Fighting Glen

"Come on. Let us move. It is the bes

"Come on. Let us move. It is the best we can get at such a short notice without letting anyone in our factions know about it," said Glen. "At times like this when we are concerned about traitors, infiltrators and impostors, it is quite a good way to move out unknown. Our trail ends here while yours would end at DH-8."

"Fine, I hope all arrangements on your side are done," said Dick as he got into the pilot seat.

"Were done long ago. Ever since, Balthazar told that he would be getting out secretly, it had been arranged to have someone reliable to take his place to avoid suspicions. He is someone like me and it is a test for him. You don't need to worry about it," said Glen. "The only one I am concerned about is you."

"Haha, very funny," said Dick. "Get in the back along with him. Use some camo tech to hide yourselves. I will inform your butler and take leave. Need to tell him to keep the guest room for me available and that I might come back in a few days."

As Glen joined Balthazar in the back, Dick started up the plane while the other two, sat down on the floor near the cargo. Balthazar was examining the cargo that Glen had brought in from the room. The special items like sleeves with hidden blades, weapons like whips, chain blade, piolets and garrote and the combat suit with the features he wanted that he had requested from Ellie were also there with a note from her.

"Dude, you have some nosy friends among the elders. This guy Arthur had sent four people to help me in making this according to your requests. The combat suit and weapons are perfect. Also made the in-shirt with hidden weapons. Though the outfit is not the best works and could definitely be upgraded, they have helped me quite a bit in making it. You should thank him from both you and me. Got to know a few new tricks from his friends," said the note.

"He even knew about that?" thought Balthazar. "Of course, as long as it is in Asklepian, they will try have someone monitoring. Isn't Glen here with me right now. Anyway, since they are helpful to me, it is a good thing that they have eyes on me."

"Those are the ones you wanted, right? You trained as an explorer or beast trainer in the army?" asked Glen pointing to his whip. He had only seen such people use a whip and piolet to move through obstacles as well as climb different terrain. Those were the weapons of people who were in exploratory professions.

"Not exactly," said Balthazar not sure how to explain his proficiency in using such weapons.

"Don't worry. I understand that you trained secretly. Those clothes with hidden weapons are good choice for assassin's and clandestine operatives. It is just that people rarely expect to use them in missions. Only heard of such items being worn, when people are involved in negotiations as a failsafe, in case they result in a fight. Glad to see that you are not too trusting of others. I was considering advising you against your trust in Ryan Rowley until I saw those," said Glen.

Balthazar gave a smile to him. "I hope that you can trust be to be careful enough. I have had quite a bit of experience with such people," said Balthazar holding the somnium headgear. "Do you play the game?" he asked trying to change the subject. Balthazar wanted to gain trust of Glen, but he knew it wasn't going to be easy. He knew that family and other things wouldn't be shared by an agent like Glen. So, he decided to try and gain a bit of his friendship through the game.

"I don't play games," said Glen. "Only plan to use it for training. Till they develop a good platform for me to train, I am willing to have a few virtual fights with you in a ring if you would like."

"I wouldn't mind, but you could try the game too. Knowing the nature of the tech, you do understand that the experience is quite close to reality and if you put it in completely manual mode, you will hardly know the difference. I do the same. It is like a sort of training but is a bit enjoyable and also give me money by exchanging the items for coins or credits," said Balthazar.

"You giving a sales pitch for vita-nova?" mocked Glen.

"Come on, why don't you try it. You would mind a few extra bucks, would you? With your skills it is an easy task and you can do it during your resting periods," said Balthazar. "Else I wouldn't do it myself."

"Let us do it like this," said Glen. "Three fights between us in a ring. One with bare hands, the other two with weapons, best two out of three. If you win, I will try it out. Else, we continue training."

Balthazar was surprised by the suggestion. "Is he trying to train me or something. Did Lucius or someone put him to train me or keeping me sharp or something like that?" thought Balthazar.

"Did Lucius tell you to do this?" he asked. He didn't really want to fight with Glen. Though he appeared a bit gaunt in the face, he had a strong body. Moreover, he was told by Glen himself that he was trying to specialize as bodyguard and extraction specialist. That implied that Glen would need to have a strong body, high combat awareness and skills.

"No. No. I just want to know what you are capable of. I need to know who a bit about your capabilities. Didn't have much time before, but I believe this is the best chance for us to get acquainted with," said Glen.

Balthazar still didn't respond, but he understood that Glen had a valid point. He still didn't want to bet on it as he was sure he wouldn't have an advantage in the bare-handed fight. Glen didn't say anything like no-bladed weapons which he used to defeat Max by using his belt. So, he wouldn't have a good chance to win. Even with weapons, he doubted to have a good chance to win if they fought in a ring.

"You are worried about the bet?" asked Glen guessing Balthazar's thoughts. "Forget the bet. Let us have a good fight. I will try the game even if you lose. No training from me unless you want it. Does this sound good?"

"I am not worried about the bet," lied Balthazar with a poker-faced smile. He was slightly pissed that Glen had guessed his thoughts correctly, but he didn't want to let him think so. "We shall fight three rounds then."

"Yes, let us not put any bets, we shall enjoy the fight. I was being a bit aggressive with that suggestion," said Glen. Bets were usually good tool to motivate people to give their best, but he realized that Balthazar's mindset was not that of an easily irritable man who could be baited in that manner. So, he gave up the talk about the bet.

"I will set up an arena and send you the details by mail," said Glen as he put on the somnium headgear without waiting for Balthazar to reply. Balthazar was a bit angry, but he calmed down. "He took back the bet of his own accord. At least he has a compassionate personality even if he is probably going to beat me up in the match," thought Balthazar as he also put his headgear on.

He received a mail as soon as he logged in. He clicked the link specified in the mail finding himself in fight arena. It was a large circular room about 10 metres in diameter with the ceiling at a height of 5 metres with no windows or any items. Glen was sitting on the other side with his hair tied up, dressed in a shorts and wrapping cloth straps around his fists.

"I initially felt like using a proper ring like that used by wrestlers and boxer, but later felt that this is better to get acquainted with your style of fighting in real-life scenarios," said Glen. "I prefer to fight like this. Was a boxer and wrestler in college. No rules. Since, it is virtual. Incapacitate, break bones and even kill."

"That sounds like a bad idea. Even if it is virtual, aiming to kill is waste especially without weapons for the purpose of learning about the others style. I know you have probably trained a lot at close combat, but you can try your best to incapacitate me. Though, it wouldn't be that easy to get a hold of me. Even though I can't defeat, I know enough to avoid my opponents," replied Balthazar as he chose to have tight fit black shirt and trousers as he was used to in his previous life as an assassin.

"Fine, let us start," said Glen as he came running close to Balthazar. It only took three steps for him to jump across a distance lose to 10 metres and he leaped at his opponent aiming a punch with his right hand at Balthazar's groin. He didn't expect Glen to go for that area. Even if it is virtual, the pain and other settings were set to normal in the fight and none one wanted to experience unnecessary agony if they could. He expected him to fight similar to that of a boxer going by his choice of clothes, but he realized that Glen chose them just to give him the wrong impression. He had his arms ready, left one on guard and the right raised like a boxer instead.

Balthazar's back was just a couple feet from the wall and he was sure that even if he tried to evade to the side or backwards Glen's fist would be successful in hitting him at some joint which would put him at a disadvantage for the rest of the fight.

When evading was not a good option, many try to just exchange damage to one another. It was a valid strategy, but Glen was already prepared for it. He was waiting to see what Balthazar could do. Balthazar had already fallen in his trick, so he was sure he would have an advantage whatever Balthazar did.

Balthazar was surprised, but he spent a past life trying to avoid low blows and shameless attacks. "Nice trick," said Balthazar as Glen got closer. "But not good enough. You won't get any advantage."

Balthazar waited till his opponent's fist was less than a foot close to his groin and jumped a foot back while bending low. Keeping his left hand on guard to protect his abdomen, he reached for Glens arm with his right. Glen had already thrown a punch and had put most of his momentum behind it, but he was also an experienced fighter and knew that his punching arm would be caught by his opponent. Still he continued as it would be a waste of effort if he pulled back now and at the very least, he felt that Balthazar would have to put more effort in blocking it.

Balthazar caught onto Glen's right arm with his own and using it along with his right foot as fulcrum he turned around showing his back to Glen while throwing a blind punch at the point where expected Glen's face to be. As expected, his face made contact with Glen, but instead of face it was his chest.

t we can get at such a short notice without letting anyone in our factions know about it," said Glen. "At times like this when we are concerned about traitors, infiltrators and impostors, it is quite a good way to move out unknown. Our trail ends here while yours would end at DH-8."

"Fine, I hope all arrangements on your side are done," said Dick as he got into the pilot seat.

"Were done long ago. Ever since, Balthazar told that he would be getting out secretly, it had been arranged to have someone reliable to take his place to avoid suspicions. He is someone like me and it is a test for him. You don't need to worry about it," said Glen. "The only one I am concerned about is you."

"Haha, very funny," said Dick. "Get in the back along with him. Use some camou tech to hide yourselves. I will inform your butler and take leave. Need to tell him to keep the guest room for me available and that I might come back in a few days."

As Glen joined Balthazar in the back, Dick started up the plane while the other two, sat down on the floor near the cargo. Balthazar was examining the cargo that Glen had brought in from the room. The special items like sleeves with hidden blades, weapons like whips, chain blade, piolets and garrote and the combat suit with the features he wanted that he had requested from Ellie were also there with a note from her.

"Dude, you have some nosy friends among the elders. This guy Arthur had sent four people to help me in making this according to your requests. The combat suit and weapons are perfect. Also made the in-shirt with hidden weapons. Though the outfit is not the best works and could definitely be upgraded, they have helped me quite a bit in making it. You should thank him from both you and me. Got to know a few new tricks from his friends," said the note.

"He even knew about that?" thought Balthazar. "Of course, as long as it is in Asklepian, they will try have someone monitoring. Isn't Glen here with me right now. Anyway, since they are helpful to me, it is a good thing that they have eyes on me."

"Those are the ones you wanted, right? You trained as an explorer or beast trainer in the army?" asked Glen pointing to his whip. He had only seen such people use a whip and piolet to move through obstacles as well as climb different terrain. Those were the weapons of people who were in exploratory professions.

"Not exactly," said Balthazar not sure how to explain his proficiency in using such weapons.

"Don't worry. I understand that you trained secretly. Those couple with hidden weapons are good choice for assassin's and clandestine operatives. It is just that people rarely expect to use them in missions. Only heard of such items being worn, when people are involved in negotiations as a failsafe, in case they result in a fight. Glad to see that you are not too trusting of others. I was considering advising you against your trust in Ryan Rowley until I saw those," said Glen.

Balthazar gave a smile to him. "I hope that you can trust be to be careful enough. I have had quite a bit of experience with such people," said Balthazar holding the somnium headgear. "Do you play the game?" he asked trying to change the subject. Balthazar wanted to gain trust of Glen, but he knew it wasn't going to be easy. He knew that family and other things wouldn't be shared by an agent like Glen. So, he decided to try and gain a bit of his friendship through the game.

"I don't play games," said Glen. "Only plan to use it for training. Till they develop a good platform for me to train, I am willing to have a few virtual fights with you in a ring if you would like."

"I wouldn't mind, but you could try the game too. Knowing the nature of the tech, you do understand that the experience is quite close to reality and if you put it in completely manual mode, you will hardly know the difference. I do the same. It is like a sort of training but is a bit enjoyable and also give me money by exchanging the items for coins or credits," said Balthazar.

"You giving a sales pitch for vita-nova?" mocked Glen.

"Come on, why don't you try it. You would mind a few extra buck would you? With your skills it is an easy task and you can do it during your resting periods," said Balthazar. "Else I wouldn't do it myself."

"Let us do it like this," said Glen. "Three fights between us in a ring. One with bare hands, the other two with weapons, best two out of three. If you win, I will try it out. Else, we continue training."

Balthazar was surprised by the suggestion. "Is he trying to train me or something. Did Lucius or someone put him to train me or keeping me sharp or something like that?" thought Balthazar.

"Did Lucius tell you to do this?" he asked. He didn't really want to fight with Glen. Though he appeared a bit gaunt in the face, he had a strong body. Moreover, he was told by Glen himself that he was trying to specialize as bodyguard and extraction specialist. That implied that Glen would need to have a strong body, high combat awareness and skills.

"No. No. I just want to know what you are capable of. I need to know who a bit about your capabilities. Didn't have much time before, but I believe this is the best chance for us to get acquainted with," said Glen.

Balthazar still didn't respond, but he understood that Glen had a valid point. He still didn't want to bet on it as he was sure he wouldn't have an advantage in the bare handed fight. Glen didn't say anything like no-bladed weapons which he used to defeat Max by using his belt. So, he wouldn't have a good chance to win. Even with weapons, he doubted to have a good chance to win if they fought in a ring.

"You are worried about the bet?" asked Glen guessing Balthazar's thoughts. "Forget the bet. Let us have a good fight. I will try the game even if you lose. No training from me unless you want it. Does this sound good?"

"I am not worried about the bet," lied Balthazar with a poker faced smile. He was slightly pissed that Glen had guessed his thoughts correctly, but he didn't want let him think so. "We shall fight three rounds then."

"Yes, let us not put any bets, we shall enjoy the fight. I was being a bit aggressive with that suggestion," said Glen. Bets were usually good tool to motivate people to give their best, but he realized that Balthazar's mindset was not that of an easily irritable man who could be baited in that manner. So, he gave up the talk about the bet.

"I will set up an arena and send you the details by mail," said Glen as he put on the somnium headgear without waiting for Balthazar to reply. Balthazar was a bit angry but he calmed down. "He took back the bet of his own accord. At least he has a compassionate personality even if he is probably going to beat me up in the match," thought Balthazar as he also put his headgear on.

He received a mail as soon as he logged in. He clicked the link specified in the mail finding himself in fight arena. It was a large circular room about 10 metres in diameter with the ceiling at a height of 5 metres with no windows or any items. Glen was sitting on the other side with his hair tied up, dressed in a shorts and wrapping cloth straps around his fists.

"I initially felt like using a proper ring like that used by wrestlers and boxer, but later felt that this is better to get acquainted with your style of fighting in real-life scenarios," said Glen. "I prefer to fight like this. Was a boxer and wrestler in college. No rules. Since, it is virtual. Incapacitate, break bones and even kill."

"That sounds like a bad idea. Even if it is virtual, aiming to kill is waste especially without weapons for the purpose of learning about the others style. I know you have probably trained a lot at close combat, but you can try your best to incapacitate me. Though, it wouldn't be that easy to get a hold of me. Even though I can't defeat, I know enough to avoid my opponents," replied Balthazar as he chose to have a tight fit black shirt and trousers as he was used to in his previous life as an assassin.

"Fine, let us start," said Glen as he came running close to Balthazar. It only took three steps for him to jump across a distance lose to 10 metres and he leaped at his opponent aiming a punch with his right hand at Balthazar's groin. He didn't expect Glen to go for that area. Even if it is virtual, the pain and other settings were set to normal in the fight and none one wanted to experience unnecessary agony if they could. He expected him to fight similar to that of a boxer going by his choice of clothes, but he realized that Glen chose them just to give him the wrong impression. He had his arms ready, left one on guard and the right raised like a boxer instead.

Balthazar's back was just a couple feet from the wall and he was sure that even if he tried to evade to the side or backwards Glen's fist would be successful in hitting him at some joint which would put him at a disadvantage for the rest of the fight.

When evading was not a good option, many try to just exchange damage to one another. It was a valid strategy, but Glen was already prepared for it. He was waiting to see what Balthazar could do. Balthazar had already fallen in his trick, so he was sure he would have an advantage whatever Balthazar did.

Balthazar was surprised, but he spent a past life trying to avoid low blows and shameless attacks. "Nice trick," said Balthazar as Glen got closer. "But not good enough. You wont get any advantage."

Balthazar waited till his opponent's fist was less than a feet close to his groin and jumped a foot back while bending low. Keeping his left hand on guard to protect his abdomen, he reached for Glens arm with his right. Glen had already thrown a punch and had put most of his momentum behind it, but he was also an experienced fighter and knew that his punching arm would be caught by his opponent. Still he continued as it would be a waste of effort if he pulled back now and at the very least, he felt that Balthazar would have to put more effort in blocking it.

Balthazar caught onto Glen's right arm with his own and using it along with his right foot as fulcrum he turned around showing his back to Glen while throwing a blind punch at the point where expected Glen's face to be. As expected, his face made contact with Glen, but instead of face it was his chest.