CHAPTER 119 - Competition from the Beginning (2)

Real Madrid's opponent today is the Chicago Fire Soccer Club, a major American football player that uses Toyota Park as their home.

Today, however, the game was played at Soldier Field, the home of the American football team, the Chicago Bears.

It was around 2:20 pm.

[More than 60,000 spectators filled the audience. Most of you probably came to see Real Madrid, but you can see quite a lot of Fire fans.]

[It's a game that Fire can't easily give. Before today's game, there was a survey of the crowd, 40% of who came to see Real Madrid's squad and 41% of what they expect of Chicago Fire. Chicago citizens are so excited about Soccer.]

[What is the remaining 19%?]

[I came to see what kind of game football is, it was a response.]

[Hahaha. 19% is less than expected.]

Sports superpower America is a barren of football.

By the time, at the time of the 1994 World Cup in the United States, it was said that most Americans did not know what soccer was until then.

Clearly, the United States has a very low interest in football.

Most countries call football football, while the United States is unusually called Soccer.

But these days, the American football community has been growing significantly in just a few years.

Especially in Chicago, as immigrants have a lot of interest in soccer compared to other regions, citizens' interest was great today.

[It would be nice if Fire took the victory. But the opponent is daunting. No matter how many players are missing, Real Madrid is a classic. It's only 14 years old, but you have to be careful of Woo Young.]

[That's right. Since the game started, we've been constantly touching the ball. It's like trying to burn the whole game. I'm showing a move to lead the team. No, it looks like you're already leading the game.]

[At the moment, Woo Ho-young in charge of Real passes to left winger Cajehon.]

According to the commentary.

Ho-young has taken the lead since the game began, and Hovegne had to look at distant distractions.

In the position, Ho Young was lower than Hovenue, so it was inevitable.

As such, the first half of the game was a smooth game with no big curves.

Real Madrid slowly took control of the midfielder, starting with a double defensive midfielder Diarra and Tebar from Castile.

It was a good flow overall.

First 10 minutes.

Pepe's overwhelming struggle allowed Chicago to win a free-kick chance, but their attack did not lead to scoring.

Since then, he has not been able to carry out such attacks and has been drawn to Real Madrid as a whole.

It was about 10 minutes later.

Real's momentum wriggled on the floor.

Tak, percussion.

Ho-young, who received Diara's pass, stopped the ball under his feet.

Calmly threw the gaze forward.


I saw Hovenue coming off the second line, leaving position to get the ball.

If you don't pass it, you're beckoning this way.

'Why are you so polar today?'

But Ho Young turned to the eye.

Do not want to give?

It wasn't like that.

Considering various conditions such as timing and interval, there was little benefit to Robinho.

The pass must have a clear intention to score.

This can threaten your opponent's defense.

And Ho-young didn't want to fight her on the pitch.

A few days ago, he felt that he was holding himself in check, but he had no intention of putting it back.

Of course, I wanted to be the hero of the game.

I tried not to be very conscious of others.

You can play soccer like the advice that Cha Bum Gon gave you.

"pass! Pass it! "

Hoping for a pass.

And Ho-young, who glanced around, quickly turned his brain.

'It's dangerous. There are two defenders nearby who are good at blocking and ball cutting. Even if Robininho is the best dribble in the world, the power of play is cut in half when he gets back from the defense. '

It was cold and quick judgment.

Of course, there was no guarantee that the idea was 100% correct.

Sharp predictive power, good judgment and good spatial perception.

Based on these three things, I just believed in my thoughts and put them into action.

Ho Young turned away from Robin's cry and turned to the left.

His eyes were bright and his movements relaxed.

It seemed that the heat that had soared to the chill had cooled.

Ice-like flows began to show up.

Also, at that time, I saw a guy with a small body digging like crazy from the left.

Roberto Carlos.

He was trying to break through the left line under the hot sun.

His daring overlapping smashed the left flank completely.

The stadium is getting hot again.

Hoyoung's eyes burned hot.


Tuk, a cold pass passed to the left back space and fell under Carlos' feet.

Courier same pass.

And as the gusts struck, a violent attack began to sway at Carlos's toes.

At the same time, Ho-young ran inside the box.

The same goes for the hovenue.

As soon as I smelled a bone, I settled close to Carlos.

At the moment, Carlos' eyes flashed.

Woohoyoung is farther away, or Hovenue is located nearby.

He kicked a left foot without hesitation.

The 35-year-old was an incredibly explosive and sophisticated ground ball cross.

And where it was headed was not at the feet of Hovenue but at the feet of Hoyoung.



Few hobbignes frowned.

Conversely, Hoe's eyes were sharply bent.


A wide open front welcomed you.

The goalkeeper was already scared.

Only 8 meters.

3 meters closer than the penalty kick.

If you hit the ball properly, the probability of entering the goal was overwhelming.

Moreover, Ronaldo was coveted by Ronaldo's goal determination.

Not yet fully coveted, but the start is half.

That was enough.

Ho-young took a confident shooting position.

In an attempt to blow up the heat, he kicked hard with a non-stop slightly below the center of the ball.

It was that moment.


After receiving Carlos's heavy cross, Ho Young felt as if he had kicked a bowling ball.


Carlos' kick was strong.

But Ho-young's sophisticated first touch helped him make a successful shot.


The keeper diving to the right and the ball flew into the gwangseokhyeong was exactly inserted into the corner of the goal net.



Real Madrid's valuable first goal and Ho Young's two consecutive goals.

Today Ho-young was writing a second miracle.

On the other hand, Hovenue's face did not receive a pass that was ruined and ruined.

Without complaining, he ran to Carlos and expressed it.

"Robert, what are you doing?"


"Why did you pass me on and pass Woo Ho-young to that child!"

"Rob, don't ask stupid questions. I've only created more certain chances. "

Roberto Carlos showed his face that he could not understand.

There was no particular reason why he sent Cross to Hoyoung.

He is one of the best left backs of all time.

It was just the best choice for the team.

"Ho was better than you."

As a matter of fact, Woo-young's position selection ability was even better.

And so, Hovenue was a player who rips the space through dribble that is close to the art, rather than using it to save space.

It wasn't a lack of positioning, but it wasn't a main weapon.

Moreover, the predictive power or judgment was not good, so of course, I had to be pushed by Ho Young.

Hovenue said it was minutes.

"Okay, get me a ball! Why is that guy alone? "


Snip, scissors cut off Carlos's words.

"Don't be silly. This is the ground. "

Carlos didn't intend to socialize here.

This was Real Madrid, not a Brazilian fraternity.

"Tonto !!!"

Robinho then accused Carlos of saying that he was an idiot in Portuguese.

But this was not once or twice, so Carlos left the place without hesitation.

Rather, he approached Ho Young and held out her thumb.

"It was a nice goal. The ball would have been a little heavy. "

"no. It was good. "

Hoyoung's voice shook slightly.

Carlos was much smaller than Roh Young, but he was impressed with the pressure from the sloppy physique.

Now I'm running to the same team, and if it was an opposing team, it was terrible to imagine.

'It's a bloody talent anytime.'

Indeed, sincere efforts were well maintained in the level of talent.

Not too far from the day seemed to be able to explore the S-class talent.


On the shoulder of Ho-young who imagined that, Carlos raised his hand and said.

"Do not hate Hovenue. This time, we are a team. "

It was not intended to side with Hovenue.

Woo Young also understood the true meaning of the words.

And that made Hoyoung feel a lot.


Mid first half.

Real Madrid, who took the lead by one point, knocked on the goal.

Chicago tried to block the defensive numbers, but the door once opened was already tattered.

Real ransom, which cost more than 100 million euros, is plundered.

[Hobinyu! Penetrate inside the penalty box!]

[However, the angle is not enough. Left footed shot hits the post. It was a good attempt. The Hovinyu player, who was invisible for the first half, is becoming more and more alive. After all, the title of the best dribble in the world is not overlooked.]

[That's right. Woo Ho-young has a wider field of view, helping to play Hovenue. That's what stands out.]

As Hovenue came to life, Real's momentum grew stronger.

In particular, the left-hand line to Carlos-Cayejon was a bombing zone.

It has been asking results just before the end of the first half.

Carlos Keynes received a key pass and scored an extra goal with a witty roving shot.

Chicago later attempted to counterattack by increasing the number of attacks, but failed in vain to give Real Madrid a win.

'The ability is about the middle and upper teams in the second division.'

As Ho Young thinks, their level was well below the Spanish First Division.

If you do not overdo it as much as possible, I seemed to be able to win big.

But still thirsty.

There were many things I wanted to show to fans who came to the stadium to see themselves.

As many Koreans were in the city, there were a lot of spectators who had come to see Ho-young.

'Yes, it's starting now.'

If the first half was warm-up, the second half was the stage.

The second half awaited.

And when the second half began, Hobinho's eyes changed 180 degrees.

'Since Woo Ho-young keeps the ball in the second line, my presence doesn't show up.'

Thinking so, Hovenu ate heartily.

I wanted to not do this.

Here is the pro world.

It was obvious that he would be robbed of his rice bowl.

He stepped back down to line 2.

It was a clash of two cracks to announce a full-scale competition.