The Resolution (Part 1)

Faustina stared into the king's eyes, her gaze a blur and tears streaming across her cheeks. Her lips trembled as she felt like she saw the pain behind the King's smiles—the magic showed her how he met Sheila, how he bonded with his family—and then, the murder.

"My king…" Faustina says, voice silent.

"I am sorry," the king says. "I did not want to show you these ugly memories, Faustina." He then wiped the beads of tears on the corner of her eye with his thumb. The king was smiling sadly, gaze fixated on Faustina's trembling lips, and then his gaze shifted to her chocolate-brown eyes. "Why are you crying, my fair lady?"

"No… It's…" Faustina says, "I…"

"Hush now," the king says. "That is all in the past. I showed it to you for a purpose,"

"A purpose?"