756 to Nakano Mayumi.

I returned back to Shirou with the girl, as he saw her he was shocked for a moment, then her introduced himself and also ended up asking her out on a date. As he said this I punched him in the gut, without using my power of course, to shut him up. She didn't take any notice of what he said and introduced herself. "H-Hello...My name is 756."

Shirou and I stared in confusion at her and then towards each other with the same expression on our faces.

"Your name…is a number?" I asked her.

"This universe's number is 756, therefore it is my name as well." she replied.

"Well if your gonna live here you're gonna need a new name." said Shirou.

"Hmm that is true…". I looked at the girl to try and think of a suitable name. After a bit of thinking I was able to come up with the name 'Nakano Mayumi', 'Nakano' meaning 'Female Warrior' and 'Mayumi' meaning 'True Beauty'.

"How about 'Nakano Mayumi'?" I asked.

"T-That sounds…good…" she replied while blushing.

I realized I was blushing too after seeing how adorable her blush was. I then turned my head over to Shirou who had a smug look on his face. I knew what he was thinking. I just decided to ignore it and move on.

"So where is she gonna stay?" Shirou asked me.

"I think she should stay with me, at least until she gets used to living on Earth." I replied. As I replied Shirou had the same smug expression on his face which I ignored again. Mayumi blushed even more but kept silent, as if she wanted to agree with me but was too shy to say anything. Hard to believe that this was the same girl who tried to kill me no less than 20 minutes ago…and is basically the god of this universe.

"We can't have you walking around in clothes like that so first things first we need to get you changed into something a bit more…human." I said.

"Oh that won't be a problem, I can just change my clothes now." As she replied she glowed purple and once the purple glow faded she was dressed in casual human clothing. Simple Jeans and a T shirt. Shirou and I were once again dumbfounded.

Shirou looked over me and asked, "Hey you think you could do that too?".

"I-I don't know!...Maybe?" I replied.

"You can, I'll train you, you're strong but you don't have any idea how to use your power, you're basically a god now, you can do whatever you want." said Mayumi. Her shyness seemed to have disappeared.

"That makes things easier for you huh Takeshi! You don't have to buy her clothes while she lives with you if she can just do that." Said Shirou and as he said this her shyness returned with her face turning red. It seemed to be that if the fact that she were to live with me were mentioned when someone spoke, it was the trigger to her being shy. Quite an odd girl really.

Now that her clothing issue was solved, we got on a train back to Shinjuku and returned home. I took her upstairs to my sister's room, who was also abroad studying.

"You can use this room, my sister won't be back for a few years so its not being used." I said to Mayumi.

"T-Thank you… for letting me stay with you and for what you said to me earlier…even though I tried to kill you…I want to ask for your forgiveness but that would be wrong of me to do…"

She looked quite sad as she said this which made me feel bad, "You don't need to thank me and you don't need to be worried about asking for forgiveness." I said to her in a calming tone as if I'd already forgiven her...which I had.

She looked down, nodded and walked into the room and closed the door behind her.

I stood in front of the room door for a while and tried to think about how she felt about this whole thing. Me asking her to stay on Earth with me right after she tried to kill me? Its strange and its not something a normal person would do and because of that I felt that she's upset about trying to kill me. I wanted to comfort her about it but I thought its best if I just left her alone and gave her space.