
"I'm surprised that Marquis Disfiegro raised such a shallow child,"

A man sitting in a throne exclaimed as he caressed a ginger cat in his lap. The ginger cat purred, showing its slit, green eyes. It climbed away from the man and then headed towards the woman who has standing in the darkest corner.

"You could've at least knock, Lust." Says the man. "If Eula hadn't gone to you, I wouldn't have known you were here."

"Che. I told you to call me by my name, not by my power, Pride." She says. "And 'Eula'? How dare you use our mother's name to a mere cat . . . !"

The man called 'Pride' laughed. "Mother? I don't remember her giving birth to me. To us."

The woman's red eyes glistened.

"If Father was here, you would have been long dead." Lust uttered. "You should be careful of your words, Pride."