Training Begins one year in hell.

The door to my Room of Spirit and Time opened I was finally strong enough to withstand the weather and other conditions inside the chamber, and I needed to get stronger.

I started walking to the door that had appeared out nowhere. I suppose I been waiting impatiently for this moment. I stared straight into the abyss inside the room as I thought what I told Bulma, I told her that I was going to do some training for two days out, she was sad we couldn't celebrate that I won the tournament but understood.

I continued to stare at the room as if in a trance. Then suddenly I remember what was the reason that brought me here. I needed to get stronger enough to beat anyone and everyone.

I closed the door making no sound and my year of training begun.

Looking back, I think it's me the one that is weak, I been in this world for fourteen years and I'm barely strong enough to fight the elite forces of Frieza, since my last life on earth I had always been weak, it's always been that, but this time I will make a difference…



The year passed. With me wanting to get stronger no matter what, I trained to the point of fainting every day and yet, I was nowhere near enough to achieve my first goal, Super Saiyan.

Even in the midst of training, as usual, my objective was to achieve Super Saiyan, said thought would float into my mind every day that once I managed achieve said form the rest would be easier, then surely I would be able to defeat Frieza and the enemies that are to come. Somewhere in my heart, I believed this but deep down I knew that the transformation was nothing but the means to an end, the Androids, Cell, Buu, and others completely outclass the average Super Saiyan.

[Damian power level = 4.000.000

Damian with primal power = 40.000.000]

"My power level has barely increased during these last few months," I muttered while panting and it was true since I got close to the millions getting stronger has been close to impossible and I know the answer I have to break the wall and transform into Super Saiyan and then only then I will be able to climb further.

"Saiyans need rage to transform right? well, I'm pretty fucking angry!." At the time, I was irritated at myself for being unable to become a Super Saiyan, no matter how hard I tried.

What happened next was bizarre, even though I want to believe it was the room helping me it really made my insides feel as if they were being crushed with fear, and that feeling is something I will forever remember.

A loud explosion behind got my attention looking back I saw Frieza, small yet terrifying.

'It can't be! only I can access this stupid room,' I thought in panic.

"A monkey survived, well it doesn't matter," Frieza said floating towards me with a smug expression on his face, "I will eliminate you!"

[Frieza first form power level = 530.000

Frieza second form power level = 1.060.000

Frieza third form power level = 2.120.000

Frieza fourth form power level = 100.000.000 (current)

Frieza fourth form with full power = 120.000.000]

With his index finger he started shooting Ki blasts at me, the area was enveloped in a terrific flash of light as I dodge the attack, Frieza continued to shoot while laughing like a mad man, I power up using primal boost but still, it wasn't enough.

[Damian power level = 40.000.000]

"Da-damn it… I, I won't be able to win this…" I thought as the attacks were getting faster and faster and dodging was getting harder.

"Damian!!" a familiar voice shouted, while normally it would make me happy this time it broke my heart.

"Get out!!" I shouted looking at Bulma, why was she here!

Though I cried this desperately, Bulma just stood there, Frieza took the chance and approached her.

"I suppose this female is your mate, what a shame that she has to die," Frieza said charging a death beam aiming at her.

"NO!!!!!!!!" I shouted going at full speed towards Frieza, just to be stopped by his tail choking me, "ARGGHHHH!"

"It'll be wise of you monkey to learn your place, now enjoy my benevolence and watch how I kill your mate," Frieza said laughing, while Bulma was crying.

In my dimming consciousness, I knew this was my fault I wasn't strong enough to defend her.

"Leave her alone!" another familiar voice appeared this time my little brother running towards Frieza,

"Another monkey, they are like cockroaches, you have to make sure there are none of this happens," Frieza aimed this death beam killing Goku and proceeded to kill Bulma.

By the time I was able to grasp what happened, it was too late, Frieza threw me to Bulma's.

"Please engrave her body in your memory before you die, hohoho," Frieza said laughing.

The moment I saw Goku's and Bulma's corpse lying stretched out in a pool of blood, screams and anger and frustration and tears swelled up in my body like a surging wave. That instant, fire ran up my entire body. My muscles trembled, and my blood vessels burned.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" When it felt like all of my blood exploded at once, I became a Super Saiyan for the first time it felt empowering like I could do anything.

[Damian power level = 4.000.000

Damian power level + primal = 40.000.000

Damian power level + super saiyan 1 = 200.000.000

Damian power level + primal + super saiyan 1 =]

To avenge Bulma and Goku I blasted Frieza with a single attack, killing him or at least that what I thought, everything was an illusion created by room to help me overcome the wall I found myself in.

[You have mastered the - Super Saiyan - transformation

Now you can transform without being angry, at will anytime!]

Now that I remember I had a starter pack that I still haven't open yet, "System open my starter pack,"

[Opening Starters pack...




DONE! you have obtained

X1 Yadrat teletransportation technique

X1 Upgrade to the system information (The system will give you more detailed information now about people and techniques)

X1 Infinite Pizza, just like the name a pizza that never runs out and it always fresh, just think of the pizza you want and puff!]