Cover up

"Jackson!" yelled someone from behind. "Stop beating them," said a short old man with a small white goatee and white hair that covered his forehead.

"What are you doing here, Amos?" asked Jackson irritably as he recognized the voice. "I haven't even arrested nor was there any report. How come you were sent here? Are these by any way related to the military?"

Amos was about 4 feet tall and had a wrinkly face with walking stick in one hand and a briefcase in the other. He was a defence lawyer and he was often employed by the enforcers and the military. His involvement usually implied that someone high up in the chain of command wanted someone to be released as soon as possible. Some of the enforcers loved him while some hated him. \

Jackson headed the enforcers of the city and had a chance to experience some pretty controversial situations during his life as an enforcer. Sometimes, he wanted to kiss the guy as he saved some of his officers from political cases and tough situations, but today, he wanted answers and the minute he heard his voice, he understood he wasn't going to get any.

"Stopping you from doing something stupid," said Amos shaking his head.

"One of them is clearly an imposter. I am just trying to help," whispered Jackson after coming close to Amos. "Don't these kind of people usually prefer to get information fast. I am sure they will appreciate it."

Though Jackson hated it when he was kept in the dark by his superiors, he wasn't foolish. This case was clearly important to someone high up in the chain of command and it was always good for them to have a good impression of him. A couple of favours of this sort put him in their radar and he would possibly get access to them. So, he wanted to try and convince Amos.

"Usually, that might not be a bad idea. If it was director general or the chief commissioner who wanted this done, but it comes from above them. The alliance is involved. Even, I don't know anything but to let these gentlemen be bound taken to enforcers. I will get my instructions after that," said Amos.

"Seriously?" asked Jackson.

"Just do as I tell you, Jack. These people frighten our superiors and by the looks of things, they are quite angry at the things that happened and you don't want to offer yourself to vent their anger at," said Amos hinting him to leave it.

"Fine. Can I talk to them at all? Should my men check the building or just let it be?" asked Jackson.

"Let it be. I am just told to check on their health," said Amos as he went to the pair of them. "Get someone to examine them and inform a surgeon that we may have to outfit someone with an artificial eye. Where is the girl?"

"What girl?" asked Jackson.

"His daughter, Parvati Banerjee," said Amos. "She was considered must apprehend and we expected her to be along with them. You didn't find her. Weren't you told to consider that all members of the Banerjee family in the building to be in possible and put them in your custody?"

"Give me a minute. She wasn't here. Let me find out if she was found in another floor," said Jackson.

"You won't find her. She is long gone," said Bhagvat.

"Best call my staff and inform them that she is in eminent danger and needs protection urgently. If required, inform them that I, Bharat Banerjee also want them to follow your orders," said Bharat.

"Not a bad idea, but he probably won't say that," said Jackson pointing at Bhagvat. "And they probably won't believe it if you are in the video looking like that."

"Anyway, leave it to me, Amos. If she hasn't left the building yet, she will be found," said Jackson as he quickly gave a bunch of instructions to his men telling them to not let any personnel leave the building before, she was caught.

"Ya sure," sneered Bhagvat. "Like that would be of any use, now."

"First knock him out," said Jackson to one of his men.

"No, Jackson. Don't forget," warned Amos.

"With an incapacitating shot," added Jackson to the man who quickly shot Bhagvat into an unconscious state with an injection.

"You need a shot, too?" asked Jackson looking at Bharat.

"No. I don't, but I wouldn't say no to some medical care," answered Bharat. Then, he turned to Amos.

"Also, if you don't mind, inform your superiors the following code phrase: Lack of agility, is the call to our death," he said to Amos. "Please, be quick about it. They will not reprimand you but thank you. This is for the ones who told the director general."

"What do you think?" asked Jackson looking at Amos. He felt that there is a good chance it is safe to do so. The other guy who was knocked out clearly didn't want Parvati to get caught, so he was against them, but this guy is injured badly, and it looked like he was trying to help them.

"I will try," said Amos looking at Bharat and nodded to Jackson. He went to a corner and sent an encrypted message to someone and after a minute, he received a reply.

"He is to be considered the original Bharat Banerjee. Provide any services that he wants," said Amos. "We will look for Parvati, Mr. Bharat. Do you suggest anything else?"

"Bind his limbs," said Bharat pointing to his unconscious brother. "Just try to find Parvati. I will also give you a few names of some personnel who were involved in this. Try to apprehend them," said Bharat to Jackson and started to list out a few names of the people who sided with Parvati when he was imprisoned. Though, it had been two years and they probably had changed their identities and appearance from what was recorded, he hoped that the local enforcers would be able to track them a little bit before the other commanders send their forces.

"It won't be of much use in only searching the building. It is better if you can put out a broadcast about her and a reward for half a million credits," commanded Bharat. "Just put out her appearance, not her identity. It is best if that is not leaked out."

"Fine, boss. Anything else?" asked Jackson in a mocking tone. He didn't know much about Bharat and he didn't like it that a businessman was talking to him in a commanding tone.

"I would like a few of the enforcers to be guarding me and him put into most secure facility. I will personally come to meet him. Till then, please make sure that his location isn't known to anyone and let no one meet him before that," he said to Amos. "Please, make sure of that."

"Under what charges?" asked Jackson interrupting him.

"Infiltration of a secure facility, impersonating me to attempt to steal security secrets of the alliance. That should warrant him the most secure area you have access to. Add any other things you fancy," said Bharat.

"I doubt he would see the light of day again. Just keep it all confidential. If necessary, put out a statement to the press that the impersonator was killed during the day as the enforcers, heroically saved me when he tried to kill me. That should put things to rest from the public's point of view. I will personally put in a good word for your quick and efficient action, Mr. Jackson" he added looking towards Jackson.

Though Jackson had never known anything about Bharat, Bharat knew quite a bit about the leader of the enforcers of the city. He knew that Jackson needed to facilitate it for all of his requests to happen. Previously, he had never contacted Jackson, even though they were in the same city as he never had a reason to. But now, he needed his help and he knew enough to let them have a good impression of him so that they would help him efficiently and his requests would be handled promptly and swiftly.

"Glad to be of service, Mr. Bharat. I will leave two of my trusted officers and a detective who reports directly to me to handle any request you have for the law enforcement division," replied Jackson as he indicated a few men to remain. He took Bhagvat and departed with the rest of his men.

"Mr. Amos, how long would it take for my agents to come? Can you set up encrypted channel for us to communicate?" Bharat asked Amos.

"I can only inform the director general of any requests that you have. I was already informed that a team will arrive in half an hour to receive you," said Amos as he came close to Bharat and began to take a bunch of photos and scans which he intended to send to the medical team that was in route to them.

"Ok. Use any resources you can use, even outside the law to get a location of my daughter," said Bharat at a low voice so that the enforcers around him couldn't listen.

"I will pass on your advice to the director general, but those methods are not much reliable," said Amos.

"It is fine. Frankly speaking, as long as she isn't dead or tortured, I don't mind if she sustains a few injuries. With the medical care of this age, it wouldn't be a problem. Also, inform everyone that she could be armed and try to shoot or harm due to some false communication. If found, gag, tie and secure her in the enforcer stronghold along with the impostor. But keep them in different rooms and don't let one know about the other's situation. No one gets to meet her before me," instructed Bharat.

Once, he was a very loving and doting father. Now, he didn't mind if she was hurt or severely injured as long it isn't something permanent. Still, he knew that he would fail to hurt or injure her personally. He planned to let the other commanders deal with her. He knew that he is not capable of that.

"We will handle that. The only thing left is the situation within your company. The press are already speculating various things including a quite bold line that the enforcers were paid to forcibly take over your assets and replace you," said Amos as he configured his wrist device to show a news feed reporting the same.

"That is quite bold," said Bharat sighing. "I guess, it is going to be much harder to convince the public, especially when my daughter is on their side. We can't have the law enforcement division being dragged through mud or my company. Any suggestions?"

"We can have a live video exchange between you and the reporters below, but we need a fall guy. We need someone to take the blame," said Amos. "It is better than letting it be one who was imprisoned."

"Yes, we need to convince the world that my impersonator was dead and that my daughter was fooled by him into believing his word over mine," agreed Bharat.

"It is best if we can let them see you operate something that only you can do," said Amos. "Something related to the company which will convince everyone."

"Oh! That is not possible. Most of these systems currently recognize me as a visitor with no permissions. The picobot technology within by blood stream has already been rendered useless by the impostor. I am currently in a very delicate situation. Even the medical team would have to look into it," said Bharat.

"Then, how did you send the message?" asked Amos. He was still under the assumption that Bharat managed to secretly send an encrypted message to someone. He didn't believe it to be the director general as shown by the media and released by the enforcers, but he did believe that Bharat sent a message to someone who commanded the enforcers to rescue him.

"Message? The video displayed by the media? That was on old recording sent by my peers. I was captive for a long time and they just realized it due to some mistake the impostor made," explained Bharat. Amos eyebrows almost went into his hair as he raised them.

"That makes things a lot more complicated," said Amos scratching his head. "A lot more complicated. How long were you under captivity."?

Bharat just lifted his hind with one finger signalling for a moment as he saw the date stamp on the news channel broadcasting the event. "A bit more than 2 years and a month," he replied.

Amos felt like fainting when heard that. Such a long time in captivity implied that Bharat would hardly be any more useful than his own self.

"Anyway, we better start with an interview. The imposter tried to kill and take your place. He brainwashed your daughter to serve him. He tortured you for details of your organization," said Amos. "He was almost about to kill you when the enforcers came to your rescue. That should be sufficient for now, right?"

"I haven't got a better idea for a cover up," accepted Bharat.

"Well, then. That is what it shall be. Answer only a few questions. Make a statement. Plead the enforcers to find your daughter and the public to help with the same. Start crying and end it," added Amos as he sent a couple messages to someone so that he could have an online interview with the public media reporters who were trying to get the story of the sudden raid.

"Don't spend long. Keep it under a couple of minutes and for love of God look like you are in pain. I can't read your expression at all," said Amos. Bharat had a poker face and looked quite calm. Angry and serious looks came easy to him, but acting like he was not so easy, especially after he had been starved and had a mask which did allow him to move his face for most of the past two years. His face also looked a bit pallid and gaunt due to malnutrition.

"Get me a mirror or project my image. I would just need a minute to prepare for that," said Bharat as he blinked his eye a couple of times immediately tearing up and put on a bit of make up to look the proper part.