The First Day of Class (Part 4)

Faustina knew she was late—very, very late. The garden was far from the main castle, and it took her an effort to climb the stairs. Faustina was not in any way athletic. Even if she grew up in the mountains, she had only strolled and took her time walking. She could only count the time she ever ran—when it was raining and she was outside, and the night her master had died.

Not before long, she was able to reach her classroom. The doors had that name—

'IANUA VI – Class A: First Year'

Faustina came inside the class; opening the door slowly. Appearing before her were scattered students—some sitting on the table, desks, and leaning against the arched windows. There were also ones that were using their staves, and some students who were studying.

But as she continued to scan the place, she immediately realized there was no teacher in sight. 

"Oh, isn't that Faustina!"

Faustina beamed at the familiar voice.
