Orwell's Solitude, and Faustina's Slap

Silence could be either pleasant or unpleasant, depending on how it was conveyed. For Orwell, the silence was solitude, which is partly why he chose to reside in Lothlorien. The noises he could only hear are the splashing waves, the leaves of foliage brushing against each other along with creaking branches, the chirps of small birds in the morning, and the wind. There was nothing better than silence—he had servants in Lothlorien, but they understood that their magician master ought to do things unobtrusively. He had built his manor on the land he conquered with the treasure he acquired. He was famed for it. Thrilled was he when the king wanted something from him; he was presumptuous that they would be asking him for assistance in the search for Nightmare's cure, or to formulate complex magical formulas to strengthen the kingdom's barrier…