CHAPTER 174 - El Classico (4)

Victor Valdes.

A good goalkeeper from Spain.

Although the national team was pushed back by Casillas, it was a man who was regarded as a guardian god in Barcelona.

In particular, he had only seven runs in fourteen games in the league, especially the best of the season.

The team was known to be so powerful that they scored no points against the team.

But today they are allowed to give Real Madrid one run and allow an extra run.

Woo Young.



Low and fast shooting flew before the psychological warfare.

I tried to fly with a reaction speed close to the beast, but the shooting timing was faster than I thought.

I knew that Woo Ho-young likes to shoot fast with a beat, but for some reason, his shot seemed to be more perfect today.

Still, I tried my best to reach out to the other side.

This seemed to hit the ball at the end of the keeper's gloves.



A well-turned ball hit the opposite post.

Timing, direction, speed, power and spin.

It was a short shot to flawlessly shoot.

No matter how much veteran striker is on the big stages like El Classico, it seems that Woo Young doesn't.

It was as if the house was very calm kicked.



The ball hit by the inner goalpost was sucked into the goal.

It was a huge goal decision.

[Go oh oh oh! Woo Young scores! Just before the end of the first half, Real Madrid reverses the game again!]

[Oh ~ Great. I enjoy watching eyes. Is there another exciting game in the world? I'm sorry to hear that only 50 minutes are left.]


2 to 1.

Oh! Oh!

A thunderous shout filled the field.

Real Madrid's players are on the run.

Among them, Ho Young's first place was Zidane's bosom.

"Young, look at me."


"Listen to me. This was the best goal we ever made. It will probably be remembered forever in my head. And I'm sure We can do it today at Camp Nou. "

"Thank you. I'm sure too. "

His nose was squeezed.

"But this is the time to be careful. The most important time for a football player to pay attention is immediately after scoring. If it's a crisis right now. Eat your heart firmly. "


Ho-young passed the boos that poured boos on her and headed to the bench.

Schuster, who wore a light blue shirt, enthusiastically cheered and welcomed.

"Good job!"

Schuster shook his head with both hands.

"We don't stop until it's over. I'm going to the end. "

"Yes. To the end. "

The game is still in the middle, but I didn't know it.

The draw was today's goal.

No, you might realize that ideal beyond a realistic goal.

With Real Madrid again in the lead after one minute, Barcelona hurried to a defensive line and made a last-minute attack.

However, the intended and defensive walls of Real Madrid did not break down as easily.


2 to 1.

The first half ended there.

To sum up, it was the first half, which gave desperation to 250 million people around the world.

Half time.

Pep Guardiola left the field faster than anyone else.

He quickly moved to the bishop's office, thinking deeply.

The head was complicated.

Head to worry about tactics was full of thoughts unrelated to the game.

'Damn it.'

Humiliation did not have this humiliation either.

Didn't you raise your fans' expectations so much?

Barcelona was a record 12 victories.

In particular, when he won a 4-0 victory over Sevilla a few days ago, it was said that no one in the world could stop Barcelona.

'We like that ···.'


He gave up the first half with a 2: 1.

Of course, Barcelona had the upper hand in terms of game content, such as market share, number of passes, shots and breakthroughs.

However, the opponent took advantage of it in reverse.

'I shot my tactics.'

Custom tactics.

It was a clever and cunning operation.

The scalp was hot because of one more shot from Schuster.

And could not believe it.

'My tactics got caught in just three months?'

It is not known how long and how much devotion it took to make this tactic.

Watching countless videos, this tactic was designed to roll his brain as he abused it.

The tactics threatened to harden, but thanks to Barcelona legend Johannes Cruijff.

In one interview he said of Guardiola's tactics.

Barcelona's record of 1 draw and 1 loss has been a disastrous result since the opening, but the football shown by Guardiola was very good. But many criticize Guardiola. To be honest, I fully understand their minds. Guardiola's football is a football that only he knows, which never existed in the world. Do the public know the nature of the tactics? If you are a true Barcelona fan, you should support his tactics. After a shower, the flowers will bloom.

Cruyff's words calmed the controversy.

Nevertheless, there were players who blamed Guardiola's tactics.

"How do you do all your training? This is an insult to football. "

They couldn't trust novice supervisors who didn't have a career.

So Guardiola at that time thought he would eventually break his stubbornness.

But one day Iniesta came to the director's office and said,

-Director. Put your worries down. We are playing the best football in the world right now. Not everyone, but everyone knows. You know. I mean, timid guys in Catalonia are placenta. Like me ... And I think that the way we play football never existed before. I would be so sad if I couldn't overcome this pressure and abandoned this method. This is the happiest time of my football life. Please do not bend your bishop. Whoever you are, we will win. Damn it, I can guarantee it.

Iniesta was famous for having few words at the stadium and training grounds.

It was surprising that he expressed that opinion.

Even now, if I think about it was Guardiola creepy all over the body.

'Yes, it's not a tactic to collapse like this.'

The tactics created after such twists and turns must not be distrusted.

Had to trust themselves, and the players.

The second half of the game is over.

This season, Barcelona has had four goals in just 10 minutes.

There is no perfect tactic in the world.

Breakthroughs certainly exist.

Guardiola spins his brain quickly.

'You have to break Real Madrid's custom tactics in reverse.'

Guardiola began his meeting with the technical team after clearing up his thoughts.

The remaining four minutes were spent in the locker room.

As the usual style, the fire was angry and the player's concentration was maximized.

Miracles had to be made from there.

It was no different than the expedition locker room.

We were winning by 2-1 but did not miss tension until the end.

"Hey friends. Focus. "

Casillas, who prevented three definitive shots in the first half, was speaking strictly.

"Especially Pepe and Ramos, are you right around your eyes? Or are you in love with Messi and Eto'o? Why are you so thirsty? Tell Carlos how many times one of you should go cover immediately when pierced. Stop your damn legs. If you wake up a little bit more, you can stop. We still have 45 minutes to go sick. "

"I knew what it was. I'll be careful. "

"I am the same."

Both Pepe and Ramos were radical owners, but did not contradict Casillas' words and accepted them.

It was El Classico.

"Yes, let's all do well. We were good enough, but we could do better. You can't think we're ahead now. It's like football. "



It wasn't until the players had finished talking to Cannavaro that they woke up.

Finally, Captain Raul's voice rang out.

"Let's go, ¡Vamos."

"¡Vamos!". "

As such, Real Madrid has also increased its concentration in its own way.

[2nd half, started.]

[This time, Real Madrid is on the right and Barcelona is on the left.]

The game ran dynamically from the start.

Everything began with Guardiola's counterattack, which set up a temporary solution.

Real Madrid's custom tactics were flawed.

The advantages were maximized, but the disadvantages were revealed.

It was no less than a week for Real Madrid.

Madrid had no time to do so because it required detailed and detailed preparation to hide the shortcomings of the tactics.

Guardiola attacked their weaknesses.

He boldly gave up playing in the box and used Eto's medium-range shots outside the box to embarrass his opponents.

Madrid faltered and missed the game.

And that soon led to Barcelona's goal.


[Go! The second ball that went through Eto's mid-range shots is precisely over Messi's foot. Mesh's equalizer This makes the game back to origin!]

2 to 2.

Messi's equalizer, which burst in the second half of the second half, evoked 100,000 voices.

On the contrary, when Real Madrid caught the ball, high-ranking swear words filled the stadium.

It was amazing to be able to play soccer in these places.

To make matters worse, Barcelona's attack was getting sharper and sharper.

The technique of operation of Guardiola, a novice director and master, was well suited.

It soon appeared through the results.

[Mesh, Mesh, Mesh, keep trying to break through!]

[Ride and run Diarra! You don't give Madrid a minute!]

Breaking through the mesh again.

Ramos, who was in charge of the Eto, ran without delay, but the ball had already left Messi's foot.

Again Casillas flew at an excellent response, but the results were not good.


Second goal of the mesh.

And Casillas screamed at Barcelona's forward goal.

"Oops, you bitch! I won't go straight! "

3 to 2.

It was a festive atmosphere that made Barcelona a success.

[Soccer also knows nobody. Just 20 minutes ago, Real Madrid had a great atmosphere.]

[I wonder what happened in the half-time locker room. It seems that Guardiola's magic has gone through.]


Tensions peaked.

Looking back at the back of Messi, Ho-young's scalp tightened up.

'It's god.'

Literally God.

At the same time it was an opportunity.

It's a great opportunity to gain such a talent.

'Hidden condition 1 secures points after scoring.'

It's not over yet.

Only 60 minutes late.

If your opponent changed, this was a problem.

Initially, Real Madrid was not one of the weapons.

By the way, did you come out to catch the tiger and only have a knife?

'You only have to stand one more time.'

Then opportunity will come.

Ho Young concentrated on defense, putting forward pressure with Zidane.

Then slowly timed.

Waiting only for the promised moment, he endured as bad.

Behind his back, he broke the flow of Barcelona.

[Zidane and Woo Young move eagerly and obstruct Xabi and Iniesta's ball distribution.]

[But you can't keep up with them both in strength and activity. Zidane and Woo Ho Young are getting tired. Do you think you'll run out of power in the last 7-80 minutes?]

They were right.

The play of the two seemed to be the last outbreak.

But the essence was separate.

At that moment, Hoyoung's eyes turned to the billboard.

The last 70 minutes were approaching my nose.

Hoyoung and Zidane's eyes changed unexpectedly.

So do the rest of Madrid.

'Our time is coming soon.'

Second game.

The second tactic to defeat Barcelona was slowly appearing above the surface.