Mock Level?!

Faustina slowly backed away from her very reflection. Was her cover blown? How is she going to investigate, at this rate? How can the questions in her mind be answered—just how—

"Lady Feuerlon?"

Faustina blinked, turning to her side. One of the examiners had just approached her.

"Are you alright?"

Faustina blinked, "y-yes?"

Faustina's eyes darted to the mirror. Her glamour was back now; her ash-grey hair and Magierstadt uniform were visible in the mirror.

"You look pale,"

"I-I'm quite alright . . . just . . . nervous," Faustina answered.

The girl smiled at her. "Oh. I see. Uhm, I'm Chastity by the way. I'm the daughter of Viscount Beverly."

Faustina tilted her head. "Nice to meet you," it was quite an odd introduction. Usually, nobles would introduce themselves into a graceful manner. But then again, they were in a dungeon. Manners would not matter. (Or would it?)