Yakuza Pt. 1

"I can't believe you! Can I go through one damn meal without your dumbass getting all anti American on me!" Tsukimi hissed as the two pushed themselves through restaurant doors, revealing a scene of stolen life and blood only to slam shut once more, closing a scene of tragedy.

Tsukimi's words had fallen on deaf ears, Haru wasting no time pulling out a pack of cigarettes and soon pressing one of the cancerous sticks between his lips.

The girl remained consistent however, right behind her lover as her stomps conflicted with Haru's more swift pace.

"You can't expect your father to clean up all your messes for you! How do you think he's going to hide the fact that we shot down an entire restaurant of working people from the police?!"

Tsukimi was just as angered as she was concerned. Did her boyfriend's mindless terror know no bounds? His debaucherous lust for blood only continued to cloud his judgement in her eyes. Though, Haru seemed calm, his mind intact as they approached his run down motorcycle; a white, dirt stained vehicle with that same symbol of the predatory bird that seemed to label anything under the couple's ownership.

He stopped before the machine, head lowering as Tsukimi ranted on, turning and leaning back against the bike, crossing his legs.

"My dad won't have to clean anything up." Haru suddenly cut his girlfriend off, eyes focused on the ground as he took a drag of his cigarette.

Tsukimi blinked, stopping in her steps just a few feet away and raising her brows.

"And how is that?"

"Well, look around you. This street is dead at this time of night. Our pistols are silenced, we just shot all the witnesses. The detectives will probably think it was some serial killer before they believe it was a member of the Yakuza, let alone us specifically." He droned on, tossing his cigarette.

The blonde frowned a little at her partner's conclusion, almost irritated by the fact that he was pretty much right.

"That's not the point!"

This caused Haru to roll his eyes, sighing softly as he turned and tossed a leg over the seat of his motorcycle, climbing on and quickly revving the engine. The smoke that shot from the exhaust pipe caused Tsukimi to cough, her stare narrowing.

"Come on. We can talk about this at the bar." Haru muttered, lifting a black helmet out and turning to hold it out to Tsukimi.

She huffed, conceding and grabbing the form of protection. The blonde wasted no time climbing onto the seat from behind, sliding on the helmet to conceal her face before hugging the sun kissed boy.

He gripped the handlebars, giving his vehicle one last rev before speeding off into the city's night, leaving behind the lonely neon lights of the Chinese restaurant they had just massacred, the occasional flicker of the light struggling to survive being the only thing producing sound through the crisp air along with the motorcycle's engine fading in the distance.

The strong winds imposed by the bike kept Tsukimi held on tight while Haru's wavy locks blew in the wind. Tsukimi had been silent the whole time, contemplating if she should get over what happened. Sure, a dozen of people were dead, but as far as she knew they were in the clear. In her mind, none of them would've been dead if it hadn't been for Haru's itch for violence.

The two had smoothly sped through the dense world of lit up buildings and narrow streets, the familiar neon lights coating them in shades of white, red, and green. Soon enough, the two had pulled up to the bar in question.

It was it's own building, having a neon sign of a woman with nothing on but a lit up pink thong. Her nipples would occasionally burst with sparklers, sending the men walking in into cheers of joy and excitement. Most of the men there had been bikers as well, but none of them from the same group that Haru and Tsukimi were in.

They slipped into a distant parking spot in the corner of the parking lot, Tsukimi wasting no time in pulling the helmet from her head.

"This seems like a place for gentlemen." She scoffed.

"Never said my dad was such a thing."

Haru chuckled, slipping off from his bike before turning and lifting Tsukimi off as well. This initiated a faint blush from the girl, her stare lowering as she found herself in Haru's hold. Once her feet hit the ground, the man took notice. His broad arms lowered to wrap themselves around her waist and he leaned in, gently pressing a kiss against Tsukimi's forehead.

"If any of those old bastards lay a hand on you, just say the word." He whispered, resting his chin atop of her head.

Tsukimi meanwhile had remained frozen in position, expression soft as her forehead then rested against Haru's chest. Moments like these made her feel normal, like she wasn't alone in a world where everyone was against her. That for once in her life, she had protection.

"Got it." She finally replied.

"Okay good. We are actually here kind of early, so we have time to have a couple of drinks. So relax, socialize, and wait for a bit before dad arrives."

"I thought you said the meeting would be less than an hour from now!"

Haru finally released the girl, taking a step back and scratching his cheek, a playful grin forming on his lips.

"I lied. I just wanted an excuse to get the hell out of that Yankee joint. Besides, you'll love this place! And I promise, no massacres."

He then held his pinky out for Tsukimi, a childish move to make his promise official. The girl rolled her eyes, swatting the hand from her face.

"Then you ask to leave! You don't kill a dozen people to force me to go! God, you're such a possessive dick!"

Tsukimi left it at that, pushing past Haru and making her way towards the bar's entrance. Haru snickered, turning on his heels with a much wider grin now as he rested his hands on his hips.

"Sorry! I'll make sure to ask next time!"