
"I think so. He could always be lying, but it didn't feel like that. It is hard to do that when one is so drunk. He also had good control over his body," said Earthly Researcher.

"He can hold his liquor. That is why I waited till I found him a bit out of it," agreed Merlin.

"The colonel left the family as soon as he came of age and joined the armed forces, Merlin. He was only taken in because of his achievements and he was injured. The family doesn't have much reason to support him, but Shadow clearly has the family's support. Else, my contacts would have been able to find out more information about the owner than the fact that he is one of the Blyths," explained Earthly.

"So, it would be to meddle much into it and just focus on infiltrating the guild as Shadow is supported by Blyths?"

"That is not the most important thing. If we assume that the person is not the colonel, he is clearly using the colonel. He has no need to contact the colonel's friends and help them," said Earthly.

"Now, I am confused. You mean to say that apart from colonel, no one has a need to do it, right? So, Shadow is the colonel Balthazar Blyth," said Merlin feeling happy that Earthly is finally understanding why he thought Shadow would be Balthazar.

"You totally misunderstood my thoughts. Doing that would clearly suggest that Shadow is the young colonel. So, why would the colonel do that, if he wanted his anonymity?" asked Earthly Researcher.

Merlin was stumped by the question. "Why would someone do something so obvious. Most guilds would find out his identity in that case. It was completely contradictory to his behavior," thought Merlin. Then, suddenly he came to the realization.

"You don't mean that. No," whispered Merlin finding it hard to believe.

"Yes. It means that Shadow is making use of the colonel and the colonel would obviously have known it with his friends involved. So, it is someone who could convince a person known as hero to be his scapegoat," said Earthly. "It was on realizing this that I decided to get into his employ."

"No. Why would such a guy even, enter this field?"

"I don't know but I am sure that it wouldn't be in our best interests to irritate someone like him. It is a good thing that he contacted you. It is not a bad thing to have the back up of someone like him. Even if it is the colonel himself, he is a monster in that case. So, good to have him as a friend, right?" said Earthly as he ended the call.

Merlin also decided that it is best not to provoke Shadow for now. "I have one guy to relay me information in the guild anyway. It is enough for most things in the game. I don't have to worry about things outside it," thought Merlin as he decided to put his investigation to rest.

If Balthazar heard of the thoughts of these two, he would be laughing on the floor at their ridiculous arguments. But that was a very reasonable conclusion from the point of view of the others. Even Rudra believes that Balthazar has the support of someone extremely influential to be able to do all the things that he did and that he was a monstrous genius.

With the matter about Earthly Researcher settled, he talked a bit with Sultan about the how they were enjoying the game and to keep a place for him if they were going to raid the dungeon, Bungar's keep. He informed Sultan that it is best that they attempt it early in the morning to get a first clear and inform the team to finish up their dinner and be ready in time for it and he might be unavailable for some time.

He had wasted about half an hour for due to the wait for Earthly Researcher and was slightly inebriated. So, he decided it best to get to the Colosseum and have a few fights to get to rid of it. He went to the colosseum in disguise and noticed that there were quite a lot of players there.

Many players were at the colosseum which contrary to his expectations. Most players usually used the time in working on their trade occupations like forging and alchemy. When Balthazar first joined in his past life, a fraction of this amount used to be at the colosseum. There were quite a bunch of them discussing other players and talking about various strong players in the fights.

"I guess most don't yet realize the importance of having a decent secondary occupation. Most players worked it because it provided an alternate source of income and after the first couple of years, they lose interest in fighting techniques and realize that colosseum would only help them to a certain amount in improving," thought Balthazar.

"A good chance to promote my new designs and get points though," thought Balthazar as he noticed the players. Quite a number of them were betting their combat points and so on. "A good time to get some resources too," thought as he saw a few of the players that he previously fought trying making bets with the system.

The colosseum also allows one to be anonymous during the fights. This is very helpful for him too. He just needs to change his armor and the weapons that he used. He can get rid of the unique weapons. They would always remain in his bag and take a slot permanantly, but he could always unequip them and use other weapons. He thought of a plan and called Slaine. He was better for such things and it is best to use him as he had a talent for sarcase and aggravating others.

"Make a list of resources and gold that we have. I want to try out the colosseum and you need to bet," he said as soon as Slaine lifted his call.

"Scamming them of resources, are we?" asked Slaine. "Count me in, but wouldn't they recognize you. Your disguise skill would dissipate with one hit. You really want to take that risk, just after that match with Boris?"

"I will play the part of a swordsman. Need complete armor equipment, black iron is more than enough. For safety, make half of them leather and others metal and include mask. Weapons, I have them with me. Come quick and don't tell Rudra. He might not be willing," said Shadow.

"Stay there away from the colosseum before I get there. I will need about 5 minutes," said Slaine.

"Don't worry, I wont use daggers. I doubt that they will recognize me. Taking a token. Come quick," said Shadow as he cut the call. He paid the amount and sent the message of the name of his disguise - Dormant Blade.

He took a token and waited for Slaine instead of going in for a fight. He decided to observe the various players that were fighting to decide on a ripe target. He finally decided on a swordsman of the Foedus Rex who he had fought previously as a preliminary to Boris' fight. He had been pissed of by the antics of the guild before the fight and wanted to seek retribution.

A few minutes later, Slaine came to him and exchanged the armor. "These are quite good and half of them are bronze armor. The helm and chest plate are silver ones," said Shadow as he checked their stats.

"Yeah, we have quite a decent collection. I asked Hammer informing that you were trying something, he gave me most of them. He even offered a silver sword," said Slaine showing him a scimitar.

"He can make silver equipment now?" asked Shadow in surprise as he took the silver grade sword. Silver equipment designs were very hard to obtain at this stage. So, Balthazar didn't expect that they already had such designs.

"No. No. He told us that he wanted to observe it and try to create silver original design. He already managed to create a bronze dagger original," said Slain. "But keep it secret. Only Rudra, myself and Lizzie are aware of it."

"Cool. This is better than what I expected. Also, tell them to take rest. It is not good to work all day round in the V.R.," said Balthazar a bit concerned.

"Ya. Rudra had already told him and gave him limits. We had experience with it and have others taking our place for main activities. We were running a guild before you joined us, you know," said Slain rolling his eyes.

"Come with me, I have fought that swordsman, Epoch Break before. Already found his arena number. Bet against him when I try to initiate a fight," said Shadow as he equipped the silver sword and the horned buckler. They went to spectate and walked towards the group of players of Foedus Rex and he started to comment.

"Blah, Epoch Break. The name isn't suited for the man. You told that he had decent technique," said Dormant Blade in a loud tone.

"He isn't bad. It is not as useless as the others that you saw. You can at least have a decent fight with him," replied Slaine. "Else you can fight with me."

"You! You will keep shooting at me from a distance. I want to experience a close combat to see if I can get some inspiration," continued Dormant Blade.

Slaine just lifted his hands. "He is the best that I can find in the colosseum of the city, right now."

"He is so clumsy and leaves himself open most of the time. It is a waste. Keep someone here to check if any half-decent player comes along. I think that making a trip to this city might have been a waste," said Dormant Blade shaking his head as he got up to return.

The players wearing Foedus Rex were busy cheering their guild member could clearly hear him. It was fine if someone was just trash talking behind their back or challenged them. But this masked guy was making light of the best of them when he was right beside them and even refusing to fight as it was beneath him.

Moreover, he was beside Slaine and wore the badge of Crimson Realm which was the same badge that they used in War god's Tempest. It was crimson colored badge in the shape of an outline of a palace. So, they felt that he was simply mocking them.

"Fight and see if you dare," said a player unable to hold his anger in. Others were also looking daggers at him and Slaine. They were all players who usually fought in a group. So, they were pissed off by his comments.

"Nah! The guy is beneath me," said Dormant Blade openly making them all angry. A few of them already stood up and wanted to beat him up but the system prevented conflicts in the spectating area.

"Who the hell is asking you to fight him. You need to defeat me before you get a chance at him," said a player named 'Golden Ward' who wore shield like him. He was clearly a shield warrior.

"That guy is one of the top tanks that Tristar brought to Blackrock town. Half these guys were in the Blackrock Town for most of the day," whispered Slaine to him.

"A top tank that considers himself below to that one is still beneath me. Have no reason to fight him either," said Dormant Blade.

"Shameless boasting. I doubt you can take any of us, coward," spat out Ward in anger.

"You think I am a coward?" asked Dormant Blade turning back as if those words irritated him. "Fine. Send out who you want. Let me see if you guys are any good," he said folding his arms and waiting for them.

"Well, the Crimson Realm guys are getting far too confident these days. Let us show them exactly how good they are," said Ward getting up and about to get out of the spectator area. Slaine and Dormant Blade followed the guys out.

"Who's first?" said Dormant Blade as he paid for an arena and walked into it. He selected to keep his name anonymous and sent the arena details to Slaine and also told him to get some information out that players of Foedus Rex are being defeated easily by a new player.

"Wait a minute, boss," said a player berserker called Walt Greatsword stopping Ward. "The guy there is 'Slain n Shot'. He is one of the top guys in Crimson Realm. He is the ranger who beat up one of our guys with only his bow without any arrows. He mostly keeps himself in exploring areas, but is a strong fighter who Tristar is already trying to poach"

"I noticed. I don't want to fight him," said Ward with a frown on his face.

"I know but he is quite considerate of the new guy. So, why don't you let me try him out first. You guys can watch," said Walt.

"You sure?"

"Yes," said Walt as he challenged the arena.

Balthazar had already been expecting it. A guild never goes in blind especially, a long standing one. So, he hoped that more than one would challenge him. "More challenges, more combat points," he thought.