CHAPTER 154 - Long Streak Road (1)


The number of regular customers on the Korean portal site Sportsran is usually viewed as five people.

Kim Yeon-ha, Park Tae-wan, Park Chan-oh, Park Ji-seok, Woo Ho-young.

In particular, Woo Ho Young's stake began to soar, and there were always articles related to entering the overseas soccer category.

It also influenced sports fans' favorite ranking games.

Park Tae-wan vs Park Ji-suk vs Kim Yeon-ha vs Woo Young

└ Park Tae-wan is an Olympic gold medalist? Of course not first place?

└ Go out and ask. It's not a marine boy.

└ But even if Park Ji-suk holds any British person and asks,

└ You know right now if you go to Madrid?

└No. The uniform is already sold out.

└ It's unpleasant, there's Sakyi who believes it. Is it naive or stupid?

└ Uncle ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ Link here ^^

└ ㄷㄷㄷ was real

└ seems to have a little open straw. I know it's going to sell a lot,

└ Anyway, sold out is right

└ and I will make money at 16. But what if you are kidnapped? Mafia in Spain? Isn't there a lot of same guys?

Agents drive cars every day

└How does it cancer?

└ I went to Madrid and waited in front of Woo Ho Young School before seeing an agent. It looks like a Winnie the Pooh.

Lucio picked up Woo Young every day.

Today, too, as soon as I finished the morning meeting, I came to the front door of the school and was waiting for a welcome.

'this. You are too early You have 40 minutes more. '

Luci wanted to sleep a sigh and flipped the sheet back.

It was then that someone knocked on the window.


'Are you already here?'

Lucci, who was raised up, frowned.

The man who knocked on the window was a man in his late 30s, not Ho-young.

At first, I wanted to see another polar fan who wished to sign Ho-young.

Until you see his gentle face.

"Mr. Leonardu?"

"haha. long time no see. Lucie. Is this the first time you've left Sao Paulo? "

Leonardo Araujo.

From Brazil, he was a former footballer who was once called AC Milan's legendary midfielder and current technical director of AC Milan.

He was able to find Brazilians such as Kaka-Tiagu Silva-Alexander Patu and transfer them to AC Milan.

And Lucio had known each other for a long time.

"I'm sorry to have come to you like this. I contacted you by e-mail I knew before but I can't reply. Excuse me. "

"haha. The spirit of the stage gun still remains. And excuse me between us. Fine."

"Thank you for saying so."

When Leonardo says gentle, Lucci goes out of the car and shakes hands.

"How are you doing here? I wouldn't have come here to see me. "

I asked a question, but I guessed it.

Is there any reason why AC Milan's technical director came to this place?

I knew it.

"I would like to meet Woo-young Woo, can you give me some time?"

"Today is difficult because of away games. I think I'll be arriving at Madrid airport around 11 pm. "

"I'm fine at that time."

"I'll call you once. I have to ask the doctor first. "

The two knotted the conversation briefly and returned to their respective positions.

After finishing the class, Ho Young was seated in the passenger seat five minutes later.

"Did you wait long?"

"no. What do you think is a good thing? Your face looks good. "

"I'm on my way to talk with the principal. On January 21, I can switch to free class from the second semester. "

"I just got the date I expected. Congratulations."

"Thank you. What's wrong with you? "

It was not the face of the congratulatory man.

There seemed to be something to worry about.

But I had to go to the airport so Lucci did it from the start.

And said on the way.

"A former technical director of AC Milan came to us. I didn't hear the details, but I saw Woo Ho-young. "


"Yeah. Perhaps looking forward to the transfer market next year or next. It could be January next year. "

"Ancelotti seems to stab as long as he forgets."

"When I see you send a technical director, I mean you're going to court."

"It doesn't really matter. I still have a lot to do in Madrid. "


Ho-young said just cut.

Although he was loyal to his growth, Real Madrid still had a lot to explore.

At least this season, it was only the real talent of the real players.

Even if it takes away, it was a matter to decide then.

But there was a question.

"What about the AC Milan squad?"

"Including rental members, Dida, Nesta, Maldini, Ambrosini, Gattuso, Pirlo, Shedorf, Inzagi, Beckham, Ronaldinho, Shevchenko, Ronaldo, etc."

"······ Well."

Why do you look better than Real Madrid?

'It's probably because of the mood. maybe······.'

"But if you want to go to Italy before you are 18 years old, you've got a FIFA youth."

"So the technical director came to me. I have to solve the problem ahead of time. "

"i See. So was Lucich worried about that? "

"The feelings cross rather than worry. I had seen Woo Ho Young almost four years ago, and it's nice to be up to this position, and I think it's a start. haha. The war will soon begin. "

"Isn't it all about living people? You've been good. Don't do more or less. Don't worry too much and take care of your health. You are forty years old already ...


"no. I need to sigh. "

Ho-young, who was bleeding Lucie's forehead, was closing her eyes and mouth.

'Do you get stressed a lot because of work?'

Later, when hair transplantation techniques developed, I thought I should restore Luch's thinning hair.

Estadio Benito Villamarin is located in Seville.

The game began with over 55,000 spectators packed up with Real Betis.

[Real Betis on the left takes the axis.]

[Real Betis came on with a 4-4-2 formation as expected. In contrast, Real Madrid came out with 4-2-3-1. I would expect a fierce side fight.]

Real Madrid dominated the formation.

This is because the company has increased its market share by the numerical advantage in the mid-field, and based on it, has been able to take advantage of the strength fight.

In addition, Real Betis, who goes down the relegation, is one of La Liga's weakest teams this season.

For Real Madrid, it was enough to win.

After all, the game went as expected.

Real Madrid's Double Vollanchi, made of Gago-Dara, gained market share by sweeping the midfield like a vacuum cleaner, with superior pressure and activity.

In the rear, Marcelo and Ramos, who were fast-footed, participated in the active overlapping, taking up the sea, and taking the lead in the attack.

The flow was taken unilaterally by Real Madrid.

Raul's goal came out in the first 14 minutes and proved it.

[Real Madrid raises the preoccupation! It is a pleasant start!]

It was just the beginning.

Less than 10 minutes later, two goals went out in a row.

Raul's hat trick was to silence the cheering of the home crowd.

And early late.

As the game went well, Schuster ordered a replacement for the main players.

The first to leave the field was Captain Raul.

He was given a standing ovation by the expedition fans, handing Baong back to Woo Ho Young and returning to the bench.

[Real Madrid relives the ambience once more. Woo Young! I wonder where you're going.]

[Oh, it's a two-top with Saviola. The center slider will move to the right and build a 4-4-2 formation.]

[I'm Woo-young, who had breathed with new players every time I came out, but I'm looking forward to seeing another breath again.]

The expectation was soon met.

Ho Young, who was given a freeroll mission by Schuster, was energizing the team by shooting a wide area like a fish that met water.

Raul's hat-trick after a brief atmosphere was burning again.

The relaxed flow began to accelerate radically.

It was a quick attack.

[Woo-young goes down the outside of the box and constantly turns the ball, forming a tripod with Robben and Snider.]

[very good. It's a move that disables Real Betis' forward compression. As Betis, you need to be alert. It's a very dangerous situation.]

Dutch connections Robben and Snider were trying to make a chance by pushing Woo Young.

'Damn it.'

Defensive midfielder Mehmet Aurelio, who played for Woo Ho-young's first stop, was not short of Madrid's short and fast pass.

As a veteran, he showed strength in predicting and defensive positions, but the difference in basic skills was too obvious.

It wasn't covered by hard work and experience.



[Pass for a gap in the front space! Go to Woo Ho Young!]

[Aurelio needs to go cover. Shouldn't you give time and space to a lot of players who know how to do like Woo Ho Young?]

Madrid's attack came without warning.

Everything was geared up like a cog wheel, and the ball was at the foot of Ho Young.

And he was disturbing Aurelio's gaze with dizzying footsteps.

It was then that Ho Young attempted a surprise hit.



Aurelio took a quick shot, but at the age of thirty he was too many to follow Woo.

Agility, quickness, acceleration The Aurelio, who could not afford anything, had to open the way.

[Aurelio follows, but not enough! Woo Ho Young's breakthrough continues!]

[Ortis runs from the inside of the box!]

Rising defender Alex Ortiz, known for his tough fight, tried to tackle, but Ho Young was not there.

He beat Ortis with his personal heel Hill Chop, a steep turn to heels.

Then came Hoyoung's right-footed long range shot.

The distance to the goal is only 17 meters.

It was equipped with the most confident shooting angle, so I immediately hit it.


That was Woo Ho-young's fourth goal.

[Woo Young, I did it again. I can't believe it after seeing it again.]

[That is genius. What's unfortunate is that you can only watch these players forty minutes.]

No matter how much Real Betis is in the league, it's a fact that it's a first-level league team.

In other words, Ho-young's class was once again proven.

And at the end of the game.

On the north side of the stadium, a score of 5 to 0 was shining.

Indeed, even the same Real (Real) class was different.

Shortly after the game, the expedition locker room was full of snorting sweat and humming hums.

There was a man who came in such a neat suit.

Pair up.

It was President Perez who came in with applause.

Raul and Casillas scared him as he came in.

After the clap and greeting, the conversation continued.

"Florentino! How was your game today? "

"I can't think of anything but the word fantastic."


"Everyone had a good play. Defensive opponents like Cannavaro, Pepe and Iron Wall. And Sneijder, Van der Barth, didn't disappoint. "

"thank you."

Perez shakes the drooping ball and chucks his thumb.

It was more like a grandfather than the image of a general president.

When he won the game, he sometimes appeared, so the players didn't care much and focused on their work.

But then it was.

"Young. Let's talk. "

Perez called Ho Young separately and took out the latest smart phone, the iPhone 3G.

There was an internet article on a small screen with Ho Young's name in the title.

It was the first article I saw as Hoyoung.

Perez asked, pointing to it.

"This article is true?"

Hoyoung's eyes narrowed.

Wait a minute, their eyes met in the air.

Hoyoung opened her mouth as the atmosphere rose.


At that point Perez seals the ball.