the table. It had a lot of symbols on it and only depicted the area to a few kilometers around the Jarko town.

"What is this?" asked Shadow. It was quite different from the normal maps that one could see. It was clearly something that was made personally by an NPC. The symbols on the map definitely needed a personal key to understand what they meant.

"This was made by me too. I fancied myself an adventurer and intended to roam the world before I took my father's mantle. Faroon was also with me during that time. Though we didn't go to other town, we made quite a detailed map of various resources found in and around the town," said the baron pointing at various points in the map with pride.

"I hope you have found whatever you want from these two," said the baron as Balthazar looked seriously at the map and began to take pictures of it. This would also be quite useful to the guild though most of this information could be easily found when exploring the town area.

"These are quite useful, baron. I thank you for allowing me to browse your personal collection, but this area is empty. Do you have any information about that?" asked Shadow pointing towards a certain point in the map. It was a location to the north of the town at the centre of the forest area that covered about 70% of the town outline.

"That place?!" asked the baron in surprise. "I never went that deep in the forest and that area was considered dangerous. I have sent men to explore, but they never returned. I had to decide to put it for some time later when the town underwent certain amount of development."

"I can go and explore that area, right?" asked Shadow as he wanted to make sure that he didn't want to cross any NPC. The Starmine town was famous because there was cave in the forest which had a mithril mine in it. It was a level 20 area and had a guardian boss in the cave. Even Foedus Rex which had found the mine and developed the town due to it was known to have done it only after most players became Tier 1 players.

"That area is something that we avoid. Thet say that a beast that uses it as its nest. It kills anyone that enters the area but doesn't get out of the area though. You can go to explore the area, but I wouldn't recommend it," said baron. "Rumors are that it is an outcast demon."

"Like that exists," mocked Baskel.

"Well, it is a rumor. Anyway, it implies a formidable existence as none were able to return," said the baron.

"Thank you for your advice and help baron. I best take my leave and report back to the great priest," said Shadow as he decided to finish the quest. He said his goodbyes to the baron, deacon and others and left to the teleportation point.

"I need to make sure that Rudra finds develops, the guild in the Jarko town and becomes a major power in it," thought Balthazar. Mithril mine is a very powerful resource. Mithril is used in making a lot of armaments and engineering products. Having a mitril ore in their hand would help the guild a lot as mithril would be used in a lot of products till level 50.

Once, he reached the teleportation point, he immediately selected to get to the White Heart City. After that he went to the temple of the twelve to meet up with the great priest Luciophel. He found Luciophel conducting the night mass in the temple of the twelve. There were a large number of guards around the temple.

There were quite a number of NPCs in the temple of the twelve for the mass. A number of guards, merchants and other armed NPCs all sitting down in pews and few on the ground listening to Luciophel talking about one of the twelve lords' achievements as he often did at the end of the sermons.

Balthazar knew the story and realized that it was at the end with only a few minutes the congregation would get up and leave the temple. So, he just pinned the badge he received for his membership of the temple on his chest and stood at the door listening to the Luciophel talk about how the dread hawk made a name for himself before he joined the others.

A few minutes later, Luciophel was finished with his sermon and the NPCs all got up and made their way out of the door. Quite a few of them noticed Shadow and the badge pinned on his chest. He also found Kade walking out of the temple.

"Didn't expect to see you here with that on your chest," said Kade pointing to his chest. He also had a similar badge on his chest, but it was made of copper.

"I didn't think that you were a member either, master," said Shadow tilting his head in a small bow.

"I am not really a member of the temple. I am one of the vice leaders of the Forging Association and the weapons of the twelve lords had always been a source of inspiration and wonder to me. So, I ended up a follower. Someone in the temple noticed me and asked for my services to create some armaments. Following that I was presented a badge. It is merely honorary," said Kade.

"Oh, I was awarded this for completion of a quest," said Shadow pointing at the badge.

"I guessed. I would have been informed if my apprentice was made a member of the temple due to his forging services," said Kade with a smile. "So, how goes your practice. I hope you did put considerable effort on forging and didn't spend all your time hunting beasts. You didn't even come to meet me," he continued.

"Of course, master. I would never abandon the craft. I did search for you after reaching the city, but couldn't find you," said Shadow.

"Hmm. That is true. Though I manage the forging association at the inner region, I reside at my store in the core region most of the time. Increase your reputation and find a way to be permitted into the core region. I hope that you manage to improve fast," said Kade as he patted Shadow on the back and began to move.

"What are you here for?" he asked suddenly turning around.

"I need to meet the great priest, Luciophel," said Shadow.

"Come on, then. Let me take you to him. Now, it makes sense, why he is waiting in the hall. Usually, he moves into his quarters after the sermons and the deacons handle the doubts and questions of the followers," said Kade looking into the hall at Luciophel who was talking with a bunch of other NPCs. "Informing them that you are my apprentice would probably increase my fame and also land more work for both me and you," he continued as he pushed his way through the crowd leading Shadow to Luciophel.

"Ah! Master Forger Kade," greeted Luciophel as soon as he saw Kade arriving towards him. "I wanted to ask you for your services. I am glad that you came to meet me," said Luciophel.

"Anything for the great priest," said Kade. "This is my apprentice, Shadow Tyrant," he continued pulling Shadow in front of him.

"Oh yes, I know him," said Luciophel looking at Shadow. "So, adventurer, I hope you can provide me a few details of what happened."

"Dear followers. I need to take my leave due to some urgent business. May the light of the lords protect us all," said Luciophel in a loud voice and beckoned to Kade and Shadow to follow him inside. He took them to an isolated room and underground location. They moved further through a few tunnels and finally stopped in front of the door.

Shadow was completely unaware of what was happening in the game, but it looked like Kade already had an idea. "Is this the vault of the old king?" asked Kade looking at Luciophel.

"Hah! That is myth, Master Forger. But I understand why you would think so. The previous dynasty had created quite a number of dungeons one of which, the temple is allowed to use. The king had given us permission to join this area to the temple. It is made of very sturdy material and is used as a weapons hold as well as a vault by the temple," explained Luciophel.

"I hope you won't inform of this to anyone," he added looking at both Kade and Shadow.

"Of course," said Kade while Shadow also nodded agreeing to the request.

Luciophel opened the door and there was a large hall made of a dark yellow granite stone. It had a few armaments, elixirs and other goods on one side of it. The other side, there was a small array. Shadow immediately recognized it to be a small-scale teleportation array.

"Please, hand over the item," said Luciophel.

Shadow immediately brought out the canister from his bag and gave it to him. "Let me check the item first before I make any decision. Shadow please come with me I need you to report what happened," said Luciophel beckoning him to stand above the array and activated it. There were immediately teleported to a similar room which was completely empty. Luciophel immediately cast a spell that went into Shadow. Balthazar felt extremely calm and serene for a few seconds before the feeling passed.

"Well, you are not possessed. Any demon that could completely hide from my spell without any symptoms wouldn't need to sneak into the city," said Luciophel. "I heard from Faroon that the demon had skills unlike any he had seen. So, I would like to confirm if it is from you."

"Blacks smoke like armor, red eyes, head like a scaly cat, called itself Barakdoros and tried to become huge and explode," said Shadow covering the main points.

"Huh," said Luciophel as he opened the canister. "This looks like a hibernating higher demon, but it hardly has any demonic energy that I could feel. Moreover, Barakdoros was one of the seven kings of the demons and they say he was killed by the present emperor when he deposed the old one."

"I have no ideas, if he actually is the one whom he claimed to be. Could be a clone, but he was definitely not a higher demon. Else I would have been killed easily," said Shadow.

"Hmm," said Luciophel thing as he observed the demon skull. "It is quite strong like those of the higher demons though, but very hollow. I guess that those myths are true. Anyways, this will provide to be a valuable material to forge things."

Quest Completed: Help deacon Faroon at the Jarko town. (Difficulty: High)

Description: Investigate the Jarko town and help deacon Faroon to overcome his problem

Progress: Successfully got rid of the menace troubling the deacon and managed to capture it. (Completed the optional part).

Performance: Outstanding.

Reward: Experience +10000.

Temple of the twelve reputation points +50;

Temple of the twelve contribution points +200;

"10000 exp! That puts me directly in level 14 again," thought Balthazar but the other rewards weren't what he had hoped for. He had hoped that he would receive something like a spell or armament or a tool for his efforts. "At least, the contribution points and reputation points could have been more," thought Shadow greedily.

Luciophel transported them both out of the secret chamber back to the room with Kade. "I apologize for the secrecy. I had to make sure that your apprentice wasn't possessed or that the thing he brought wasn't dangerous," said Luciophel.

"What did he actually do that requires you to be that worried," said Kade. Even though Kade was a master forger and part of the forging association, it wasn't that he only knew forging. He was a sure to be powerful, else he wouldn't be able to handle strong materials and become a master forger. So, it was confusing for him to see that a low-level adventurer that was his apprentice could have something that Luciophel would be wary of.

"It is nothing dangerous. Just something that wasn't seen for a long time," said Luciophel as brought out the demon's skull.

Kade gasped as he had a look at it. "Is it what I think it is?" asked Kade as he moved closer to inspect it.

"The demon from whom he got it was a minor demon, but it called itself Barakdoros," explained Luciophel.

"Barakdoros?! Are you sure?" asked Kade looking at Luciophel inquiringly and then looked at his apprentice. "But there is hardly any demonic energy. Isn't one of these supposed to be covered in thick black energy shield?"

"We think that he might have been after something which needs to be kept a secret for now. It is could have become very weak after so many battles. Barakdoros was someone hunted by both men and demons alike," said Luciophel.

"But that is beside the point. You have seen the skull. It is made of a strong material. Can you work with it? The lack of the demonic energy should make it easier, doesn't it?" asked Luciophel.

"Yes, sure. I am just worried it might be a trap and the energy might spill out during the process," said Kade looking at the skull like it was his own son. "It usually requires a grandmaster to handle the energy, but without it I can surely make something useful of it."

"You don't need to worry about the energy. I will make preparations for such an event. The closest grandmaster forger is Seven Swords Empire and I don't want to them know of it," said Luciophel.

"Naturally, we can't let such a treasure out of the kingdom," said Kade. It was an obvious thing for both of them. Such a material would be very useful in creating a very strong artifact. He was looking at the skull in amazement but slowly his expression turned around like he saw sad. "But there is one problem," he added.